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Video game reccomendation/DONTGETTHIS thread/board?

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Games I own for Wii:

Twilight Princess: Recommended. It's LoZ. Enough said. The day Nintendo screws up LoZ is the day SEGA gets Sonic right. (don't kill me)

Rayman : It was fine to keep "there's no games for Wii" at bay, but now that that's over, it's not really worth it. It fails as a party game and that's all it is. Gotta love the Rabbids, though.

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition : Everyone besides me had already played it, and the only thing different from the next newest version is the controls. The controls do feel very natural, though. Recommended if you haven't already had enough of RE4.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption : Recommended. It has some faults especially for hardcore Metroid fans (too linear, tries to do some things that have become standard in FPSes, but have no business in Metroid, etc), but the controls are really amazing, the environments are immersive, and the bosses are very enjoyable. Just start on the harder difficulty if you hate non-challenges.

Super Paper Mario : Another one that was made better because there weren't enough Wii games at the time. The platforming feels very watered-down and the original elements weren't really used to great effect. There's a lot of repetitiveness and the RPG elements only serve to make the game easier, but the style's amazing, the story's pretty interesting, and the dialog (though often tl;dr) is, as usual, wonderful.

SSBB : no comment needed. (by which I mean who hasn't already formed their opinion of this by now?)

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I don't like FPS games too much... They're just not my bag.

That applies to Metroid Prime 3? (Nintendo and wiki calls it a first person adventure game, but that's really not a great distinction, so I won't argue that it's not an FPS). As a fellow hater of FPSes, the Metroid Prime series really is quite different with its auto-aiming and exploration. Of course, MP3 is a pretty good bit more FPSy than the previous two, so if you've already tried them and thought they were too FPSy, then you probably won't like MP3.

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I found Metroid Prime 3 hard to control simply because instead of the entire camera moving when you moved your wiimote, it moved the gun arm, and when the arm got to the edge of the screen, then the camera moved along with it. Basically, the crosshair wasn't always in the middle of the screen which was kind of strange. It was too hard for me to get into the controls after playing a bunch of FPS's on my computer for a while.

But I hear nothing but good things about the game, and the graphics sure were pretty. So try it out. If you don't normally like FPS's it might be your thing since it doesn't seem to play the same as regular FPS's

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Adventure games are great. I'm getting a PS3 soon so I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up MGS4 and DMC4. Anything else I should look out for?

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

I cannot stress how much I love this game. It's like playing an Indiana Jones movie or a Tomb Raider with good controls.

Or Gears without the shitty artstyle but with colors, actual enemy AI (the enemy AI is quite impressive), a plot, likeable characters, great animation and a much better cover system. So yeah, nothing like Gears at all save for the shooting mechanic.

Single player only, lasts ~10 hours the first run. 60/40 action/platforming split. Filled with unlockables and much like RE4 fun enough to warrant one or several replays. Zero loadtimes. Also happens to be the best looking console game this side of GT5








There's a demo on the PStore but it takes place on a section that only showcases the shooting part and little of the platforming. On retrospective, it's probably the most boring area of the game XD

A couple other random games:

- Ratchet ToD (if you liked the previous entries on PS2)

- Heavenly Sword (rental unless you can get it for soopar cheap, it's very short)

- Super Stardust HD (downloadable arcade game)

- Ninja Gaiden Sigma (if you never had a Xbox with NGB)

All of them have playable demos too. And the MGO Beta is coming next week :3

Depending on how soon you're getting the new system and whether there's a GS near your residence, you may be interested in printing this for use before the offer runs out.

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I played a little bit of the new Ratches & Clank game on a demo thing at Best Buy a few months ago, and I thought it was pretty fun from what I played.

edit: If you do plan on getting MGS4, I suggest getting the bundle that's coming out. There's a regular bundle and a limited edition bundle.

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Couple of things:

1) Zack and Wiki? Once you get around the rather pokey Wii Controls you're left with a fairly decent Puzzle game with some fine artistic direction. Plenty to do too, so should keep you going for a while. Maybe a Rent-a-thon if you really, REALLY hate puzzles, but if that's the case then I'm inclined to call you a thickie :) Not as "Kiddy" as it looks, the levels are actually pretty difficult and vicious, cartoon stabby related death is common place. Plus, Pirates!

2) The fact that Beyond Good and Evil hasn't been mentioned in a "Video Game Reccomendations" thread staggers belief.

3) Same goes for Okami, which *Will/has* hit the Wii.

3.5) Even if they are a bit old

4) The Metroid Prime series is indeed an FPS. It features shooting in first person, hence the name. The advent of puzzles and scanning or "Collecting new weapons" doesn't suddenly turn it into an RPG or something else - It retains the basic foundations that Doom started so long ago. :P MP3 is also rather good, and worth getting. You don't really need to have played through 1 and 2, but it helps to read an overview of what went down to have a better understanding of who everyone is.

