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Mass Effect!


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So anyone going to be picking up mass effect 2 today? It got leaked online a couple days ago and I figured it was time I got into high gear and beat the everliving crap out of the first game so I can take advantage of the "your story changes things from game to game" idea. It's not something that's done much, but it intrigues me, I mean they do it a lot in 1 game, but never move it across 3 games.

I was taking a look at what decisions move over, and most of the pivotal stuff you choose to do in game 1 goes into game 2.

I'm installing 2 as we speak and I'll have my opinions on gameplay, improvements, and general story in a day or so ;D. Until then, what are your opinions on mass effect 1?

Myself, I loved 1, the storyline worked for the most part, it was self contained and resolved itself in the end, instead of giving you a cliffhanger, you could stop playing at 1 and be satisfied with the story presented. I got tired of side missions towards the end, and decided to finish up whatever side stories affected my crew and gave up on the last 4.

Combat was never dull in the game, and I felt like everything flowed at a very nice pace (aside from moving around large areas when not in combat). The dialog is pretty top notch, considering all the choices you can make mid conversation with just about anyone that wants to talk to you.

The supporting cast were awesome, though they could've been fleshed out a tad bit more, I always ran around with 2 of the aliens in my party (the Krogan and the Quarian) and felt awesome. I was glad that in every situation the party members each had something to say, and it never felt out of place or pasted into a spot for no reason other than to make them say something. The quarian was always giving me tech information about how to get something working, or reasoning why something wasn't working. The krogan always loved fighting, so he basically would say something about killing or something amusing involving violence.

I hear in 2 the cast is WAY better than 1 so I'm pretty excited about that. Also they took out the loading elevators everyone bitched about, so instead we get to stare at loading screens when going to a new area. Basically everything people bitched about the first one was touched upon and fixed making 2 a much much better game.

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I'm waiting for exams to finish and I'll probably be playing it. I replayed the first game last summer twice, once with a female renegade infiltrator, and once with a male paragon adept. I want to see how different the game is depending on your save.

I liked the first game a lot, but the side quest got boring pretty fast. Same planets, same "dungeons", occasional dialogue. Other than that, it was great.

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I don't have the means to play Mass Effect 2, but I didn't really like the first one all that much. My brother played through it multiple times and I watched, seeing that there were multiple dialogue choices that really weren't choices. He would say the same thing whether it was the evil choice or the good choice. If you skipped the terribly boring side missions, you could beat the main story in a little over 4 hours. And the majority of the missions took place inside of buildings, so people who wanted to upgrade sniper skillz (me) were totally useless.

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I've already pumped quite a few hours into 2, and I Just gotta say, it's awesome. Everything has been updated, and just about any complaints had with the first 1 have been either removed, or changed for the better.

Combat is a lot faster, though you can still pause and micromanage mid battle. Accuracy actually plays a role in combat now, yes you can get headshots, yes they do more damage :D. There IS ammo this time around, the way they explain it is you eject a thermal clip so it prevents the gun from overheating, not that big of a deal, as most enemies drop you thermal clips. The extent of the story brought in from 1 is pretty big, and there's even throwbacks to side quests you completed in 1!

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I've already played through the whole thing with my Femshep. Best damn game I've played for a loooooong time. Ammo system was a bit annoying but only time I ever really had ammo issues was during the final boss.


My Fempshep

Spoiler times!

No the Illusive Man is NOT a Reaper or an agent of one (well, no actual proof anyway in game). There is a Human Reaper, but that's the final boss, which is easy by the way.

Only battle I really raged at was the ENDLESS WAVES OF HUSKS on the derelict reaper otherwise combat is awesome.

Relationship wise, Maleshep gets Miranda, Tali, Jack and Kelly. Femshep gets Garrus, Thane, Jacob and Kelly. Not sure if there are others, but there's no gay relationships (unless you count Kelly or Liara from ME1).

If you're worried if the perma deaths in the suicide mission are random, they're not. You have to upgrade everything on your ship (medical bay is optional), I think squad members personal upgrades make a difference too. Here's a list of how I delt with it all, everyone survived.

Recruit everyone you can and get them loyal BEFORE the derelict reaper mission (for the IFF). Afterwards you only have time before the attack on the ship for one more mission, you'll want to use this for Legions loyal mission. After the attack on your ship you're given the oppotunity to go straight to the Omega 4 Relay, DO NOT DELAY IN THIS , otherwise Kelly and some if not all of the crew die (melting was weird).

Here are the Squad reccomendations, you can choose other people who are equally as good at the task but this is who i used...

Have Legion as your Tech Specialist, have garrus lead the strike team. As the biotic protector use samara. To lead the strike team a 2nd time use garrus again. To help the crew escape send grunt. Choose whoever you like for the final squad selection. Follow this and no lives should be lost.


Playable Joker section was awesome

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Well my ME1 shep was a Soldier so i just went with that, easy to take down most things but having to use the sniper rifle to hit the last boss was a bit annoying (missed some ammo, stupidly used lots of beam for first part of boss).

Seth Green is great as Joker, slightly annoyed my straight Femshep won't be able to romance him. Tali is always superior choice for Manshep.

Those wanting to carry on relationships from ME1 will be slightly dissapointed. For my Femshep theres a kiss when she meets up with Liara but that's it, best thing for me to do was help her out. From what I heard Ashley tells you to go stick it even if you romanced her in ME1. Not sure about Kaiden, he died in my save.

While annoying, you are gonna have to mine a few systems to upgrade the 'mission-critical' parts of the ship and team. No worries because apart from Element Zero every other material is easy to mine and in large quantaties.

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Well my ME1 shep was a Soldier so i just went with that, easy to take down most things but having to use the sniper rifle to hit the last boss was a bit annoying (missed some ammo, stupidly used lots of beam for first part of boss).

Seth Green is great as Joker, slightly annoyed my straight Femshep won't be able to romance him. Tali is always superior choice for Manshep.

Those wanting to carry on relationships from ME1 will be slightly dissapointed. For my Femshep theres a kiss when she meets up with Liara but that's it, best thing for me to do was help her out. From what I heard Ashley tells you to go stick it even if you romanced her in ME1. Not sure about Kaiden, he died in my save.

While annoying, you are gonna have to mine a few systems to upgrade the 'mission-critical' parts of the ship and team. No worries because apart from Element Zero every other material is easy to mine and in large quantaties.

First off, I recommend vanguard on your second play through.

As for relationships, everyone is kinda bummed you don't really carry the first one into the 2nd (they all "move on"), but there's speculation that if you don't romance anyone in the 2nd game that the 3rd game will turn up some surprises, that's speculation though. If you don't romance anyone in the 2nd game, at the end when you go on the unreturnable mission your shep will nod at the picture they keep in their room of their romance, so who knows? I had Liara in the first game, but I'm deciding if I want to break that for Tali or the convict.

I'm actually digging the resource gathering portion of the game, it's kinda...relaxing i guess.

Also your femshep would probably break jokers legs in the process of sexing him.(lololol)

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