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Super Sonic Knockout: DEMO 5


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Just started playing this, its really good :)

I found a kind of glitch though,

At this point


When you jump up and land on the bridge theres no way of going back down to the lowe layer so I had to keep double jumping and luring him into his jump attack to get any hits in.. Once id done this and destroyed the barrier another one spawned.. It took a good 5 frustration minuets to finish em both...

Still playing it though I love this game :)

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Yeahh you were right dude, Sorry about that xD

I didnt know cus it'd not stated anywhere, I presumed it would be Hold down and press jump..

Anyway I played what was playable of the game and I really like it, The menus look really professional and looks like you put a lot of effort into them :)

Cant wait for the next demo :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This week and last week has mainly been a whole bunch of bug-fixing, experimenting, and behind-the-scenes work. Thankfully, our resident composer DJ EAR has recently finished some original tracks for SSK and will be working on more in the future:

Click to play EVENT: Universal Tension

Click to play EVENT: Beat Rush

They are both pretty much final, but tell me what you think.

CLICK HERE for last week's blog post (#21).

CLICK HERE for this week's blog post (#22).

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Long story short, it's been a really long time since I've released a playable version of SSK (over 2 years in fact).

So I'm releasing a beta of Demo 5 for SAGE 2011. It will come out within the time of the expo itself: between the 18th and 24th of September.

So in the mean time, I've nearly finished 3-month long webcomic run on deviantart, so I'll be spending the rest of my free time making sure the beta is presentable with most, if not all, the features I want in it. Whether that includes Volcan or not, only time will tell. Speaking of which, the character is about half done now, which is faster than I expected.


Click Here for the full blog-post!

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This all depends on the final state of the game by the time the game comes out. If it doesn't include every feature I wanted for Demo 5, it will be classed as a beta. If it does, it will be 'Demo 5' as I imagined it.


I hope Volcan makes it in too.

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@BlazefireLP: There are 11 stages in Demo 5.


This week was all about adding the last few smaller features that I wanted in Demo 5 to make the whole thing feel more complete. One of the more visual changes included modifying the Main Menu once again. Players can now view the highscores for Nonstop mode whenever they want.


Other recently finished features include manual saving after battles when autosave is off, and a small demo mode that plays if you keep the title screen on too long (it was a Sonic game and a fighting game, so it kinda needed one).

Click here for the full blog-post.

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There is nothing much to comment on this new update. The menu looks nice, and I found a charm those 'demos' when you don't press anything.

Anyways, quick question: Those H and N at the side of Sonic and Tails, I supose they're the 'ranking' right? Like "High" or "Nonstoppable" (or "Noob")... Right? So... How does this work? Since there are no points to determine who is on the 'top' all you have is a lettered rank wich means if someone get an "S" rank he will never drop down his position? What if I want to see the scores of the other ones so I can beat them and get their positions?

And what is that second numbered collum, wich goes by the inverse of the other?

And I dunno if you'd already said this but my memory isn't very good... There will be a multiplayer mode? If there is, any chances of us getting an Global Ranking (in a website, I dunno). :3

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The letters represent the difficulty the player got their highscore on (Easy, Normal and Hard) and have no bearing on the ranking. The numbers on the left are the rank, and the numbers on the right are the actual scores (by win-streak).

Unfortunately, there isn't any online functionality for Demo 5 whatsoever. I'm still trying to get my head around all the online stuff Game Maker can do and I'm not succeeding in my efforts at current. If I do somehow get the ball rolling, I'll add something then.

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Found the rank I lil' bit complicated... I dunno. Maybe it's because you did like "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" and "5, 4, 3, 2, 1"... So... Kinda messed up a little bit.

Anyways... Can't wait! Fingers crossed for you to succed on the online stuff. :3

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