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Geoff XL : The Quest for Saturated Fat


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If there is one thing Geoff craves, it's saturated fat. Help Geoff reach the end of the level before time runs out. And remember to collect the fatty foods to help Geoff along the way. The only feeling Geoff has is hungry!


Reach the checkered area at the end and COME TO A TOTAL STOP to complete Geoff's quest for fat.

!!!Beat the game with six seconds or more remaining on the timer to unlock



Arrow Keys - Move

Z - Jump

X - Boost



Get the download link from this page, and read some about Geoff's legacy!


If you are able to get the best ending by finishing with 6 seconds or more, your precise time will be displayed after a bit. Feel free to post screenshots of your time, though I would request you spoiler tag it to not ruin the ending for others who are still trying to get it!


Use as a last resort!

When you reach the first three-way, the blue path's jump is very important, as it contains 5 food collectibles all beside each other making for an easy combo, which will help give you plenty of energy to burn as you make your way through the second half of the stage.

Find yourself running out of boost too quickly, especially when trying to get to that three-way's blue path jump? Try tapping the boost button slowly. You should keep a general high speed while consuming energy at a much slower pace, which can be a race saver when you would have otherwise ended up with an empty energy meter.

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Yes it's the same engine, it was just reused as a joke game toward Aerosane's friend, so obviously a lot of elements remained the same. I just figured I'd show it hear since we put more effort than we thought we would into it, and perhaps someone would find interest in its humor and the challenge itself.

@Aerosol: Yeah, after having seen a lot of people play it, the difficulty is quite high (higher than the original it was modified from). The stage however is very short and...that's all there is, so I think it's best to think of it as a puzzle, which though can have a fast solution, figuring it out takes much determination. I also figured it was just certain people having trouble with it since my little brothers kicked its butt no problem, though so far they are the only ones besides Aerosane and I to actually beat it.

If enough people are having trouble yet want to reach the end, I can give a hint which will make progression a lot easier, but I highly recommend sticking with it until you land in the end zone!

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Sejez, you are the first person outside of the people me and Aerosane know to actually complete Geoff, including the 6 second ending; congratulations! xD And thanks for playing!

For the rest, it would seem that some hints may be in order if you would like to join the finish line reception.

When you reach the first three-way, the blue path's jump is very important, as it contains 5 food collectibles all beside each other making for an easy combo, which will help give you plenty of energy to burn as you make your way through the second half of the stage.

Find yourself running out of boost too quickly, especially when trying to get to that three-way's blue path jump? Try tapping the boost button slowly. You should keep a general high speed while consuming energy at a much slower pace, which can be a race saver when you would have otherwise ended up with an empty energy meter.

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