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Sonic Unleashed gets Ripped Apart


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Honestly, and no not just because he tore apart a Sonic game because I am not that dumb, I think Yahtzee's schtick is old and unfunny. I got bored of it after the third review or so I ever saw him do ages ago. I think he tries way too hard.

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Um guys, he's a critic, he critiques stuff. He's even said that any part of a game that he doesn't critique to hell and back can be considered good. It's his schtick and that's how he works. Sitting in here and questioning his ability to play a game does absolutely nothing.

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He's just a critic. Honestly, who really gives a shit, it's not like he really does anything special. It's 2012 -- it isnt very hard to own a blog or upload your shitty rants on youtube.

And I dont really have much respect for critics who make a name for themselves by bashing the fuck out of everything that comes their way. Even if it's the most successful way to get anywhere with it.

I especially dislike critics who'll half-ass a playthrough, or who are already predisposed to dislike whatever they're about to play anyway, causing them to weigh down heavily more on flaws than others which might have the same problem simply because they themselves were biased during their critique. Everyone does this, especially fans of an ongoing series, or a specific genre. For example, I'd never attemt to pass any real critique on a FPS title these days, because i hate all of them. What are you going to really get from listening to my shitty opinion?

I dont even click on IGN/Gamespot's reviews anymore. Some of them are good, some of them are fair, and then a good majority of them are just...well, bullshit. Especially since everyone feels so inclined to give an actual number score to everything like you're grading a fucking math exam.

Specifically on the topic of Unleashed, i peaked in on IGN's review of the game shortly after beating it. Skipping most of the text, i went straight to the scorecharts. They gave Presentation like a 5.0, Graphics a 6.5, and SOUND a 6.0.

The gameplay could have been worse than Sonic 06, but it was anything but ugly looking or mediocre sounding. The only way i can make logic those specific scores is the fact that if they were any higher, they couldn't effectively display their hatred for the title.

And that really bugs me.

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I played the PS3 version, the biggest issues i had with the game were the framerate issues on some of the stages and the werehog fight music overtaking the stage BGMs, which were generally much better to constantly listen to.

On the framerate issues, the game gets them pretty bad, but over time you eventually adjust i think. Some stages, on PS3 anyway (Holoska, Apotos, Shamar) can actually run at a pretty consistant 60FPS, and they look absolutely beautiful. (almost all of Holoska was like this.) Others (like Spagonia Night and Adabat Day, which come to mind instantly) had some pretty terrible framerate issues. There's one part of Adabat which almost always will freeze up your framerate for about a second. Also, Adabat took like 17 minutes for me to complete my first playthrough due to being killed by framerate-induced input lag. (which i didn't even notice was happening for a good minute.)

But none of them really bothered me; despite all of that, Adabat is probably the most exhilarating 3D sonic stage ive ever played before. It was the Crazy Gadget of Unleashed, except way more awesome.

Eggmanland, though...Werehog's lack of a shadow has never actually gotten me killed before that stage, as most of the platforming are pretty easymode jumps, and even so holding down the grab button saves you in most situations anyway. But Eggmanland probably took 3 full gameovers (lol5lives) before i actually could complete the stage. And my first FINISHED playthrough was like...63 minutes IIRC.

But even so, i still very much enjoyed the stage. It wasn't BORING, it was just bastardly, cheaply difficult in areas. It had alot of paths to take though. It seems the designers were quite aware of how cheap they could get, because in almost all of the dickface areas of the game, there's an extra life hidden somewhere before the deathtrap.

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I never finished unleashed, the last boss (as supersonic) was just ridiculous. I can't even remember how I kept dying but it was no fault of my own.

ended up giving the game away to a relative because I couldn't be arsed with it... still miss Rooftop Run a bit...

oh and an average rating for sound? fuck me the soundtrack is phenomenal. knocks Jun Senoue's stuff right out the park.

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it isnt very hard to own a blog or upload your shitty rants on youtube.

No, it's not, but making a living off of it requires a lot of being in the right place at the right time with the right stuff. For those of us who are cynical about most things, Yahtzee is pretty awesome. That said, this topic is about a very old video about a very old game. Locking now.

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