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Columbia Pictures- "2012" & The End of Times

Power Hedgehog

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Haven't seen it, not gonna bother.

Also, I hear this 2012 stuff is actually a whole lot of bullshit. Pretty much everything about it was made up by western people, not the Mayans, hell, the Mayan calender doesn't actually end on that date.

How do you know anyways, though there's a chance that they didn't finish the calender when they we're wiped out by explorers.

Though after some thought I do agree: Solar Rays from the sun cause the crustal displacement to speed up and cause the planet to shift its axis? That was fucking Bullshit. Not to fucking mention all the land mass should be distorted at the end, and yet it show the same fucking Africa in a new position. Where's the fuck is my super continent Pangaea 2? Hell, if they're going to use the Noah's Ark method, why couldn't they use submarines to evacuate the people from their doom and use the arks for the animals and plants instead. Hell I bet Subs can survives tsunamis anyways.

It got some moments but that still doesn't save it from falling into the mediocre level. The character are too easy to see through. It like watching two guys argue whether they save people or ditch them to their doom (which it did happen). Not to mention the guys who argues contrast with each other, one have friends and families that he was concern about, while the other don't give a damn.

Tough I do admit that the special effects are good, but that's the problem: they took up too much of the film to even be believable. Why the fuck should a tsunami be as huge as an empire state building and yet be enough water to turn Mt. Everest into a fucking island. But that what it is, a fucking generic disaster movie with more shit going on than Day after Tomorrow. At least the latter have an original disaster to back it up (Freezing the northern Hemisphere is fucking extreme), but the former just ripped off existing disasters from the Yellowstone Eruption to the Great Flood.

All I could say is that 2012, while is NOT a simulation of what could happen, is a popcorn flick. It's just there for your enjoyment. Sure there is some boring parts to it, but other than that it's watchable. Just don't expect it to get any nominations for plot.

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Has anyone heard about Aphofis?

A quick google search tells me it's an asteroid.

Well, it's irritating when people don't understand that asteroids and meteorites, among other "trash from the space" come here every time. But with the friction in the atmosphere, they degrade like shit until only a small piece of rock is left, and also lose speed. Why do space shuttles and return capsules have all sorts of heavy-duty protection? To avoid such friction and its horrible consequences, of course.

This planet exists since an extremely long time, and it surely received some impacts here and there, but I doubt they were serious enough so they would rip it apart like paper. Maybe burn certain terrains and kill animals and plants in them. But not the whole friggin' Earth.

EDIT: Interesting info http://www.nineplanets.org/meteorites.html

Apparently 'Aphophis' has a diameter of 330 mts. (http://news.softpedia.com/news/What-to-do-With-Them-Pesky-Planet-Destroyers-72334.shtml)

So, the nineplanets.org article says "350 mts diameter: land impacts destroy area size of small state; ocean impact produces mild tsunamis". But that would be if the impact WAS on 350 meters. Add the degradation to that, and the damage will be lower.

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Well, the chance of that thing hitting the planet is slim, and if it's heading close, too bad. Doubt there would be a way to safely blow up asteroids to smithereens, 'least in the close future.

Also, from Wikipedia (I checked the sources, they look good enough)

99942 Apophis (pronounced /əˈpɒfɪs/, previously known by its provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a small probability (up to 2.7%) that it would strike the Earth in 2029. Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. However, a possibility remains that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 600 meters across, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036. This possibility kept the asteroid at Level 1 on the Torino impact hazard scale until August 2006. It broke the record for the highest level on the Torino Scale, being, for only a short time, a level 4, before it was lowered.[5]

Additional observations of the trajectory of Apophis revealed the keyhole would likely be missed and on August 5, 2006 Apophis was lowered to a Level 0 on the Torino Scale. As of October 7, 2009, the impact probability for April 13, 2036, is calculated as 1 in 250,000.[6] An additional impact date in 2037 was also identified; the impact probability for that encounter was calculated as 1 in 12.3 million.

It does mention that damages would be quite high in the impact point and its surroundings, so in short: Not apocalypse, but could destroy quite a noticeable amount of land.

OK, so another WOOOOOO apocalypse event that will most likely be just another chapter in history.

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The question is, the apocalypse is the world's end or the whole universe's end? Because it'd be so sad for the people abroad the ISS.

The universe? I don't know what made you think that, but to answer your question anyway, it's not the universe's end.

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I readed the "Apocalypse" and everything what will happen only will happen to the Earth (bah,that i remind).Besides,the Mayan calendar don't ends in 2012,it continues.About of the Universe,will end because of his unstoppable expansion,becoming more cold avoiding the birth of new stars.For short,the Universe will become a "dark empty room".

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I'm still learning,english isn't easy (at least for me),but if you can get the idea of what i'm saying,that is enough.

Well for starters, put a space after a comma (or any punctuation) .

I readed the "Apocalypse" and everything what will happen only will happen to the Earth (bah,that i remind).Besides,the Mayan calendar don't ends in 2012,it continues.

That's news for me.

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I readed the "Apocalypse" and everything what will happen only will happen to the Earth (bah,that i remind).Besides,the Mayan calendar don't ends in 2012,it continues.

Oh, fuck. I used Google because i was too lazy in that moment for write for myself. Kill me :kbored:.

EDIT: I have a english exam tomorrow. I smell a fail...:aparty:

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XeroNazoBlaze is not a native English speaker, but his posts are still legible. Leave him alone, guys. He certainly speaks more English than I do Spanish, anyway.

Xero, don't use google translator please. Your posts are much more legible when you type things out yourself. You speak English better than you give yourself credit for.

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I was rather disappointed that apparently there is no planet x / Niberu or aliens mentioned in the movie. There was a lot of potential for this movie story wise and it could have pulled in a lot of whack job theories to create something interesting. Instead however its pretty much just destroy everything for the sake of it.

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I was rather disappointed that apparently there is no planet x / Niberu or aliens mentioned in the movie. There was a lot of potential for this movie story wise and it could have pulled in a lot of whack job theories to create something interesting. Instead however its pretty much just destroy everything for the sake of it.

I actually said the same thing when the movie was over. It would have been really interesting to see most of the destruction in the movie caused by the interactions with Planet X. I saw no reason for any of what happened in the movie, to actually happen. It just happened!

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I actually said the same thing when the movie was over. It would have been really interesting to see most of the destruction in the movie caused by the interactions with Planet X. I saw no reason for any of what happened in the movie, to actually happen. It just happened!

That is so lame. Then that movie doesn't deserve to be seen even if you only want to watch some special effects.

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