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About damn time! Nintendo Partners with Gamespy for online multiplayer

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The hardest part in Pokemon Sapphire/ruby/emerald was obtaining both Latias and Latios. Though the easiest really was getting an e-reader (That I still have to this day) and getting the cards (or mystery ticket or whatever it was called) and going to that island to get Latias or Latios. Now the Hardest part was actually finding Latias or Latios to capture him.......when he moved all over the world in the span of 2-3 turns. (turns as in returning to the overworld.) Great game btw, I just lost interest over time.

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Ugh. Till End of Time was probably the worst in series for the Star Ocean titles.

Yeah, it was bad for a lot of reasons. Boring script, cheap ass synthesis, and god awful difficulty spikes, plus the characters were memorable for all the wrong reasons... *cough* Fayt Linegod *cough* >_<

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I do not see why people hate the Ruby/Silver/Emerald and Fire Red/Leaf Green generations so much. They added so much that Gold and Silver did not.

Anyway DW mind hooking me up with that Wild pokemon modifier for emerald? I can't find one that works with my Action Replay duo.

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I do not see why people hate the Ruby/Silver/Emerald and Fire Red/Leaf Green generations so much.

There's a general opinion that all pokemon after Red and Blue are uninspired, and that the game should never have gotten successors. You know, the same people who have their heads stuck in the 90's? I'm mean, the 90's were wonderful for new gamers at the time, but damn...

Pokemon died for me when my friends stop playing. It's just not as fun without others to combat, which is why I netbattle some rare moments, EV train on odd days...

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I do not see why people hate the Ruby/Silver/Emerald and Fire Red/Leaf Green generations so much. They added so much that Gold and Silver did not.

Anyway DW mind hooking me up with that Wild pokemon modifier for emerald? I can't find one that works with my Action Replay duo.

I wouldn't know of a way to do it with the actual game... I always played the Advance titles on an emulator. Because I'm a cheap bastard.

Oh, and for me, Ruby and Saphire are lame because all of the Pokemon look like overly smooth freaks that are made out of plastic.

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My beef with the GBA Pokemon games is they did'nt advance the series enough. Sure there were a lot of little things added to it, but where was day and night time? Compare Blue to Silver and you get a big difference. Compare Crystal to Ruby and it's not as big. First, look at what the GBA is capable of in terms of graphics. Compare Golden Sun's graphics to Pokemon for GBA. The graphics in the Advance Pokemon games, while a little more colorful, don't seem to be that different from the GBC games. Also, what happened to the whole day/night thing? I'm glad they're bringing it back for the next set of game (and they should, considering the DS has a built in clock). I also think that the new monsters in the GBA games were unispired compared to the ones from the previous games. Anyways, if I like the review for the DS games, I may just get Diamond or Pearl.

As for the Wii, they need to pick up the pace for Online games. Like I said earlier, a good FPS is in order, and I hope we eventually get a MMORPG. What would kick ass is if they made a PSO for Wii, where you could play Online with it, and then transfer your character to the DS and train him on the go. The only problem with PSO would be cheaters. XP

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What DW said.

Also, the series hasn't evolved much at all. There's 2 on 2 battles, and day-night system...and...498 Pokemon?

The first two generations were cool, but third gen is just blah. FireRed and LeafeGreen didn't add much, either. Just that bit after the Elite Four where you can catch a few newer Pokemon.

Console Pokemon RPG plz.

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Also, the series hasn't evolved much at all.

Now that's just silly. Really, it's just that all the significant changes to the games have been statistical and unobvious. G/S offered gender to pokemon, which has been further expanded upon via breeding. R/S gave pokemon Dynamic Values (DVs), abillities, and traits to make each one more different than the next, making the game more variable. Now, they're even seperating the connection between type and special moves. For example, a Hyper Beam used Attack would be resisted by Defense because it was a Normal type move, and all Normal type moves were physical. Now, Hyper Beam is Special, uses Special Attack, and has to be defended against with special defense, even though it's Normal type. This makes battles more interesting, since you can't rely on your type to do penultimate damage anymore.

I can understand if this doesn't appeal to you, but let's not lie and pretend it's not important to the games.

I will agree that after G/S, pokemon have become less and less inspired, and it's not a surprize seeing as the first 256 were accounted for already by the game's character designer. I bet they're just making them up as they go along now, and I hope to god there won't be a 5th generation.


@MaxSonic: You sure make a big deal out of Day and Night. It was a cool feature, but not really necessary, so I can see why they took it out initially, and they're now just putting it back.

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A lot of you are going to love some of the changes. Like, for instance, all attacks in the new generation have physical and special properties that are affected by Attack and Special Attack respectively. That includes old attacks. So now vine whip depends on Attack for damage. I think it's pretty cool. I'm not going to spoil anything for you though so that's all I'll be telling. I have the Japanese version of Diamond.

And I just realized the post above me already told you. Oops.

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"The last real Pokemon RPG I played was Yellow."

That's the same exact thing. I still understand where you're coming from.

"FireRed and LeafeGreen didn't add much, either."

