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NiGHTS on the Wii? Here we go again

Pheonix Gamma

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Not even true. If this were the case, then Sonic Advance and Sonic Battle would have to have been done by the same team as the people who worked on the console titles. How many team members do they share? None. Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic for the XB360 were both developed by "Sonic Team" at the same time, and yet neither of these teams shared a workforce or leadership.

Sonic Team is just a logo slapped on to whatever project they feel like associating with certain franchises.

Actually part of the team that was meant to be working on Sonic and the Secret Rings was going to be working originally with the team that worked on Sonic the Hedgehog as well. But after the Wii's control system was shown, the port of Sonic the Hedgehog 06 (originally intended for the Wii) was disregarded and certaim team members were reshuffled into the team that begun working for Sonic and the Secret Rings.

But after doing further research, there seems to be no sign of a department in SEGA called Sonic Team anymore so yeah, guess I was wrong about that part.

First, no they aren't. Those graphics are ugly by last gen standards. Last Gen Playstation 2 standards. I'm hoping its prototype artwork, but I may be disappointed.


I thought the boss level and model looked awesome...

But didn't the version of Sonic and the Secret Rings at E3 look lesser then the final product? we can only hope the same applies here.

So...what development team is making this? And what games did they make?

And yea, someone put padding on NiGHTS' hands. Those edges are sharp!

SEGA Studio USA, a team that brought us such hits like Sonic Heroes and the critically universally awesome Shadow the Hedgehog!

Directed by Takashi Iikuza, his the one who came up for the idea of adventure fields in Sonic Adventure, designed the stages for Sonic Adventure 2 I believe and directed Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog...

He was also the lead designer for the original NiGHTS game.

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Notes by MaxSonic:

-They gave NiGHTS gloves. Looks good.

-Wii is capable of better graphics, however I think they will spiff them up later. Heh...I said spiff

-Interesting boss character.

-It mentions X-Mas NiGHTS. Mabey we'll have some cool holiday stuff in it.

-I recougnize certain areas, so it may be a remake, it may revisit locations.

-Can someone translate this for me? Or mabey I'll type it into a translator.

-Future looks good. Adventure fields were a unique idea in SonicAdventure, SA2 had great stages, and the guy helped design the original NiGHTS. Nuff said.

-NiGHTS is back. Hellz yeah...

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This was what the interview with Mr. Iizuka, someone at TheGHZ forum posted this a while back, so it might just be a rough translation.

We interviewed Takeshi Iizuka, one of the people behind NiGHTS into Dreams and the mind behind this sequel, to get some new informations.

How did the idea to create NiGHTS for the new Nintendo console came out?

Takeshi Iizuka (TI) – I’m interested in this sequel since I can remember and the time seemed perfect to work on it. It’s the ideal game to use to advantage all the potential of the Wii controls.

Are we embarking again on the dreams (and nightmares) of Claire and Elliot, or are there new human characters, whose dreams we can visit?

TI – As the original game’s narrative, the new NiGHTS takes place in the dream world, and the *missing words out of the scanned area* will follow the adventures of these children. I hope to announce more details on the next months.

The main character (*missing words* named NiGHTS) will be alone in this mission, or will there be new types of Nightmarens to control?

TI – I can confirm right now that NiGHTS is the main character and will have new abilities I’ll explain later. About the other characters, I can’t reveal them yet. You’ll have to wait and see...

What new acrobatics this charismatic figure’s flight will be able to do?

TI – NiGHTS will have a considerable number of acrobatic moves, lots of them never seen before, for the player to easily control with the Wii. You can count on loops, spins and other moves that are still a surprise by now.

How does the new Nintendo console attract you?

TI – I am particularly enthusiastic seeing all this technological advance and knowing that I can finally, as a programmer, create games in the new platforms that, some years ago, I could only dream about.

We are confessed fans of this likeable character. Do you really think you’ll be able to keep the same attractive towards the public, after all these years?

TI – I hope, above all, that NiGHTS fans like this title as much as the original... I am confident that, with the new features I think about introducing, it will also attract new players that don’t know the world of this character.

What can we wait in terms of game modes?

TI – Besides the single player, that everybody already knows, there will be a two player mode and certain special online functions.

Do you think about taking the NiGHTS inspired experience to other platforms?

TI – For now, this new NiGHTS is exclusive to the Wii.

What other classic licenses, developed by you or the Sonic Team, would you like to bring back to life?

TI – By the time I created NiGHTS I didn’t think of it as a classic license, but I always hoped to dedicate a sequel to it when the right time would come. By now, this is the only series I’d like people to talk about again.

