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Guys Play Four Zeldas in 48 Hours; new hobby needed


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So, these guys are trying to play Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess all under a 48 hour time limit (ends at 5 PM CST tomorrow). Their blog has a webcam, so that you can watch them try to accomplish this random feat.

I doubt that they will even get to Twilight Princess before the time is up.

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Eh. IIRC, OoT was beaten by that Zelda freak, TSA, in 2 hours and some odd minutes. He holds all the records, because he's got the biggest e-peen a man can have. At least, that's what I heard. Don't take my word on that number >_>

EDIT: Must have thought of some other Zelda. 5 hours and 40 seconds for OoT.

Wind Waker might take awhile, just because of SAILAN GAMEZ, plus that godforsaken fetch quest from hell.

I tried to beat the LttP record myself on my GBA once during classes. Everyone went to the Patriots parade, so no one was at school and the teachers didn't give a shit. The challenge is trying to convince yourself that you don't need to go and get that nearby heart piece or whatever.

Doubt I'll watch 'em, but maybe I'll pop in at the 12 hour mark and see where they are.

EDIT: Okay, so for a plain ol' speed run, I've found (these times are rounded up, down, or whatever):

It's possible to beat MM in 3 and a half hours, 6 and a half for 100% completion.

Ocarina can take about 4 and a half if you don't use any skips for stuff like Ganon's Tower, 6 and a half for 100%, and 2 and a half if you're a cheating bastard

Wind Waker's only speed run is about 6 hours and 45 minutes

Finally, Twilight Princess was beaten in 4 hours and 45 minutes on Gamecube, and 5 and a half on the Wii, for whatever reason, I don't know, especially since he used "save warping" in the Wii one.

So let's add it up, assuming they use no tricks and don't get 100%:

3.5 + 4.5 + 6.75 + 4.75 = 19.5 hours, roughly

That's a lot of elbow room for mess-ups if they know what they're doing.

EDIT: so they're at MM already. My favorite :3

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its too choppy to watch from here =/

sounds hilarious, but you'd have to watch highlights (if there were any) from it in retrospect for it to actually be anygood. that said, i clocked in about 30 hours just for TP (i thought the timer was a nice addition), abliet not consecutively, and went through MM a couple of times to get all the sodding masks and bottles. i don't think i've actually ever finished OT, or even got past the first part of the ganondorf boss. but i can't be arsed to play through the whole thing again, MM was way better (IMO). god knows how long WW took, but that was mostly artificially increased by sailing etc...

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Well, its kinda obvious that they aren't getting there on time. The timeline is almost finished and they're still on... Is that majora's mask?!!! Holy shit. They aren't very far for playing for 48 hours nonstop. I thought they'd at least get to wind waker by now.

They had many many technical difficulties with MM freezing on the Wii emulator. They were going to play WW and TP before going back to MM, but I kinda doubt they ever got to TP.

Edit: I beat Neo Hazard. :P

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