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Spider-Man 3

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Besides that, most of the problems you all have with this movie (if there really were any, god) is that the Storyline isnt EXACTLY like it was in the comics, or like you expected them to be able to cover EVERYTHING within a 3 hour peroid.

No, my problems weren't that it wasn't like the comics at all, I never said that and that wasn't my problem at all. You're just making up reasoning I never even stated, did you even READ what I wrote? My problem is that Venom ISN'T creepy, he's just your average, every day cliche monster and while he doesn't have to be just like in the comics, there was a lot of cool features that they didn't include. Same goes for the black suit.

Mary Jane WAS being a bitch, completely. Her life was fucking GREAT, it wasn't fucked up at all. So she got fired, big fucking deal, that didn't give her the right to lash out at Peter. As for the kiss? She's a fucking actor, the fact that she flipped out about that is pathetic, considering it was obviously just giving the crowd what they wanted. Besides, isn't she the one that went and made out with Peter's BEST FRIEND? Yeah, that's not a thousand times worse.

As for covering "everything in three hours", that was the point Serephim. They shouldn't of tried doing so much shit in 3 hours. At all. My problem wasn't that it wasn't like the comics, my problem is that what they DID end up doing was fucking retarded and generally improbable. Space rock falls RIGHT NEXT TO SPIDERMAN and he just HAPPENS not to notice? Come on now.

Like I said, the movie isn't BAD though, it's just AVERAGE. There was about hundred different things they could of done better. I felt more like I was watching a direct to dvd movie or a cheesy saturday morning cartoon, not a full motion picture that grossed 59 million dollars upon opening.

Scatts: When I say, "Don't say it's a movie", I meant specifically for the space rock just HAPPENING to land DIRECTLY next to Peter. That was just stupid.

I also think YOU are taking MY REVIEW of the movie a bit out of proportion. I said the movie was average. Never did I say it was a steaming pile of shit. I said there was some REALLY STUPID points in it and that the plot was sorely lacking, which, sorry, is totally true. It doesn't mean the movie is BAD or HORRIBLE, it's just average. Sorry I'm not praising Spider-Man 3 as the second coming of Jesus H. Christ.

On the Mary Jane v.s. superman thing? You know what Scatt? I'll totally give you that one. That's a good point you made there. HOWEVER, about Mary Jane acting that way and "that's how most girl friends act", well Scatt, if that's your experience, maybe you need to raise your standards a bit. There are a lot of stupid bitches out there, that's very true. A lot of really dumb girls who act that way are out there. But I don't date them. Why? Because they do shit like that and I'm not attracted to complete retardedness. When a girl does that to me, I tell them to GTFO and never bother with them again. Peter should of done the same, he's fucking SPIDERMAN, he doesn't need that shit.

If you're wondering why my words sounds so excited, it's not that I think the movie was some super bad, as you seem to have assumed. For one, I have a tendency to cuss like a sailor and emphasize things in the most dramatic (and entertaining) way I can. Not to mention, it's not so much that I'm angry that the movie was SOOOO BAD or anything. I'm just.... very disappointed. The first two, in my opinion, were REALLY REALLY GREAT. I loved them. So finding the third to be so average was a let down for me.

All of the above, combined with all the people that seemed to be blindly praising the movie as soooo awesome, I just had to throw a wrench in the works. People were being too positive about something that really didn't live up to the hype. Like I said, I'd download it or watch it on TV, but I wouldn't pay money for it. I'm just that way with many things. (plus it'd give me an excuse to pirate something <3 )

Oh and as for the voice, if it changed I sure as hell didn't notice.

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Yes i read what you said.

PCO, regardless, it all couldnt be the way you wanted because:

1) it was on a 3 hour time limit. I believe they fit it in as best as they could.

2 *most important thing i mentioned*) They might not be doing another one. The movie really diddnt feel to Crowded to me at all, except for the meteorite. Although im sure if you were making out with the woman you love in a romantic location, i dont believe making sure to watch for falling meteors would be a huge priority.

3) Your still baseing the movie off the comic book / Tv show. Although Venom WAS a normal like Villian in the comic book, they cant give him the exact same personallity in a movie. Almost every problem with this movie is coming from the same reasons we hate most of the Sonic Games of late (save for Next, that was actully just horrible) :

Its not what you were expecting.

I myself never watched enough of spiderman to care too much for the storyline of venom, so it really diddnt bother me how he got on the planet. But had it not happened that way, the outcome still would have been the same, so i dnot see all the fuss.

I just think its childish to hate a movie because the director diddnt recreate everything perfectly how it was in the old shows/comic books. But then again, i respect your opionion and where your coming from.

Actully, the only sadly put together plot moment in the movie for me is when peter handed his science professor a sample of the symboite, and instead of realizing he's found a very bizarre, unidentified and obviously unearthly creature, he acted like he was studing a cricket or something.

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Yes i read what you said.

PCO, regardless, it all couldnt be the way you wanted because:

1) it was on a 3 hour time limit. I believe they fit it in as best as they could.

It's called a cliffhanger. Most people assumed that, since the story of Eddie Brock and the suit is so large, large enough for an entire movie, that this would end with Venom being born.

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I saw Spiderman 2 five times in theaters. I paid twice, and the rest was someone else's treat. I'm willing to dish out another 6 bucks to see it a third time. Oh, Venom's voice sucks, but the screaming makes up for it.

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Went to see it again. Almost cried twice during the movie...again. My goal now... buy an HDTV before the movie comes out on DVD. This movie, aside from a few flaws, is truly incredible.

Or better yet go Blueray. ;P

Kirsten Dunst is considering not doing another movie too...

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Okay I'm sick of this now. When the fuck was Peter emo in this movie? I never noticed any overly emotional times. All of it seemed the proper amount of emotion for a situation.

Was it when he was brought to tears, because his best friend was dying right in front of him? Yeah, thats something that no one would do without being emo.

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