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Sonic Colors Thread

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As you know free riders came out, and the new cast was revealed....

Imo, MOST OF THEM ARE TERRIBLE! (Save for Knuckles and Vector, ther ok)

The worst of them is Amy, and you'll see why...

Shadow sounds like a slow-talking pedophile

Jet's voiced by the same dude who voices Tobi in Naruto, which makes him annoying even more so

Rouge sounds like a milf, she tries to sound secksy with everything she says, yet she only sounds girly

But eh, you tell me what you think

(Team Heroes: Sonic, Tails and Knuckles)

(Team Babylon: Jet, Wave and Storm)

(Team Dark: Shadow and Rouge)

(Team Rose: Amy, Cream and Vector)

(Silver and Blaze)

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here's a story about weed then.

when I was 18 I went to my friend's girlfriend's house for new year.

they were all stoners and I was very very very depressed and decided to try my hand at smoking a few jazz cigarettes.

it did absolutely nothing for me. nothing at all.

maybe i'm already too chilled out for weed but the stuff was boring, i had a much better time huffing poppers and drinking Bishop's Finger.

the ONLY benefit was that I wrote a really really good song but forgot it the next day.

weed is a very boring drug, there are probably better ones out there, but before you do them, get bored with 90% of things in life because chances are that you can be getting on with something productive and creative without the need for narcotics.

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Last time I made a thread I ended up getting banned for it

No. You were banned for whiny about being told by me to keep all the Sonic Colors related stuff in the Sonic colors topic. Then you went on for a good 5 posts with another moderator about how you were too cool to follow any rules and described yourself as some Jersey wife. That's why you were banned, get your facts straight.

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http://wii.ign.com/articles/113/1132902p1.html wow, 8.5. SEGA does not pay IGN off either, they've been pretty harsh on all the sonic games up till now.

Multiple paths and in collectible red rings (shit's sounding like mario now, which isn't a bad thing).

It seems the complaint is in the later level design and some cheap death traps, this is standard DIMPS level design at this point and I'm already comfortable with this amount of times we've come across this factor in all of their games. Though I will throw out the standard FUCK YOU DIMPS now, cause you guys are half idiots apparently.

I'm actually sort of excited to try this game out now.

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So much to my surprise this is a no bullshit game so far. I hit start in the main menu and I was IMMEDIATELY thrust into act 1 of stage 1. HOLY CRAP! The gameplay is best described as a much more refined Sonic Unleashed, you've got your 2d sections along with your 3d sections, everything seems like it's been fleshed out fully.

So far I only have access to the white wisps which give you boosts, apparently the rest are acquired by saving them, I've seen several offshoot paths in the levels that might require some of these powers (the containers for the whisps are already in place as transparent containers). I was always a fan of the day sections in Unleashed, but I felt like it was a bit half assed, so I'm quite surprised to see a much more refined versino of it here.

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This game controls like a champ. I'm glad they've finally strayed away from the double tap jump to homing attack whenever scheme, which they've changed to double jump when no enemies are in range. The 2d and 3d sections of all the stages transition very quickly. The 2d sections of stages don't feel tacked on, it feels like you need a bit of platform finesse to get through. Really the only thing I can knock the game for is the lack of spin dashing, which has been a staple since sonic 2, though I really don't notice it since boosting works in a similar fashion.

I also am loving the level design, multiple paths that aren't as clear cut as the last few games, require a bit of thinking and having the right power ups at the right times meaning I'll probably play through the stages several times to fully enjoy them.

Probably one of the best old school nods I've seen so far is the fact that at the score total screen you can run around on a 2d plane while it's tallying. You can jump around on this screen and hit numbers and letters to pop out extra rings and extra lives.

This game thrusts you right into the action, and the cutscenes are pretty much there for flavor. The story is really simple, eggman builds an amusement park sonic is like wtf so he pops in to see if something bad is happening. Things escalate from there.

As for the wisps and the powers they provide, so far all of the power ups (except for cube) have a good amount of speed and are fun to control. All of the levels are built around using several of these power ups, which is excellent.

This game is Sonic's Mario Galaxy, and that's not a bad thing.

about 6~7 acts per area with around 7 areas I'm seeing. Lots of gimmicks that haven't gotten old yet in each level. Also the levels themselves look fantastic, there have been times where I missed a quick time press A event cause I was staring at the level as everything is slowed down.

EDIT: Oh and for people wondering what the control scheme is, the game seems to accept everything, including cube controllers.

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Based on the pre-release reviews I've been reading, this sounds like a Sonic game that I'd be more than happy to buy at full price. That's saying something.

My wife never played a "proper" Sonic game (i.e. from Sonic Adventure 2 and before), and since she loved Mario Galaxy, this seems like an excellent title to get her properly introduced to the things that make Sonic so enjoyable. ^_^ The Rush series didn't really cut it for her.

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