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...As soon as LarkSS and I finalize the newest and possibly final build of Sonic Worlds Delta...

I'm going to need some help putting that together due to my busy college schedule now, otherwise it'll be another 4 months before Delta sees an update.

Also for those who had heard me mention it would significantly change the core engine code, this is no longer true when I realized that the transition would have caused negative impacts toward performance, which in my opinion isn't a considerable trade-off. I guess what this means to anyone interested in Delta is that upgrading shouldn't be as much of a hassle as I was initially claiming it was going to be.

@Ollie: If only you could port that to a portable touchscreen device. ;>

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So are you going off the Sonic physics guide or are you just saying its perfect because you *think* it is. I'm not saying it really matters either way plenty of great demos have been made without perfect physics. I'm just asking are that at a professional level like E02 and Retro are? You know perfect/improved physics and virtually bug free.
As perfect as the physics guide can get them really. Improved would have been a btter word. And I doubt as good as retro or E02 but still much improved form the original dash engine.
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@Chronic Ah. I too worked on improving the Dash engine with a lot of help from AeroGP, Damizean, and Yoshi. With their help it has a better cammera, physics values that make the game closer to the original , and improved collision checking. The results are in the 2010 version of Time Twisted. I was still not saticfied though so now I'm working with a dedicated programmer on a different Game Maker engine that is an accurate/improved engine to the genesis.

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*Pictures of awesomeness*

Primarily custom. I'm posting them in this thread because they don't really have a home yet - these are purely conceptual as of now until I decide which engine I feel most comfortable with to adequately develop and nurture the ideas that have been swirling around in my head for these tilesets.

HolyMotherffffing shhhh

You better finish this

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Hmmm...Let me guess:

You want to make several layers like it was in Ironrind's Pure Chaotix? =)

Anyway,Gif looks very promising and impesive!Great job!



this is not the actual gameplay it's a section of the special animation that is unlocked after beating the game.

there is more of it, but i will not release it now.

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For placeholders, those are dang pretty.

O' course they are. They're from Sonic Rush Adventure's Blizzard Peak Zone.

Delta, I didn't get it... Why post an screen whitout showing anything? I mean, an overated Sonic sprite, Sonic Rush Adventure's tiles and a generic HUD. What do you want to show anyway?



Be cool to me, it was hard as hell to do. It's nothing infact, I was kinda bored and then I made that... I still thinking if I use it or not, for the Special Stage. What do you think?

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you mean, something like this?

*insert image here*

I can't tell what you even did there; it looks like you just cropped out one of the frames. In any case, I was referring to the land that the corkscrew connects to. When the camera is first moving with Sonic, you can see that it's just a small piece of land which makes it seem like the corkscrew is leading you to the middle of no where.

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O' course they are. They're from Sonic Rush Adventure's Blizzard Peak Zone.

Delta, I didn't get it... Why post an screen whitout showing anything? I mean, an overated Sonic sprite, Sonic Rush Adventure's tiles and a generic HUD. What do you want to show anyway?



Be cool to me, it was hard as hell to do. It's nothing infact, I was kinda bored and then I made that... I still thinking if I use it or not, for the Special Stage. What do you think?

Whoa. I have to see a video of that.

@Overbound: Pretty cool. Foliage seems to have a bit of a vertical seem with the top piece on the right side though.

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@ DW just a side effect of a sloppy mockup.

@ Strife yes its for Time Twisted's first level which will be somewhat different graphically and completely new level design wise. I'll make the changes you suggest for the tower.

I didn't mention this before but the gaurd tower is almost 100% original.

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I can't tell what you even did there; it looks like you just cropped out one of the frames. In any case, I was referring to the land that the corkscrew connects to. When the camera is first moving with Sonic, you can see that it's just a small piece of land which makes it seem like the corkscrew is leading you to the middle of no where.

Oh, Sorry for that :adead:


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Whoa. I have to see a video of that.

@Overbound: Pretty cool. Foliage seems to have a bit of a vertical seem with the top piece on the right side though.

There ya go. Sorry about the slowdowns, Camtasia Studio is a really pain in the ass. Next time I'll use FRAPS.

@Overbound: Hawly shiet, brother. That looks awesome.

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