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SoaH City Message Board

Oh hello 3DS


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Eh, I'll bite. I love the crap out of Star Fox 64, and that remake is blowing my mind. Also, a portable Street Fighter game that doesn't suck ass? I'm game. And a portable Dead or Alive game too? Yea, count me sold.

Now it just needs homebrew and I'll have no need for a Pandora. Ever.

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My love for Nintendo's consoles have diminished with the Wii and if they continue in that direction with their main console line I will never be buying another Nintendo home console for quite some time. HOWEVER, their handhelds are different. I ignore the 10 billion rereleases and model updates, because I find they just add shit I don't need (like the DSi), but the handheld systems have yet to fail me in terms of the core model. So I'll probably be picking up a 3DS. What really sealed the deal for me was Megaman Legends 3 :P. I'd have preferred it on the 360/PS3 so I could see the game get some glorious HD graphics, but hell - Megaman Legends 3 just even existing is good enough and I shall not complain about what system it is on.

Definitely super excited for that hell yes.

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While I agree with PG's sentiments that there are a lot of remakes, I'm sure the system is going to turn out just fine. I'm still a bit bummed by the lack of a suitable color for me, so I'll bite for blue. Who are you preordering from SG? Is GameStop even taking em yet?

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