They weren't really supposed to. They were just remakes that implemented a few things that have been added over the years.

Although, I gotta say.. I loved Day/Night. ;-;

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I. Did not. Play. A pokemon RPG. Since I played. Pokemon Yellow. For GB. As in, I didn't play G/S till just last night, skipped 3rd Gen, and haven't touched any other Pokegames. I don't think it can be any clearer :E

FireRed was just made so that the poor saps who bought the other 3rd gen games could catch the original 250, since Gamefreak left them out, and GBA isn't able to trade with GB games.

@ Aero:

You got me with the breeding, though I have Silver and don't plan on breeding, unless I can mix Jigglypuff and Onyx to get a bastard love child that's a giant fucking snake thing made of fluff.

As for the types of attack, does that mean there's a stat for every defense against every element? Cause that doesn't wow me much. It's nice, but I'll still be using the fire moves on your ice pokemon, and it'll still kick it's ass.

Exploration needs a kick in the ass (which is why I want a console Pokemon RPG. Imagine the possibilities) and it needs to be played around with more. I mean, I'm playing Silver, and all I'm doing is getting medals and leveling up and catchin' them all.

The whole "you're a kid, and some professor sees GREAT POTENTIAL in you, but you have this bastard rival jerk whose pokemon just happens to be strong against yours, oh well let's go get 8 medals and stop Team Rocket and then go beat the Elite Four and become THE CHAMPION."

EDIT: The new starter Pokemon for 4th Gen look lame. Just gimme Bulbasaur.

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"I don't think it can be any clearer :E"

Eh, you probably could have- just a tad. You could've just said "The last Pokemon game I played was Yellow." Throwing "real/true" and "RPG" in there sort of sounds like you were saying that the Pokemon games following yellow weren't "true" RPGs the way Yellow was. Which is why I was looking for some sort of explanation for that comment.

I'd like some new elements for Pokemon. So they can stop making three pokemon to start with that could really just be swapped with the Pokemon from one of the other games. Each "region" in the Pokemon world should have something that make their Pokemon unique. Something more than just the way they look. Every time it's the same thing: you go to a new region but all the pokemon are basically the same. You've got Fire, Grass, and Water pokemon and you've got some rare "mystical" pokemon in there (Arseus, Latias/Latios, Lugia, etc). You're confined to some region and you go about the same story. I know I've said this before but you should be able to travel between regions. Also, it'd be nice if you could select a pokemon of any type rather than just the standard fire/grass/water.

Edit: I will say, though, that the argument that the Pokemon are being less inspired is kind of.. not right. I dunno, for instance I prefer Piplup to Mudkip and Totadile. Turtwig to Chikorita (although Chikorita is preferable to Treecko). Smeargle is pretty awesome as well.

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Edit: I will say, though, that the argument that the Pokemon are being less inspired is kind of.. not right. I dunno, for instance I prefer Piplup to Mudkip and Totadile. Turtwig to Chikorita (although Chikorita is preferable to Treecko). Smeargle is pretty awesome as well.

Agreed. Also, I liked it better when their English names were only romanized japanese.

Naetle > Turtwig

Hikozaru > Chimchar

Pocham > Piplup

Rampard > Rampardos

Trideps > Blastiodon



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"I don't think it can be any clearer :E"

Eh, you probably could have- just a tad. You could've just said "The last Pokemon game I played was Yellow." Throwing "real/true" and "RPG" in there sort of sounds like you were saying that the Pokemon games following yellow weren't "true" RPGs the way Yellow was. Which is why I was looking for some sort of explanation for that comment.

Oh. Well that was the one time I wasn't being sarcastic. My bad XP

I'd like some new elements for Pokemon. So they can stop making three pokemon to start with that could really just be swapped with the Pokemon from one of the other games. Each "region" in the Pokemon world should have something that make their Pokemon unique. Something more than just the way they look. Every time it's the same thing: you go to a new region but all the pokemon are basically the same. You've got Fire, Grass, and Water pokemon and you've got some rare "mystical" pokemon in there (Arseus, Latias/Latios, Lugia, etc). You're confined to some region and you go about the same story. I know I've said this before but you should be able to travel between regions. Also, it'd be nice if you could select a pokemon of any type rather than just the standard fire/grass/water.

Or, make a better story. I'm gonna regret this I bet, but look at the anime. Ash started off like the games, but other characters had other stories for how they got their first pokemon, or how they got started. Give me motivation that isn't "I want to be the very best"

...like noone ever was...

to catch them is my real quest

to train them is my cauuuuuse

ahem...but yea, making an actual story would be far more interesting. You could even force a decision on the player at the beginning that would alter who you start out with and how the story develops later. Creativity plz.

Edit: I will say, though, that the argument that the Pokemon are being less inspired is kind of.. not right. I dunno, for instance I prefer Piplup to Mudkip and Totadile. Turtwig to Chikorita (although Chikorita is preferable to Treecko). Smeargle is pretty awesome as well.

I have no idea what the bloody hell you're talking about @_@

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