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SoaH City Message Board

Spark the electric jester - (DEMO v3 BETA)

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Copy and pasting again from: http://sparktej.tumblr.com/




So, yeah, new character.

"He is the prototype. He was the first A.i ever made, although he was safe for use and was not able to harm any living being, his actions were controlled by a random number generator.
This was all done as an experiment by the company that made him, but one day…”

Ok, so, this guy is the boss of the desert level shown before. Anyway, I was going to make a better annoucement if I actually could draw a better version of him at the moment, but that would take way too much time away from the actuall game so i decided to go with the in game sprites.

Also, he is playable. Although he is incomplete at the moment, I originally planned to make him a fully playable character before i took the project in another direction.
Is there still hope for him? Yes…?

There should be some more info on this some other day.


Edit: Also, something I posted there a while ago but not here.

Edited by LakeFeperd
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I can see that spark doesn't touch the floor (the platform) to one pixel, it's normal or not ?

Otherwise I like the concept. Does this look like the boss from redhot ride from ATS + I mean you feel falls into the void.

Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by Azaon
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Work on a new stage has begun.

So anyway, here's a few updates
New stage in the works, i'm currently in the process of  desiging tiles and gimmicks.
This is part of a boss arena that follos up into a stage which i have't shown much of yet.
I should probably keep it as a "surprise". Or i might just show it one day, who knows.

Well, I guess it wont be long before I make another fan art spotlight.

Edited by LakeFeperd
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More updates: http://sparktej.tumblr.com/post/91544544958/after-a-lot-of-work-heres-how-the-stage-is


Oh, if you guys think that i'm spoiling the whole game, be sure that i'm not.

The game has about 11 stages at this point in development and i've only shown a few.

Lake, lake, man, you work fast. Are you human? Do you go outside? I'm concerned.

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Also Lake, will each stage be split into different sub-stages, or will each stage be a large area that you trek through


Interesting question. I just realized no one has asked many things about the actual composition of the game (or I just missed them :P ) So question, how is the overall world handled is it like one of those big adventure worlds where going through stages is from going to a spot from a hub world type thing? or is it like Sonic where you flow through each stage seeing the envirorment change as you go and seeing how it ties into where you are from a story perspective, akin to S3K. Or is it just a level to level type thing? And are there any collectible upgrades through the game akin to your Sonic Chrono Adventure? (the second one is a question I've meant to ask for awhile)

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The stages on spark right now are quite big and anything that might seem similar to the "Acts 1,2 and 3" structure is done in the same stage without any transitions. Well, execept for one or two stages due to technical dificulties.

The game's story mode goes from stage to stage without any kind of stage end sign or point.

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