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Sonic and the Black Knight. Yeah.

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Sonic looks awkward, but the game looks more ever more interesting. I'm not sold, but I like where it's going.

Edit: Same way you do it in tony hawk games. Seriously, doesn't have to make sense.

Edit2: Anybody else notice the chao there?

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"How the hell do you grind a rope?"

With style and finesse. ;D

"searching for townsfolk and treasure chests provides an element of exploration that recalls Sonic’s early Genesis days."

Lawl? Why do they even bother with mentioning the Genesis?

Why can't Knuckles have his own game again? I mean, they gave one to Shadow. His story was pretty much done. Yet Knuckles supposedly has all this history that they hinted at once, maybe twice and he doesn't get one. Fecking bull. Knuckles dual weilding's cool, but he should totally have a gunblade (as in sword/gun combo, not the vibrator from FFVIII).

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ok dw.

Knuckles never really had his own game. I don't really see Knuckles Chaotix as a "Knuckles game". That aside, we're not going to see another game dealing with any part of sonic adventure because the series is over. A revival doesn't seem likely either.

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It's not that so much as the fact that they seem to have, or at least have had (it's a different set of people now) the ability to write a nice story yet refuse to. Also, I doubt we'll ever have any sort of story or character development at this point. Sonic and the gang will just keep getting remade over and over.

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Must've been an American thing.

Sonic still isn't being remade at all. Sega decided to expand on what they did with Secret Rings, and are putting Sonic in a different storybook setting, with various important roles filled by familiar faces. I don't see what's wrong with that, seeing as how it's aimed at kids anyway.

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Pretty much what DW said. Mario with the Fludd was still Mario in Mario's world. Sonic is continually uprooted and placed into drastically new environments with supporting characters that change their personalities from game-to-game with no promise of there ever being any sort of "final rendition."


"Must've been an American thing."

...Nice cop out. Really.

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”On the audio side, veteran composer Jen Senoue is taking a smiliar approach, injecting familiar Sonic themes with a Celtic flavor.”

I'm sold.

Sonic not only grinds rope in this game, but he grinds it while wearing shoes with a normal sole. That part is nothing new, but putting them together just pisses me off for some reason. The friction would cause the rope to melt at any considerable speed.

Yeah, but who said all video games has to follow the laws of physics?

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Thats not the point. Thats not the point at all. I'm just sick of SEGA's extreme "Hey, I know, if it's long and cord-looking, let's grind it!" attitude. In fact, I'm so sick of grinding in general... only gimmick I know of since the spring and the spike to be featured in every game since its unveiling, and it isn't even a practical one :/

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Cop out? Okay then.

Anyway, grinding seems to be a way of covering long distances in a short time. I mean, it makes more sense for Sonic to grind down a rope than to whip out a harness and slide down a rope.

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I really question whether Sonic should be hovering over large landscapes rather than playing in them. Think about that screen shot they posted. What looks more fun, skating along the rope or dropping down into the city and facing obstacles and trials and things? Actually, Sandopolis had rope gimmicks too. But the key difference there was that (well, aside from that you didn't grind on it) you could choose to scrap the gimmick at any time and drop down to the area below where you could actually do something rather than swing lazily through the air. But with grinding its always the same. Grind or die. If you jump off, it's death or more walking, but never something interesting. And the further along you go, the more often its just a way of zipping around without doing anything.

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How do you know he's not just travelling quickly across the city to start a new mission? Kinda like how it was far more fun to swing across the city instead of web-zipping everywhere in spiderman 2/3, but web-zipping was often quicker.

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Ok, this may not be so bad... In fact, I'm for some strange reason, way more interested in this than in Unleashed... (Though I am interested in the environments of Unleashed more than the game itself at this point... Please be a decent gaem...)

It may be kinda like Secret Rings... Where it's not really a "Sonic Game," but still pretty good...

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How do you know he's not just travelling quickly across the city to start a new mission? Kinda like how it was far more fun to swing across the city instead of web-zipping everywhere in spiderman 2/3, but web-zipping was often quicker.

Oh, thats easy. Just look at how tightly packed the buildings are. There isn't any room for walking normally.

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