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Mecha Madness...Dead

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Due to a very VERY VERY unfortunate turn of events, the Mecha Madness engine .mfa that had all the helper shit and latest engine workings has gone corrupt. I can't salvage any of it whatsoever. I'm trying my best not to rage and break just about everything around me but that's not going to get it back. Anyways, sorry to all of you who were looking forward to it.

Some may say that I could just start over again from the ground up but the truth is... I spent months on this [literally months have been accumulated as in hours piled on. This has been in the works for 2 years.] and I'm so frustrated that I'm not going to sit there and do every single thing over again.

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You can't take events from already built exe's and port them to MMF2. Here's the .mfa with all the events deleted. I can finally open it but there are no events associated with any objects. Have at it.

Mecha Madness was my exodus from Sonic Fandom. I wanted to go out with a bang but here I'll just exit with a wimper. Feel free to use wtf ever you want from in here. I deleted the Sonic on purpose because someone was doing the sonic and supersonic sprites for me and it wouldnt be fair if I just gave them out freely.

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...didn't you ever use the MMF2 autobackup feature or have a copy in a flash drive or something?

If safety is crucial, a pass-protected 7z should do...

You used the latest build as well (248), right?

*sigh* Another huge project crushed by data corruption...

Guys, don't let your projects end the same way. I wonder the true reason behind these MFA failures... it seems that size could be related.

Sad to see MM die like this, Streak...

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Ouch... Sorry to hear that, this was one of the games I was looking forward to. I honestly hope that when the initial wave of rage is gone, you might reconsider about starting over, but frankly, I doubt even I would start over after this.

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That's a Crying shame there, I'm not going to lie. I know how you feel though, having to loose such precious effort is a project.

I too made the same mistake a few years ago when I was working on Mario fan games. I thought I made the perfect engine, but a virus hit me. I couldn't back up anything and my game was destroyed along with everything else. I was so P.O.ed, I thought I shouldn't even try to make anything like that anymore... But I did anyway. Because it was just fun to actually make a game myself, even if it is some fan game. :P

Yep, I made a text wall. But the point is, If you like doing something bad enough, you'll do it again. That's how it goes. If you actually liked making this game, it won't hurt so bad when you try again. Because it was fun...

I'll shut up now.

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Dude, I'm really sorry to hear this. MM was one of my games I was really looking forward too due it cools concept ideas. =(. I can understand about the rage you must be going through cause it's one of the MOST annoying things to lose all your hard work in a second.

*Hugs* Are needed for you.

I'll still look forward to any non Sonic related projects you intend to do.


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A very convincing reason not to touch MMF with a 50,000 foot pole. Anyway Streak, thats tragic. If you need a shoulder to cry on (or just think at), you know how to get ahold of me.

Protip: When working with shit software that has a nasty tendency to fuck itself sideways, remember the following rules:

Save early.

Save often.

Save incrementally (IE Sonic_MechaMadness_Mar2009_001 -> Sonic_MechaMadness_Mar2009_002 -> Sonic_MechaMadness_Mar2009_003 -> etc.)

Organize your builds weekly.

In this DW's opinion, MechaMadness should be made with copious use of object oriented programming anyway. Too much shared behavior.

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Dang. That really sucks man. I liked Mecha Maddness. It was original, but still Sonic in it's own way. That happened to me once too. I just saved my entire game and the whole thing got corrupted. It really sucks. MMF2 seems to just like to corrupt stuff after you make decent progress. But, I don't blame you for not wanting to continue. It would be hell to make it all again.

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Well, to be honest. I'm not entirely ready to quit on Mecha Madness. I'm just pretty much done with MMF2. Ever since I first started on the project, I had noticed that the program itself had alot of bugs and I always worked on a way to get around it's flaws. I guess it got tired of me making things work and finally decided to fuck me over.

I'm not too motivated to learn a programming language just to finish this game but I don't want to just quit on it either. I did so much for this project all by myself [but I wont deny I had some major help by LarkSS and others.] and I just don't want my idea to go to a waste. This is like someone fucking up and smudging paint on one of their paintings.

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Back ups dude; it's a pain in the butt, but when things like this happen it's definitely worth it. Easiest thing you could do may be to get a USB drive, keep it connected, and have MM automatically back up to it every day, maybe even with incremental file names as DW suggested.

In any case, sorry to hear that things ended up this way, but on the lighter side, this may be that extra push you were needing to get MM on a more reasonable programming language. ;/

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Oh man, I'm sorry for that, but cancelling projects due to reasons like that (even giving up by being upset with your own work) is the most normal thing.

Your project was going to the right path, but a fucking problem had ruined out that (that's why we can't rven thrust at all in our tools or ourselves at all).

I'm telling this due to my own experience to make great stuff that had bad endings, and never had been finished, due to my own actions and other people saying me to give up.

You can be sad today, but don't take this issue to don't let you start a new creation tomorrow.

And don't forget to make more backups next time.

Well, sometimes we need to learn by our own mistakes when we can't learn by others' mistakes.

If you could make something good as Mecha Madness you have learn a lot of stuff to make another better game, or start over on a better way.

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Thanks for the sentiments, guys.

Just to let you know... I won't be quitting on Mecha Madness. I'm just done with MMF2. When I find something good enough to move MM to, I'll update yous guys.

That could be a challenge, to be sure.

Dunno about Game Maker (or ENIGMA) enough to say what that'd be like.

Construct looks good, but still isn't quite stable yet. It does have advantages over MMF though, the most critical being a responsive development team. http://www.scirra.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2993 might give a flavour of what they've planned.

There's also LÖVE, but it requires learning Lua, and I recall you saying earlier in the thread about not being too motivated re programming languages. Might be worth a look, though.

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