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Sonic The Last Ring


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There's nothing wrong with using the Sonic Worlds engine as a base for your game, but if you do, be sure to make enough changes to where your game is unique as opposed to "Sonic Worlds engine demo with changed grafix".

You didn't remove the Tails debug key command, so I just switched to Tails and flew over the entire level.

With that said, your level design definitely shows promise. Although I'm not sure the Sonic Advanced 2 backgrounds can go with the S3&K Sonic sprite.

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There's nothing wrong with using the Sonic Worlds engine as a base for your game, but if you do, be sure to make enough changes to where your game is unique as opposed to "Sonic Worlds engine demo with changed grafix".

You didn't remove the Tails debug key command, so I just switched to Tails and flew over the entire level.

With that said, your level design definitely shows promise. Although I'm not sure the Sonic Advanced 2 backgrounds can go with the S3&K Sonic sprite.

not only took the Tails may be a test phase. But in the Near Beta I already shot him in the game. And the graphics of Sonic Advanced is an attempt to mix my S3 & K with some Backgrounds younger.

OK SockMan:ssmile:

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Not to sound irate or anything, but is there a reason you removed the opening screen?

The sound and screen presentation I'll put in Beta 2 :ssmile: I have not had time to do the sound and screen presentation:ssmile:

Everybody who wants to help illuminate the sprites, or make some new orders q there no time for me to do:ssmile: And also not a very good Sprite:stare: Who can help me arrange some Sprite Beauty:ssmile:

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I agree with Slingerland. This is a predominantly English speaking forum, we have very few members who speak Portuguese. Just don't do it.

Like others have said, there's some serious graphical clashing. Don't mix advance and genesis graphics together. Also, try to put in more gimmicks than the default Sonic Worlds ones. A lot of the level feels bland and repetitive. It's not a bad start at all, though.

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Still I would think he could write the portuguese in notepad or something, then run it through the translator and paste it.

Could just mark which post was where in said .txt

...and trying not to come out too rude, but isn't it a bit of a problem to have guys who are English illiterate? Regardless of how good the translators are lately.

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No, we don't have any rule against people who are unskilled in English. As long as he can communicate without much issue, it's fine.

As for the two languages thing, it's really only annoying if they speak alternatively in one language or another in a way that most people can't understand parts of it. As long as a direct translation is available, it's fine.

How about a way of distinguishing them though? Like the [ code ] tag or maybe put the Portugese in [ spoiler ] mode.

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I see taking it back to the Genesis era. The beta tester is a excellent start towards the final product. I rarely see fangamers use sonic 3 sprites for there game, because I usually see fangamers use sonic advance sprites. And about the web translator, i think this forum/website should had moderators who speaks a language other than english.

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And about the web translator, i think this forum/website should had moderators who speaks a language other than english.

How about you just stop talking? We are an English forum.

I speak French fluently, by the way, so that just shits on anything smart that you had to suggest.


But I digress, back ooon topic.

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im an oldbie


anyway, the game was fun. I had no problem with the level design, aside from a few placements. All it was missing was music.

I would enjoy it if you finished this game. Feels pretty fun to play, and doesn't spam loops like 90% of the games that are able to nowadays.

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I'm an ass


Who the hell doesn't know Rlan is? Besides you missed the whole point of the post.

Back on topic. This game needs a lot of work the level design is kinda shoddy. I would suggest drawing your levels out by hand first that tends to work out a lot of the kinks. Also the graphics they need a complete overhaul. That background is very ugly and I hate the advance foreground with the Sonic 3 sprites. I think you took a lot of shortcuts here and it shows.

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