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Actually part of the team that was meant to be working on Sonic and the Secret Rings was going to be working originally with the team that worked on Sonic the Hedgehog as well. But after the Wii's control system was shown, the port of Sonic the Hedgehog 06 (originally intended for the Wii) was disregarded and certaim team members were reshuffled into the team that begun working for Sonic and the Secret Rings.

I'm well aware of that. However, no two people were working on both games simultaneously. They were developed by different teams.


I thought the boss level and model looked awesome...

But didn't the version of Sonic and the Secret Rings at E3 look lesser then the final product? we can only hope the same applies here.

Exactly. Right now, it looks like ass for the most part. However, I have to say I think NiGHTS looks like a dork in these screens.

SEGA Studio USA, a team that brought us such hits like Sonic Heroes and the critically universally awesome Shadow the Hedgehog!

Directed by Takashi Iikuza, his the one who came up for the idea of adventure fields in Sonic Adventure, designed the stages for Sonic Adventure 2 I believe and directed Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog...

He was also the lead designer for the original NiGHTS game.

So in other words, it will be completely hit or miss.

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My only worry is about how the market has changed. People who played the origninal NiGHTS have grown up now. The market leans far more towards realistic games than cartoony games. I hope that SEGA dose'nt try to modernize it too much. Even if this game is one of the greatest games ever, I doubt it will be one of the top sellers. Although, mabey I'm wrong.

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Well, I think the market today is more accepting of different games. We have everything from Katamari to God of War to Shadow of the Colossus to Mario.

I always wanted to try the original as a kid, but I had the common sense to buy an N64 instead. What makes it worse is that I can't seem to emulate the goddamn game.

Anyone know how long the game has been in development? I wanna know, because really, NiGHTS' face should look a fuck of a lot better, and he shouldn't be so stiff looking either. Maybe if this was ultra rough draft stuff, I'd say it was fine, but this is being shown in a magazine...

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it seems as though they've been focusing on the overall design aspect right now rather than focusing immediately on the main character. that is something that can come later. the basic model is there, I think they wanted to show off the world and boss more.

besides, even if we are infact left with that model, it's still perfectly acceptable in the long run.

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But super high poly would make it overall all the better.

Sorry, but even though i would take gameplay over graphics anyday, sometimes you need that extra push to get you to make the purchase.

The lack of graphical support the wii is getting is H I G H L Y dissapointing, because even though i could care less in some games, most games i would actully be interested in wont be coming because either a) they dont wanna tone the graphics down too low, or B) there is some function (strong physics, 312903 enemies on the screen at once, super long draw distances) that the wii cant produce.

Nights is awesome, but some part of it needs graphics to be successful to those who dont know what it is.

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PG: You, do realize that we're only a week or so into Spring, yes? And that they still have the rest of Spring, all of Summer, and Autumn, right? That's April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and perhaps November. That's 7 months. That's plenty of time for graphics.

Also, I agree with one of the replies on that link. There's going to be so much expectation for this game that chances are people will end up saying it sucks or saying it's not as good as the original game or a million other things. Anyone who disagrees should not the fact that a majority of the comments in this thread are about how much the graphics "suck" and we don't even really know much about how the new control scheme will work or even what perspective or gameplay changes have been made- all of which are more important that graphics when you get right down to it.

I have to say, though, I'd rather this was a remake. It'd probably actually be better if this is a remake. As not many people actually played the original NiGHTS and this is destined for a Nintendo console. Most Nintendo fans probably didn't have a SEGA Saturn, etc, etc.

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Well, if you check Wikipedia (which may or may not be correct) SEGA once planned a sequel to NiGHTS where you had a tilt sensor in the controller. So here are my different ideas for control:

1) N:JoD may use the Wii Pointer. NiGHTS may move towards the general location of the pointer. However, I can see many problems with this idea.

2) N:JoD may control similar to SuperMonkeyBall for Wii, by tilting the controller to move. The d-pad and buttons could be used for tricks and dashes. This is how I think it will probably play.

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"1) N:JoD may use the Wii Pointer. NiGHTS may move towards the general location of the pointer. However, I can see many problems with this idea."

When you say problems you're thinking of loops, yes? Because they can always just have it draw an invisible line when a button is held (let's say "A") and then just have Nights curve around that line to do the loop.

No comment on Super Monkey Ball Wii as I haven't played.

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I would hope not. Everyone's using that controller scheme. It's so.. standard. And standard control schemes pretty much defeat the purpose of the Wiimote. I vote for the line-drawing bit, although you're probably right so I'll keep my $50 to myself, thanks. :P

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