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  1. You're right, sorry. I was kinda in a hurry when I posted that. >>; Anyways, the problem in itself has to do with MMF2. Without hardware acceleration, scrolling the frame munches up so much CPU, it's explosive. I've found out that even running in 1280x1024 that it's STILL faster then a 640x480 scrolling the frame. It's really distressing. I do realize that with a sprite based game, anything above 800x600 is extremely crisp but in order to get it to a level to where frame scrolling isn't necessary, it'll have to be 1280x1024. I could do 1028x768 but I sacrifice some quality and probably even more CPU. MMF2 is an extremely poor choice to use for Sonic games unless you intend on using a very complicated yet optimized engine or just plan on using it with rather high end computers. I can't seem to get scrolling frames to work at all without some terrible slowdown, and my computer isn't that bad. I know at least 60% of the people who have computer use at least 1028x768 now so I thought this might just be a viable option.
  2. Welcome to (soon to be) 2008. High end computers are all the rage and so many games are taking advantage of them, so why should we be left in the VGA era? I'm going to take a step beyond 640x480 and even 800x600 and go all the way into 1028x768. However, I wanted to go straight to 1280x1024. I wasn't sure about this idea though since a lot people are still using this resolution and below. Making it 1280x1024 would effectively block out everything on anyone using that as their desktop resolution and bleed off others who have it set lower. This can be especially troublesome for laptop users. I could have it force full screening upon using but that might annoy a lot of people. I could also make it to where the application can be resized downwards but it might screw with quality and speed something awful. So I want your guys' opinions on this. As the majority of the Sonic community who plays and rates fan games the most, I want to know what the better option is. And no, going below 1028x768 is not an option. Please tell me your thoughts.
  3. Quoted for truth. Although the other people also have a point. However, this does indeed look like it might be fake. If you look on the Team page as Spazzo (Of SRB2MB) once pointed out, they all use chat friendly names. So either they're really shady or they're people just like us trying to make things better for the community. (Or worse depending on how you look at it)
  4. http://www.stencyl.com/ A tile based game maker huh? Lunar Magic was highly acclaimed and extremely popular because of this but what can it do for generalized game making aside from constrict things even further? Well, Mario fan game makers can all rejoice at least since Mario happens to be very heavily reliant on tile based games. Sonic is too but none of the tiles are nearly as blocky as Mario's is. Creating a Sonic kit would be...hell, that's a good word to describe it. If not impossible. At least other tile based games will get a lot of new fan games after this is released, should it be any good. Your thoughts?
  5. Woah. If I could hug you, I would. That's really good! Thanks a whole bunch man!
  6. May I have a logo please? =) The title for my game is "Sonic R Mini Advanced" (corny title, I know) and the previous Logo for the previous game is here. I would like something similar to that, just a lot...better. I would greatly apperciate this if you did it within the next month but anytime is fine really. Thanks in advance!
  7. That's an interesting thought. "The Sonic Movement Object" =P Though I agree, it would totally destroy the means of being a great fan game designer. Building your own engines from scratch, learning new things...they're making it to where you don't really learn much in MMF2. =P
  8. I too have gotten the discount code and I must say, I am quite pleased with MMF2. The only downside is that if you use third party extensions not in the bonus packs, you're totally screwed. The extensions must be converted before you can use them in run-time on MMF2 and while the standard extensions and the bonus pack extensions are all being converted, the rest are left to either be picked up by the original creator or to die. The latter being the most likely thing to happen. However, it's possible to still EDIT applications with any third party extensions meaning if you do can replace a third party extension with what MMF2 can do now, then you have hope. =D Though I can imagine this will doom the 360 engine since it relies on the Maths Army Knife extension, something that will likely not be ported over. =P
  9. I had an easy time getting the game to run at full speed, just when I jumped into a wall, the physics got weird, as if the wall was sticky. I had multiple instances where Sonic would jitter in and out of the wall without actually grabbing onto it and it made him fall weirdly. And: I agree with this post.
  10. Stop making Sonic Team look bad, it's impolite.
  11. I'm not sure what happened before the low jumping Sonic bug, usually a whole array of different things so it's hard to tell what causes it. And regardless of if it's a 4 direction 360 engine, it shouldn't be very sticky with walls, I think that fault on that was the wall jumping and it's precaurious collision detections.
  12. Really nice, though I want you to trash the fall damage system and forget it ever existed. =P I guess I should throw in some in depth comments and such. The level up system wasn't a bad touch, a nice deviation from the main gameplay even if it did make it feel sorta like Sonic Heroes. (Oh the HORROR!) The engine was awfully sticky, especially with walls and steep slopes, which was really, really bad. X_X Also, Slashing up the tall tiny corridor near the beginning of Sky Gardens while low level is extremely tedious. Not fun. Not only that, but there were a few bugs that prevented Sonic from jumping up anymore than a few pixels length. O_o A lot of other bugs too but those are likely standard with MMF. >_> Not bad otherwise though. I want to note how utterly evil the fifth mission is. =P
  13. Half of this topic is about FlyFF, and I can see many of the people here are members of it. =P Maybe there should be a FlyFF topic...
  14. I probably should've mentioned that I need it to be a bit more realiztic than that, as in it slows down when it turns a lot and it doesn't turn toward the target instantanously.
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