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Waffle SS CYOA

1LT Worm

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(CYOA = Choose your own adventure

This will be a double artsy thread. Pictures plus story!)

You are a soldier in the Waffle SS, the militant unit of the National Socialist German Syrup Party.

You were marching with your unit when suddenly the Allied Powers attack! Massive units full of American Forks, British Knives, and Russian Toasters sprung out of nowhere.

In the chaos, a young leutnant groups a bunch of the scattered soldiers together.

You alert him to the incoming American unit.

He gives the command to attack.


1) You charge bravely into combat.

2) You tell yourself, "F--- that s---," and run away.

3) You stand your ground in an attempt to repel the enemy horde.

Edit: Switched "rebel" to "repel." My brain was in the right mode of thinking, though. >_>;

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Might want to explain the concept a bit more.


Remember the Choose Your Own Adventure book line? Basically, it had different scenarios that put you in the place of the protagonist. At the end of a passage, the book would give you various options, and then it would tell you to go to a different page to continue.


"I just found a ____load of money.

Turn to the next page if you give it to the police.

Turn to page 84 if you keep it for yourself, you greedy bastard."

Well, I'm paraphrasing a bit, but hopefully you get the idea.

This is just a modified version.

And this isn't going to be super serious dark. Just try to have some fun with it. I'll count the votes at 24 hours, and make a new picture. Then, the story will continue.

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