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Sonic The Hedgehog : Online (Halo CE)


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He's probably doing that manually for a cool effect.

Personally, I was looking forward to this ALOT when it was just Halo with Sonic characters, levels, and vehicles. That was awesome. Now, it's just bleh. How is it Sonic ONLINE when you threw out the multiplayer?

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Multiplayer has not been scrapped completely , its just the way we are going about things at the moment , we have spent ages just trying to get things to work in MP that just wont , and for that reason we decided to try and make those things work in Single Player.

The Multiplayer side of the mod , has been stopped for now because of that reason , but we are not going to just build Single Player and leave it at that.

The plan is to work around and get Single player done , make the tagset for it , and then try to transfere all the things we have picked up on , and made in Single player into the new multiplayer.

Multiplayer before , was just myself making maps to test what i could do , while we test what the CE engine can do with other things like vehicles , characters and stuff.

What Multiplayer could end up , is basically , Either the Spartans fighting in multiplayer enviroments (but thats not really sonic online) , Making one biped (just Sonic) playable ingame , so you all play as one character , but have the ability to use the vehicles from single player , or another idea could be ... something similar to Shadow the hedgehogs Multiplayer , you can have a character that changes colour (in this case shadows red , could change depending on what character colour you want) , and you can use weapons , vehicles and other things.

Things we know we definately cannot do , is make things like Loops sync ingame , when we tryed that it just failed , the player entered the loop , and then when another did , the player was stuck in the loop , playing the animation over and over until the other player exited , and then they too exited.

So , to summarize , Multiplayer , the entire experiance is not scrapped , only the ideas have been scrapped. We are currently working on Single Player , and then we will try to transfere what we have learned into Multiplayer.

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Honestly, you shouldn't have started with the Halo engine to start with. It isn't a mod friendly engine and the first person shooter nature of it is very stressed. If nothing else, then you should have used the UT2K4 engine to start with... and if you were planning on emphasizing a single player mode from the beginning, working from a non-FPS oriented engine would have basically been a must.

But hey, if you are too far along with your mod (which by now you probably are), then I guess changing the entire freaking scope is all you could do.

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