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So, a new game maker enters the market...

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A tile based game maker huh? Lunar Magic was highly acclaimed and extremely popular because of this but what can it do for generalized game making aside from constrict things even further? Well, Mario fan game makers can all rejoice at least since Mario happens to be very heavily reliant on tile based games. Sonic is too but none of the tiles are nearly as blocky as Mario's is. Creating a Sonic kit would be...hell, that's a good word to describe it. If not impossible. At least other tile based games will get a lot of new fan games after this is released, should it be any good. Your thoughts?

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This has me on edge.

While stuff like Multimedia Fusion and GameMaker don't advertise Fangames and focus more on the original content...

This is blatantly, right out in the open, saying they're going to include graphics and code packs for Megaman, Mario, Secret of Mana, etc. - ripped right out of their respective games. Not look-alikes or anything. Their "game browser" (which blatantly copies the Wii Channels Browser) even name-checks a lot of SNES classics.

This could be really bad for fangaming, depending on how they handle things.

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This is blatantly, right out in the open, saying they're going to include graphics and code packs for Megaman, Mario, Secret of Mana, etc. - ripped right out of their respective games. Not look-alikes or anything. Their "game browser" (which blatantly copies the Wii Channels Browser) even name-checks a lot of SNES classics.

Wow, I didn't pay enough attention to catch that. That's some serious business. If they don't get cracked down by companies early enough, It might mean trouble for the entire community later on...

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Looks really bad. Why? Because now it will take NO talent to make a fangame, and for those who have been working hard on theirs in the past, it will be hard to tell between actual worked on games and some tile-changed engine.

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I find an interesting ability to this. perhaps you want to build a concept of something to show to an actual programmer? that way it saves time explaining every idea you have in an insane document that doesn't quite make sense. atleast that's how I see it. I'm not exactly happy with the copyright infringement from hell, but atleast there's something interesting here.

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It's free and opensource, so don't think it's more ilegal than what we already have here :P Anyway, this program seems like it could be an awesome level editor ^_^

Quoted for truth. Although the other people also have a point.

However, this does indeed look like it might be fake. If you look on the Team page as Spazzo (Of SRB2MB) once pointed out, they all use chat friendly names. So either they're really shady or they're people just like us trying to make things better for the community. (Or worse depending on how you look at it)

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Quoted for truth. Although the other people also have a point.

However, this does indeed look like it might be fake. If you look on the Team page as Spazzo (Of SRB2MB) once pointed out, they all use chat friendly names. So either they're really shady or they're people just like us trying to make things better for the community. (Or worse depending on how you look at it)

:ssleep: Yeah, I'm sure they're wasting their time.:tsleep:

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  • 3 months later...
Looks really bad. Why? Because now it will take NO talent to make a fangame, and for those who have been working hard on theirs in the past, it will be hard to tell between actual worked on games and some tile-changed engine.

I agree. Remember before the 360 engine? People had to make there own slop, collision, and effect codes from scratch. Coming up with new features that other games don't have is half the fun.

If all games all had the same features, wouldn't that be boring? The only thing that would change is environment.

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