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SAGE 2007 (In a box)


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So, em... a little backstory:

Ages ago I tried getting into fangaming and the fangaming community a little early, (elementary school early), and acted like a total idiot on these here forums intermittently for quite some time. If there's anyone here who used to be here back them, I am sorry, I know I didn't get as bad as blazefire was at the start (fireblaze? blazesonic? jetgod? can't quite remember - BTW sorry for singling you out if you're on here again...), but I was quite a little shit for quite some time.

Anyways back when I was trying to fit in here (and on SCD) me and some other dude (Mygames[some number I can't remember]/Classicteam) tried doing a fangaming newsletter thing (I think it was "The Fan Gamer's Newsletter"?), never really got off the ground, I think we did an Issue and a half, not that good honestly.

BUT, back in 2007 as part of TFGN I wanted to do a booklet about SAGE, since I was out of the country for most of it, I just archived the hell out of what I could find, hoping to cover it later. I got lazy and forgot about it... but flash forward six years into the future - turns out I still have the bugger.

So if for some reason you are intrested in fangaming ala 2007 - Here it is:


A couple of important notes:

-I have scanned this thing for viruses a couple of times now, and I don't think there are any, but I'd scan locally once downloading the files just to be sure. I remember there being an infected booth back in 07, and I don't know if anything else got compromised

-I used to have links to the relevant booths, but a couple years back I figured out one of them pointed to hentai (don't remember which), and most of the rest were dead, got rid of the lot now, didn't much feel like checking...

-Remember these are fangames from 2007, Game Maker (I haven't touched it in years, so I don't know about now) used to be notoriously incompatible between operating systems, so allot of stuff is gonna need some juryrigging to work, if you figure a game out and feel like posting here I guess that would help others.

-I didn't keep any contact info for the relevant booths (bad journalism I know), so if you see anything here you don't want posted, I'll take it down in a heartbeat.

Some Screenshots (Is that still a forum requirement? -obviously none of these are of things I made):

onMDDOd.png - Sonic Nexus

yu4s2Ip.png - Silver (Remember when Sonic 06 was a thing that happened?)

2kkc1V4.png - Emerald Ties Crossing Fates

uB5Wfyp.png - Micro Sonic


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On a slightly related note, dusty hard drive has given birth to more stuff I think is at least marginally related to here:

-A collection of fangame demos released (I'm presuming by the title of the folder) on february the 7th sometime between 2006-8 on SCD.

-Something called "Damizean-EngineTest" (I'm assuming from 08) which I think has something to do with the first post in the stickied "some general rules" thread.

If anyone is interested in the former, and / or knows anything about the latter that might be relevant as to whether or not it deserves posting, post I guess and I'll act accordingly.

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