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On the topic of what Slingerland said...

I'd rather of the clones there than not have them there. I mean, if there were no penalties for having clones as opposed to not having clones, I'd definitely side with the clones. Sure, it makes the end product look a little cheaper, but that never really mattered before after the initial 'warming up to it' phase.

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Yea, but Gay Man Watch also had two clones for his Up B. Ashley doesn't work that way :E

I just woke up and my day is already made XD

Also, people have been arguing what Ashley might be: A regular character or an assist trophy.

To me she may seem like an assist trophy, but a regular character wouldn't be all that bad either.

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I just wonder if they'll reuse Fox's butt model or will make him a brand new customized very own well toned ass. Given this studio's track record I wouldn't be surprised if they bent over and plunged forward working long and hard - regardless of how many hours of sweat and tears it requires - because they're into that kind of shit and enjoy it.

It's kind of sad to see that much Starfox representation and so little on the Metroid side. A tad smaller version of Ridley would've made a sweet fighter, no need to resort to NPCing.

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In SSBM, I was quite disappointed to see so little Kirby love given the series' roots. Glad that was fixed with Brawl, not only in two playable characters, but in many many more homages to my Kirby (SuperStar). I feel you about Metroid being underrepresented, but it'd be a damn shame to see anyone too new show up. Ridley IS workable, damnit. But if they want to opt for an epic boss battle, he'd fit in there mighty fine, even though it'd mean losing him as a playable character. Ah well, no point crying over who isn't in there. But here's hoping for a few completely unexpected surprises in the next week or so (even though that's how G&W got in there).

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I just wonder if they'll reuse Fox's butt model or will make him a brand new customized very own well toned ass. Given this studio's track record I wouldn't be surprised if they bent over and plunged forward working long and hard - regardless of how many hours of sweat and tears it requires - because they're into that kind of shit and enjoy it.

Stupid Sexy Sakurai.

A tad smaller version of Ridley would've made a sweet fighter, no need to resort to NPCing.


Might as well make EVERYONE playable. Ridley is going the way of Petey Pirana andbeing a boss where he belongs.

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Might as well make EVERYONE playable. Ridley is going the way of Petey Pirana andbeing a boss where he belongs.

Eh, it's not about having everyone playable. I see Ridley to Samus as Bowser is to Mario - highly recognizable from the franchise, recurrent antagonist, fan favorite... (in a lesser degree than Bowser but still enough to make him the most obvious choice for a 2nd Metroid fighter). But no point arguing in this since it's not gonna change anything :P

Now honest question: would you guys be annoyed if a major third party character that you'd naturally expect to be playable was a NPC? Like, say, an assist trophy. No hidden meanings here (lols), just asking outta curiosity.

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PG, putting in any of the hunters would be more akin with your "make everyone playable lolol" argument :P

They were playable in the DS game. And there were the three in the new (and best) Prime game. Makes perfect sense me. Moreso than some unwieldy pterodactyl. We gonna make King Bo-Bomb playable too?

Shit, even Dark Samus has more presence than any of them.

See, now you're coming up with reasonable characters.

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We gonna make King Bo-Bomb playable too?
Goombella or bust.
See, now you're coming up with reasonable characters.

Alternate costume (palette swap amirite) confirmed!

They should ditch Mewtwo for Giygas, who looks similar (other way around actually), is a better character and is not a pokeymans. But nooo, watch them add Lucario instead.

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Goombella or bust.

No comment.

Alternate costume (palette swap amirite) confirmed!

Moar like clone.

They should ditch Mewtwo for Giygas, who looks similar (other way around actually),



is a better character and is not a pokeymans. But nooo, watch them add Lucario instead.

Lucario is pimp. I'll be the first one here to admit I saw that Lucario movie, and he was jumping around like a fucking ninja, and had fucking Aura Sphere. He's almost definitely in as a Mewtwo clone/Replacement, if not a totally new character.

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