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The "Hey Blaze, why weren't you at SAGE 06?" thread.


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Why wasn't I at SAGE? Because I was too busy winning $1000, that's why. Okay, so, you may remember that Gametrailers had a contest a couple months ago. In a rush, I slapped together an entry in three days and submitted it; it was a contest to make a humorous videogame movie and I just made a trailer for Shadow of Chaos.

Perhaps not the most intelligent decision, but all I had was three days. The prize was the newly-released DS Lite, with copies of New Super Mario Brothers and Metroid Prime: Hunters. Needless to say, I failed horribly.

Jackel pointed me to the current contest. "Siblings of the Binary and Famous". Fortunately, I had a bit of longer time to work on this one. It was certainly one of the tougher deadlines I've faced: whereas Shadow of Chaos I basically just recorded video of stuff I already had pre-made, this new video would require me to come up with a concept and see it to completion in two weeks.

The video had to be about a lesser-known sibling of a famous videogame character; the example Gametrailers gave was of

. The video had to be humorous and it had to be three minutes in length or under. The prize this time? A cool $1,000 - in the form of an EB Games gift card, of course.

Thankfully for me, I got an idea right away; and so, I was off. Two weeks spent planning, scripting, storyboarding, spriting, voicing, and editing together an entry.

I chose an arguably popular character: Mario. Mock-u-mentary style; almost like something you'd see on "E! Entertainment Television". I named him "Dave", born a year after Mario & Luigi. Dave is the black-sheep of the Mario family; not as athletic or as lucky as his brothers, Dave ends up becoming something I (and, undoubtedly, a lot of gamers) can relate to: A jobless, overweight, out-of-shape bum, living in his parents basement.

In the end, I actually made more content than I could fit in the short. I had to cut one scene entirely (Goombas vandalise Dave's car, a green VW Beetle) and chop out nearly half of another scene (Papa Mario has a discussion with Dave about him being such a collossal failure).

Outside of a few technical glitches (which could not be avoided and are an unfortunate side-effect of MMF2), it actually turned out almost EXACTLY as I had originally pictured it; a rare occurance, indeed.

In "The Third Mario Brother", I pretty much do everything myself. Some sprites were edited from stuff I got from MFGG (such as Dave), but a considerable amount was drawn, by me, by hand (Papa and Mama Mario, for example, are all my handywork).

Some of the concept art you see during the credits sequence will inevitably make it to my DeviantArt sooner or later, once I unwind a bit. I ended up working so hard on my entry, for the last three or four days before the deadline, I actually completely shut myself off from the outside world (almost). I made sure there were no distractions; I disconnected the modem, didn't watch any TV or play any games.

Incase you haven't seen it yet, you can view it here.

Unless another GT Contest wears me out too much to enter SAGE, I do plan on being a part of SAGE '07.

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