4.5) Super Mario Galaxy.

5) Don't get the Spyro Wii Game. It's viciously difficult and notoriously repetitive. Nice voice cast, but also relies on you having played the first in the "Trilogy" to even know what's going on. The Wii controls are also a sadistic git.

6) Umbrella Chronicles is actually a pretty decent on-rails shooter, with 2 player support ready too. Unlockable and Upgradable weapon loadouts, secrets, hidden levels and a deeper insight into the... uh... Resident evil "Plot" give it some good merits. Bit of slowdown occasionally though... If you've enjoyed any House of the Dead games then pick it up.

7) Unless you've managed to miss the several other ports and releases of Resident Evil 4, pick it up for Wii. The port's pretty darn good, if not better, with the advent of some better aiming and knife swipery. If you've already played through it, nothing new to report.

8) Mario Kart Wii? Meh.. Same as the DS one but on a bigger screen.

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.


Yeah, this is the reason why I want a PS3. I played Drake's Fortune on a 62 inch TV with the PS3 connected through HDMI at 1080p and fell in LOOOOVE. Def getting this game.

Couple of things:

1) Zack and Wiki? Once you get around the rather pokey Wii Controls you're left with a fairly decent Puzzle game with some fine artistic direction. Plenty to do too, so should keep you going for a while. Maybe a Rent-a-thon if you really, REALLY hate puzzles, but if that's the case then I'm inclined to call you a thickie :) Not as "Kiddy" as it looks, the levels are actually pretty difficult and vicious, cartoon stabby related death is common place. Plus, Pirates!

2) The fact that Beyond Good and Evil hasn't been mentioned in a "Video Game Reccomendations" thread staggers belief.

3) Same goes for Okami, which *Will/has* hit the Wii.

3.5) Even if they are a bit old

4) The Metroid Prime series is indeed an FPS. It features shooting in first person, hence the name. The advent of puzzles and scanning or "Collecting new weapons" doesn't suddenly turn it into an RPG or something else - It retains the basic foundations that Doom started so long ago. :P MP3 is also rather good, and worth getting. You don't really need to have played through 1 and 2, but it helps to read an overview of what went down to have a better understanding of who everyone is.

4.5) Super Mario Galaxy.

5) Don't get the Spyro Wii Game. It's viciously difficult and notoriously repetitive. Nice voice cast, but also relies on you having played the first in the "Trilogy" to even know what's going on. The Wii controls are also a sadistic git.

6) Umbrella Chronicles is actually a pretty decent on-rails shooter, with 2 player support ready too. Unlockable and Upgradable weapon loadouts, secrets, hidden levels and a deeper insight into the... uh... Resident evil "Plot" give it some good merits. Bit of slowdown occasionally though... If you've enjoyed any House of the Dead games then pick it up.

7) Unless you've managed to miss the several other ports and releases of Resident Evil 4, pick it up for Wii. The port's pretty darn good, if not better, with the advent of some better aiming and knife swipery. If you've already played through it, nothing new to report.

8) Mario Kart Wii? Meh.. Same as the DS one but on a bigger screen.

I love puzzles and action games. RPG's too but when it's geared toward children with the whole READY GOOOOOO and colorful shit trying to give you ADD... I hate it.

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2) The fact that Beyond Good and Evil hasn't been mentioned in a "Video Game Reccomendations" thread staggers belief.

True dat. That game was amazing. I never really think about it unless I see it in a store though, otherwise I would've recommended it too. Buy that shit fo sho.

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For Wii: I can only recommend Super Mario Galaxy thus far. I'm not sure if that's one you'd consider kiddy, though.

For PS2: Definately gonna have to back DW up and say Shadow of the Collossus on this one. Truly a masterpiece. But seeing as it's a fairly short game with very little replay value, I'm going to recommend it as a rental only.

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Honestly? Get the PC Version. After the patch you can have ridiculous resolutions and anti-aliasing and the game just looks fantastic.

Keyboard and mouse control isn't too bad either

The *Only* thing I found annoying about that game was the camera on the hovercraft occasionally goes funny. Other than that it's amazing. Great Gameplay, great Music, great story, great characters, great side-quests, great everything.

As a law, never get anything that's a port for the PS2 (Mercenaries is a good example, the Xbox version is about 5 times faster), the framerate drop is sometimes ridiculous - I couldn't play Bully for this reason.

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After playing MGS1: Twin Snakes and now playing MGS2:Substance, I must say that I'm falling in love with the series all over again [Not to mention it's making more sense to play the game chronologically] and I must say that MGS4 is an absolute must... BUT... I think I'll be waiting for Kojima to release a MGS4:Sub-whatever because it pisses me off to buy the original game and then a few months later have the sunofabitch game with added content and coolness and miss the fuck out on it. Same thing happened with me and Snake Eater. I would have loved the different camera =/

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