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About Gradient

  • Birthday 12/30/1986

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    Southampton, UK
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  1. Ain't nothing wrong with that. But is there anything else, a space station, an airship, an underground base? A cannon, a satellite, any other object that's the focus of his plans? Do these things have a name? Stuff like that.
  2. Dunno how Mugen works, but if objects can be rotated around each other, then ultimately you can create the Sonic 2 final boss, even if it is via a complicated rotation system.
  3. That's better; the characters seem much more appropriately sized now, and they aren't dwarfed by the screen.
  4. Yep, you use the sound as you normally would, but you would write global.level_music instead of just level_music.
  5. Say you have a variable, called 'sound' for the sake of argument. If it is prefixed with 'global.', that means it's a variable that any object in the game can read. Usually variables are restricted to the object they're created in; global variables aren't restricted to one object and are persistant even if you destroy objects, change rooms etc. They are perfect for letting the game know what level or character it should load up, for example. To use that code, do the following: 1) Open My Computer, find the folder with the game in. If there isn't one, make a folder and drop the GML file in. 2) Create a new folder, call it soundfiles, or whatever you want it to be. 3) Place all your music files in there, preferably using some sort of abbreviated system to name them, for ease (ghz_act1 for Green Hill Zone act 1, say). 4) To load that sound into the game, you would write: global.level_music=sound_add(working_directory+"\soundfiles\ghz_act1.mp3",3,0);[/CODE] You need the speech marks in there, so the game knows it is looking at a string of text, and 'working_directory' means it will look in the folder the game is stored in. The last few numbers simply relate to what type of sound it is. When you load the music for the level, remember that most of the time it'll slow the game down badly for a moment; you may want to consider having a loading screen that stays up for a few seconds, in which you use that code to load the right music for the upcoming level; that'll give it time to get the inevitable slowdown out of the way.
  6. As long as the difficulty doesn't get in the way of our enjoyment. A challenge is all well and good, but throwing your laptop out the window simply does no good to anyone. Looking forward to it though.
  7. The problem with that second one is that while you're telling Sonic to move in roughly the right direction, it doesn't take into account his velocity (I assume, since I don't use that engine), and it only really moves him at either 45 degrees or 90 degrees. So, if Sonic is 200 pixels below the enemy and 50 to the left of it, he'll fly up and right, but only at 45 degrees, since he's moving one up and one right each step. But he'll soon be on the right of the enemy, and when the game tries to adjust his position by one pixel to the left each step, Sonic himself will still be moving more than one pixel to the right because he's already being hurled through the air. So he would curve round, but always be travelling so fast that he overshoots and misses the enemy. The code you want would be something like this: if (instance_number(objEnemy)>0 && action_jumping) { homing_target=instance_nearest(x,y,objEnemy); dist=distance_to_object(homing_target); if (homing=0 && dist<100) homing=1; } if (homing=1) { dir=point_direction(x,y,homing_target.x,homing_target.y); x_speed=lengthdir_x(thespeedyouwant,dir); y_speed=lengthdir_y(thespeedyouwant,dir); }[/CODE]
  8. Go over your code again. If it's poorly done, chances are you may not realise it until you look at it in that light. Try simplifying things, using fewer variables, getting it to check and set variables less often, etc. It had a fairly marked effect for me, but then my code was hideously inefficient to begin with. Couldn't say for you.
  9. That would be good. I can see myself having problems with memory usage, but we'll see. Good find.
  10. I wouldn't object to destructive Metal Slug-type gameplay, if it's got lots of nice explosions and a few set pieces and stuff.
  11. 1) Put the files in the folders you want. At the start of the game (or whenever you want to load the sound file into the game's memory), write this: global.sound_file=sound_add(working_directory+"\whatever_folders_it_is_stored_in\name_of_file.mp3",3,0); [/CODE] Then simply call global.sound_file whenever you want to use it. 2) Chaos has loads of techniques in Sonic Battle - I'd use them instead. 3) Big bosses always kick ass.
  12. Very, very simple, but loads of fun. I love the character sprites, and the music is just awesome. It's a miniature masterpiece of design.
  13. Redesign. I won't tell you how you should go about it; I don't work well with meticulous planning, I just have a good sense of scale and tend to build up on whatever seems to fit next in the level, and so far it works magically. Whatever works best for you. If you have one straight path, like you do now, people will probably tend to use it rather than explore other paths.
  14. I wouldn't pimp up the game so unashamedly until people have left their comments... Better to just let people praise you for it, if they choose to. It seems to have the speed, and the engine looks pretty decent, but the level looked incredibly linear. Jamming a spring right in the path of the player to stop them dead ain't a good thing. Add more pathways and remember the virtue of the left button. Though for a beta build, it has potential. I'm looking forward to playing a demo.
  15. Aaaaaaah, it all makes a lot more sense now. Thanks guys; I wasn't aware that I wasn't zooming in per say. It's all fixed now. Help was much appreciated from all of you.
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