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Good job?


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The following is from the reader mail section of Tips and Tricks magazine, No. 145 (March 2007):


4) Have there been any cancelled Sonic games? If so, do you know where I can get a promotional box?

-Leanna Hengst,

Niagara Falls, NY


4) The only Sonic game we know of that was never released anywhere is Sonic X-treme, a Sega Saturn game that was cancelled early in its development cycle. (Another rumored game, Sonic Crackers, is almost certainly an early version of the game that was released as Knuckles Chaotix for the Genesis 32X.) Your chances of finding promotional materials for any unreleased Sonic game are practically nil, because there are a lot of super-crazy Sonic fans out there who have been looking for this stuff for years. Sonic may not be as popular as he was in the '90s, but he still has a rabid fan base of people who are so obsessed with the unfinished Sonic X-treme that they are actually trying to the the game finished or completely remade!

It probably would have been helpful to mention that there is a slim chance to get extremely rare things (especially ones that didn't see out-of-Japan distribution) such as SegaSonic the Hedgehog or Sonic the Fighters. You could also cynically read into the subtones of how they view the Sonic fan communities, but I don't exactly hold T&T to the same standard of journalistic integrity as, say, The Washington Post.

So uh, good job, whoever you obsessed people are. I know you're reading this.

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I wouldn't say someone who has the discipline to pull it off "rabid", but they would indeed be crazy. Well, technically, I'll be certified crazy if (more like when) my bipolar diagnosis comes in, so I guess I'm not helping.

Although Sonic fans do tend to be on the loopy end of the fan scale, though, it's not really as bad as "bad fic" or a lot of the furry stuff (always found it kind of amusing to see some people think I'm a furry... I have a few ties with the community, and I may know a bit about things, but I don't think I've actually participated... ever). Especially the sicker "bad fic". Dear God. At least most of those weirdos aren't the same people who draw really bad cartoon porn, and by that I do mean the REALLY bad stuff. Yikes.

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Star Trek and Star Wars aside, Harry Potter fanatics and Zelda fans don't even come close.

Zelda fans will defend Nintendo and their franchise to the death. That why 8.8 was such a bigass fiasco, even though the game wasn't even out yet. They also have the time to debate timelines for hours on end. Plus, a quick stroll through /v/ reveals a spike in Midna pronz. If you're so into a franchise that Midna is starting to look good...pffft...

Harry Potter fans are aspiring trekkers.

EDIT: Forgot one!

Pokemon (at least, circa late 90's) >.>

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