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Sonic:Concerto of Nightmares Demo


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Hey all, i've been working on this project for a couple of weeks now, and i think it's come out rather well, please give me your opinions and report any bugs

Download (April 11 '06 - V3):



Fixed a bug with the solar strike - you used to fly off in a random direction when you finish using it, that has now been fixed



Arrows Move

Shift Jumps

Control Attacks

Z switches back a technique

X switches forward a technique


WSAD Moves

Right Click Jumps

Left Click Fires

Q switches back a weapon

E switches forward a weapon


Dash - Press Jump again while in the air to fly for a short time

(Requires Air Shoes)

Spinjump - Perform a somersault while jumping to damage enemies

(Requires Gyroscope)

Wall Kick - Press Jump while next to a wall to kick off it

(Requires Kick Boots)

Spindash - Press Down and Jump while on the ground to spin in place and release to shoot off at high speeds, can be used to fit through small gaps

(Requires Friction Inhibitor)

Smash Dash - Break rocks by dashing into them

(Requires Dash Booster)

Infinty Dash - Can dash indefinately

(Requires Infinity Battery)

Special Techniques:


Stand in sunlight and use the cosmic fusion to transform into Solar Sonic

Solar sonic runs at double speed

Use a normal attack to throw a Sol Blast

Charge and release for a Solar Strike

Press Down and Control in midair to dash forward at high speeds (can damage enemies)

Stand in moonlight and use the cosmic fusion to transform into Lunar Sonic

Lunar sonic takes half damage

Use a normal attack to fire a Luna Ray (this can drain enemy life and add onto yours)

Press Down and Control in midair to perform a homing dash attack on any enemies in close proximity

When using the cosmic forms, don't let the tension gauge at the bottom of the screen max out, if it does, sonic is overwhelmed by his powers and dies, you can lower it by attacking, if you lower it down to 0, you revert back to normal sonic


Stand in a beam of sunlight and fire the cosmos to use the Solar Cannon

Stand in a beam of moonlight and fire the cosmos to use the Lunar Cannon



Watch the credits for some "Special" hints at the end =)

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Okay, it ran EXTREMELY SLOW on my computer. My coloring was set to 16bit and I had no other programs running.

It seems pretty interesting. Sonic's Sonic Boom attack didn't work for me. It just charged and that was it. I also got to the part where you see the light for the first time and I didn't know what to do. Either that, or that's the end of the demo.

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That's the end of the demo, sorry about the slowdown, my PC's fairly fast, and it just started running REALLY slowly for me in the last 5 minutes, the sonic boom was the cause of this, as it used the lens object, i have replaced it with the Sonic strike, which looks cooler overall and doesn't cause massive slowdown

I'm just uploading the new version now, so i'll alter the first post when i have done


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Okay I retried it and it's much faster like you said. The moves are pretty cool. =) I like how you changed Sonic Boom, although I used it once and Sonic froze and stopped responding to my moves. Also, using rightclick to make Shadow jump is a little annoying for me. Do you think it could be a keyboard button? And since I know some people are okay with it, it could be selectable if you want it to be the keyboard or mouse. ( Or both )

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yeah, did you read my technique descriptions? you need to use spindash to get through there

i'll see what i can do about the space as jump, but it may take some time, as i'm adding a new feature - Solar and Lunar forms for sonic, i will say nothing more than this:they rock hard =D

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slam, you weren't s'posed to tell anyone about that until i release the demo =/

oh well, anyway, i took the sub-title from the castlevania games, i would be perfectly willing to change it if anyone can come up with something better


EDIT:New demo released, see first post

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oh well, anyway, i took the sub-title from the castlevania games, i would be perfectly willing to change it if anyone can come up with something better

Anything is better. Even Sonic's Barbie Adventure would sound better. =\

Does this have a storyline? If so, try to think of something that would fit.

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I really like the concept and all, but... change shadows jump please @.@

I can't air dash half the time because it's right click. Don't know why, but I can do it perfect with Sonic, but with Shadow... it's just really awkward.

I didn't have any problems

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I do agree on the jump thing actually, debugging shadow has become a bit difficult due to the jumping, i'll change it to the Spacebar in the next demo release.

If you people want a different title, start being more damn helpful, i've never been too hot at thinking up decent titles, and rael, it does fit with the story, so if someone could give me a decent idea on what to change it to, i would be grateful.


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It's set in an old abandoned facility that was abandoned 24 years ago after (at the risk of sounding cliched) one of the experiments went wrong, and summoned a creature not of this world.

Tails picks up incredibly high energy readings from the island that the facility is on, and sends sonic and shadow to investigate, hoping to recover some incredibly powerful prototype energy source.

On the island, they meet Flash, a mysterious hedgehog who attacks them at first, but later relents and decides that an alliance would be better for both sides.

It later conspires that the creature summoned from the portal was flash himself, but in a different state of mind (his evil alter ego, Nightmare, a creature hell-bent on the destruction of every innocent being alive), flash is docile now, beacuse he has learned to control his alter-ego, and has sealed him in his subconcious mind, flash has also taken part of the good side of his soul and sealed it inside his sword, "Faith", so there will always be part of his good self away from the clutches of nightmare, in case he should somehow gather enough power to break free and completely take over flash's concious.

Nightmare can only break free in times of intense stress, he takes over flash's body for the final battle, and you can seperate the two by using solar energy for one of the good endings (lunar power is flash's weakness, solar power is nightmare's), or not seperate them for the bad endings.

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Hmm... Interesting story. It just happens I finally got around to trying out Demo 3. I see you put in some BG's, changed the music, improved the effects, and added some moves. Very nice. =) I'm curious though. Why do you unlock all the moves when you start playing? It's not going to stay like that is it? Also, wouldn't it be better if the fusion bar was invisible until you began fusion, then it can fade in and when you're done fusion it can fade out? Anyway, I liked Shadow's weapons and Sonic's moves and I enjoyed playing your demo. I hope to see another version come out soon.

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