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Which game should I pre-order first.

Zonar Games

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I only saved up $60 dollars that I'm using to buy one of these kick ass games. But I seriously don't know which. Halo 3 for the 360 & Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. SSBB is coming out june and Halo 3 is coming out November 1, 2007. These games are so cool. What do you guys think. I'm sure you seen the Halo trailers and the SSBB trailers. Zero Suit Samus is so freakin hot(I don't know why I'm sayed that right) I am like a loser for saying a NINTENDO character is good looking. Thats kinda freaky. Also there is a medium possiblity that Sonic and Tails and some other sonic characters are going to be included. Then you have Mature link and Solid Snake. Halo 3...Do I have to explain this one. I mean the gfx, multiplayer, weapons, vehicles, combat, story, online, fragfests. Final Halo game. Like I sayed earlier which one should I pre-order?

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Go for smash bros since it comes out first, then save up again for Halo 3!

And I don't think Halo 3 is the last halo game, just the last in the trilogy, story wise. As long as it's sucessful (as if there is any doubt) there will be another Halo FPS game after it, not to mention those 2 spinoff games apparently in development.

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Zero Suit Samus is so freakin hot(I don't know why I'm sayed that right) I am like a loser for saying a NINTENDO character is good looking. Thats kinda freaky.

Stop talking.

Pre-order Halo, because it has a definate release date. I'd personally reserve Smash Bros., but hey...it could get pushed back knowing Nintendo. They just pushed back the US iteration of Wii Play to Febuary, so WarioWare wouldn't have any first party competition. Ghey.

"Then you have Mature link"

The older Link was in the last two games as well. You sure do sound like a Halo fan, with all your talk of the "mature" characters [/stereotypeXBOXowners]. Maybe you should reserve Halo then.

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They just pushed back the US iteration of Wii Play to Febuary, so WarioWare wouldn't have any first party competition. Ghey.

I am really hating Reggie these days. First we payed more than the Waponese at launch, then they decide to do the whole "dur dur dur" thing with the Virtual Console, and now this. ____.

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No, by not spending $250 to buy a Wii. I'll wait until the next fiscal year before I buy one. That'll show 'em.

buuut...you're still giving them money...and then you;re buying a wii after the fiscal year...so that's still money for them :E

Sticking it to Nintendo would be...like...selling all of your nintendo stuff you've ever had, then buying a PS3...or setting their building on fire...

Or pirating Twilight Princess. I saw a video of someone pirating the Wii version. I think it might be fake, unless the thing he loaded downgraded the firmware while messing with something else...

Anyways, yea, I was gung-ho for the GCN version, and had it reserved and stuff. Then when my dad took me to wait in line for Wii (which is a christmas gift ergo no Wii for 22 days after I waited in line for it) I had to cancel my reservation (plus I had spent so much money on gifts this year that I wouldn't be able to pay it off)

Honestly though, the Wii version does seem to be a little better. I still think it's ____ing retarded that they mirrored the entire game in the Wii version just to make him a righty just because most people are righty (how is it that Wii sports lets you choose handedness but not Zelda? As a lefty, I'm gonna play like I usually do, but it's still ____ing stupid. And was flipping the whole world necessary? Why not mirror the Link model?)

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