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It's not coming to PC. At least for now.

Edit: Oh FUCK, square. Priority on the PC?

God dammit.

PS3 is lead.

When it's done on PS3 they'll try and port down to 360 and then maybe Pc and cellphones especially cellphones because Square loves cellphones and is willing to put their best franchise ever on cellphones only so why not ffxiii too am i rite goddammit.

Aya ;_;

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V-Sync issues, framerate, AA, anisotropic filtering, resolution, HDR, shaders and loading times may be different to name a few. Or not. While I can't see the models and textures taking any hits, there's a lot of variables that could change for better or for worse.

I don't want to sound like the port is going to suck ass - shitwaffles, it's within the realm of possibilities that it may end up even better (not probable but still possible). But you see, it's being devved specifically around a certain architecture and then, once the game's done, they'll figure a way to make it run on another environment.

Ultimately it's up to how much time and effort Square wants to invest. It's been stated they aren't going to scale back or cut stuff to make the multiplatformness easier, so as a PS3 owner I'm not precisely worried :3

And don't trust any devs claiming version parity. Ever. No such thing.

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White Engine started life on PS3 when Kitase/Nomura decided the PS2 wasn't enough for them anymore. Square's looking to make a good part of it platform-agnostic (named Crystal Tools), altho optimizations will have to be done later on for each system because they can't fully convert everything. The most advanced version of the engine right now runs on PS3 hardware (well, the PC+devkits workshops thingamajigs they have set obviously), and I'd be willing to bet the 360/Wii/N-Gage/penis iterations haven't even reached a proper, stable status. Much less v1.0.

The Versus team has been doing a lot of improvement on the PS3 specific side of things too, as they were intending to have their game running on a better version of the engine than FFXIII's. This has most certainly carried over to the latter's coding.

Case in point: UE3 was specifically designed from the beginning to work fully on next gen systems, yet you'd be hard pressed to find a UE3 game that (technically) fares better than Gears of War. Because that game was tailored to a very specific platform and that heavily affected the development of the engine, in terms of programming and game design.

And teh flashy grafix omg have become a staple of the series. It's not the selling point, but people are expecting it to wow. I know I am.

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Case in point: UE3 was specifically designed from the beginning to work fully on next gen systems, yet you'd be hard pressed to find a UE3 game that (technically) fares better than Gears of War. Because that game was tailored to a very specific platform and that heavily affected the development of the engine, in terms of programming and game design.

Or because the guys building the engine kinda made that game? In fact, they did use internal builds of the game engine for Gears which probably was tweaked as they made the game...

I'd hope Epic can make their engines work better than someone else can...

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Or because the guys building the engine kinda made that game? In fact, they did use internal builds of the game engine for Gears which probably was tweaked as they made the game...

They also made UT3 for every other system and Gears is still better (always from a technical perspective). It's not just the engine work, it's having a very clear platform choice and reworking everything from the very beginning to fully take advantage of it. Maximizing the strengths of the system and reducing/hiding the flaws, that kind of stuff.

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Guest Shadix
And while this thread is still alive and we're pissed at the "casual" swing of Nintendo, I found this article today:

Oprah Buys a Wii

Like that article says, expect Wii sales to raise drastically in the next few weeks.

Oprah can literally move mountains.

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I wouldn't call it hate as much as just bitter embitterment. If you add up the money I've put into the Wii, including addons, the games I don't play, and VC stuff, i'd be able to buy a PS3, which actually has stuff I want to play. I just got suckered into the Nintendo camp this gen, and I feel kinda dumb for it.

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Wii is the best happened on videogames along with ds in a very looong time. They just are not exploitiong it well. Well, actually 3rd parties are the ones not doing it well.

Since 3rd parties awoke a few months ago after recognice the success of the wii, i am hoping to find something interesting in some months. Actually, i have some games on sight that looks awesome: Project zero 4, sadness¿?¿?¿?, project hammer, redsteel 2, star wars, fragile, day of crisis, FFCC, deadthly monsters, monster hunter 3, tales of symphonia, castlevania judgement and arc rise fantasia. Certainly, if you mix the awesomeness of the concept with the awesomeness of the wiimote, you get something that x360 or ps3 won't get even in dreams.

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I dunno man, we brawl like every night now.

Brawl, Metroid and No More Heroes are probably the only games I regret not being able to play, but given my financial capacities, I have no intention of buying a console if it has 456789 casual games in the long run.

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The Wii has good games but they don't have the big name games that I personally like. Things like Resident Evil 5, Gears of War 1,2, GTA 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Call of Duty 4,5, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, Resistance 1,2, Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy XIII, Devil May Cry 4, Soul Calibur 4, Disgaea 3, Star Wars the force unleashed, Brothers in Arm's Hell's Highway, Wolfenstein , Fracture, Mercenaries 2, Dead Space, Saint's Row 2, Battle Field Bad Company, Bioshock 1,2, and Too Human coming out as well.

There are lots more but I all ready look like a jack ass protecting the PS3 and 360. The Wii gets awesome 1st party games but the other consoles just get so many big name titles that I shit bricks waiting to play.

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It seems RE5 is going to be on wii too.

But actually, the problem of videogames are actually names. Most people think that if a game has not a name, its not a good game, when the thruth is that most of the 3rd+ parts are usually... bad. And that doesn't help to bring new titles.

Wii has some good names like mario, project zero, resident evil, and more, but the good of this is what is new. I can see project hammer to have sequels and no more heroes is also a very good game.

The thing is that wii is made for people who want new fresh air while other two are made for people who want's more of the same. I am just tired of fps or action games where smashing buttons is named "combo", so that's why i picked the wii, although it need much more games >_<, in that point 360 owns wii, but wii gameplay is simply, great and the possibilities, actually unexploited in most part, are even greater.

But as you say, x360 has also great games and the thing that both consoles are completely different, makes it close to impossible to have the same game in both consoles, x360 will have the better gfx and wii is going to have a newer and interactiver gameplay. So the best of the best would be to have both.

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