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Sonic Adventure: Remix - CANCELED


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For god sakes, he posted a link to the same thread at SCD which had the entire message in it. What, you all assumed that was all to the message? You don't know what "..." means when it isn't used for dialogue?

I figured he had posted anything and everything that was important. Its real fuckin' easy to bitch about stuff to people using 20/20 hindsight eh?

You know what? This bullshit is ridiculous. You know where I'll be.


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And, unlike DW, I did check the source material. And there was still no definite 'I'm using this engine for the new game' anywhere in there.

The fact that you even needed a definite "I'm using the same engine" confirmation is beyond me. It's just as bad to assume otherwise as it is to not be specific, IMO. If you or anyone else was so damn uncertain, you should have just asked.

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Forget you all and your "explicitness" bullshit.

And yes, I read your post, Scatta, and I still don't agree with you and never will.

(p.s. Never tell me "learn to read" again)

@DW: Well, I guess I only saw the edit, then. Thank you for pointing that out though. However, the original post did have the link to it, but of course, you're not obliged to click it.

Since all the people I called vultures and dicks posted pre-edit and didn't bother to go look at the original link, I guess I have no choice to apologize. Sorry, dudes.

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Mainly because people generally, or at least I, dislike having to deal with a hostile attitude, being talked down to, and told that they have no idea what they're talking about.

It's not right to ask for source code that you're not sure is going to be used, but it's definitely okay to start to namecalling for proposing a feasible idea based off the information that was given. And it's not right to tell someone who keeps citing things that aren't there to "learn to read" but it's definitely okay to be called a "dick."

Aero: See, that's the thing. Asking for the source, at least the way DW put it wasn't offensive in anyway. We were simply like "if this isn't going to be used, we'd like to have it." I kind of had this idea that that's somewhat acceptable communication. And in a case like that you shouldn't have to "be certain." Which is why DW posed it as a question. He indeed, asked if it could be released were it not being used- there was a question mark and everything. Second of all, you contradict yourself in that post. You say that there was no confirmation needed, yet you say that I should've definitely asked in that same post. So which is it? Am I an idiot for not knowing what you meant in both of those posts but didn't say? Or were you too unclear? The fact that about 5 people here thought the same thing probably means the latter. Of course, as has been pointed out for me, I'm the dick here, right? Not the people who charged in and were all "you're an asshole, get out."

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Some people wanted the source code and Slingerland was like "OMG MEAN. HE'S STILL UNSING IT." and then some other guys go "DISAGREE".

DW got into it over being called a dick for asking rather kindly to not waste the source code.

DW got angry over it for certain people acting as though it takes some horrible insensitive jerk to fail to read a post on another forum.

DW got over it when Slingerland apologized.

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Yes, I will be using the same engine. I just might use all the same gimmicks; I might not. I still have no clue what I'll be making, yet.

I may just open a new topic here, to allow suggestions to be made for this new game, including name, story, level ideas, etc. Who knows what awesome game can be conjured up with the combined creativity of SFGHQ. :)

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I hope you didn't take offense to anything I said Gamerguy. Nothing was aimed at you.

None taken.

I would have released my work, open source, if I had indeed decided to not use it, anymore. It would be wrong of me to not give back to the community that helped get me where I am, today.

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Me too. You can easily make it SCDTi's flagship deal, so that you and Aero can avoid that "dying" thing that he's talking about.

Mayk a gaym with shado....

No, but seriously...what you do is awesomes, GG. You can probably pull off a simpler project, especially with all the help and support you get from Ti.

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