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Help Scatta spend his money..

Aaron C-T

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So yea.. I graduated from high school this Friday and have gotten money and presents and such. I've set aside $75 for spending money, with $25 specifically for music. I've already spent $16 on a 1GB MicroSD for my phone because I could use the extra song space, and I've spent $15 on the new Good Charlotte CD and a few other songs (two of the new Linkin Park songs and two of the Bravery's new songs). I'm going to spend the rest of the $10 that I have set aside for music, but I'd kind of like to find some new bands or something. So any band/song recommendations would be great.

I'd also like a modem to put in my room upstairs so I can finally get my X360 online. I was definitely planning on buying it off of eBay or something because it's about $10 cheaper from what I'm seeing. Any recommendations on that would be awesome. I kind of wanted a modem like I have in this room (there's phone line-in) so that I could *maybe* get my Dreamcast online as well.. however I'm not so sure that'd work anyway. So any recommendations on a specific modem would be great as well. As I don't really know much about what kind of cable modem you'd want for a console.

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No one's home. They went to my aunt's and left me alone. I tried calling people to come over but everyone was being lame. None of the girls were available and I didn't want to have a meatfest going on. So I'm just.. up.. I'm kind of tired actually. But like.. no one's here and.. I dunno. I'm just up. :P

Edit: Aren't routers just as expensive? It'd definitely be easier to just plug a modem in than to find some way to wire everything halfway across the house. And wireless would be out of the question 'cuz MicroShaft is not getting 100 out of me. >.>

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Andrew: Way to contribute, dipstick. I'm wondering if that's your opinion there, or if you're just echoing that of others. Either way, you're an ass.

Nitemare: I'll check it out, thanks.

Streak: I have an electric/acoustic guitar, a bass, and two amps. I think I'm okay on that end. I would love to get a hold of like.. a copy of Fruity Loops or something, though. Haha.

MaxSonic: I dunno.. I can't get a good enough feel for the songs. The only two that really got my attention were "Bleed it Out" and "What I've Done."

Edit: The new Maroon 5 has "Nothing Lasts Forever" listed. Isn't that song pretty hold, I thought that was getting airplay when their first CD came out. Unless, it's like a cover.. or a revised version or something.. anyone know?

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SG: It's not so much that I don't want wires going around.. it's just that. That'd be a helluva lot of wire unless I went under the house and wired it through the floor and brought it back up through the garage and into the room above the garage like the cable guy did. Only.. I don't think I could do that. Without like.. completely fecking up the house. 'Cuz I suck. :P

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Happy gradumatation!

Listen to Slingerland. He knows what he's talking about. You'll get to college, and you'll be wanting to go out on the weekends. Save it up.

You might be able to find a 3-month CD at your bank, and hey...that's about 3-5% more money than you had (although after inflation it'll only be like 1-2%).

Buy the entire new Linkin Park album. You won't regret it.


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Andrew: Way to contribute, dipstick. I'm wondering if that's your opinion there, or if you're just echoing that of others. Either way, you're an ass.

Um, that's a bit fucking steep. Way to lose your cool, mr moderator.

LateEdit: Incidentally, it is my opinion. I have listened to them fairly extensively and have worn them out. Asshole.

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