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The Best Art You Will Evar See


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The craftsmanship is really good, but the composition is creepy and the perspective is inconsistent. The space that the limbs occupy is vauge, so the foreshortening on the arms and legs are awkward. The giant pupils will haunt my dreams.

But you could probably find a good niche in abstract art, or maybe really eccentric stuff. Lotta galleries are into bizarre and surreal paintings these days.

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The craftsmanship is really good, but the composition is creepy and the perspective is inconsistent. The space that the limbs occupy is vauge, so the foreshortening on the arms and legs are awkward. The giant pupils will haunt my dreams.

Pretty much agreed with this. Although the zippers on the gloves will haunt my dreams...

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The giant pupils will haunt my dreams.
That and his action pose for grabbing the ring makes it for a real psyco. Just like when I dreamt I was driving my car in a very very long road in high speed, but in the of the road there was a very inclined declivity of almost 90 degrees of curvature. Since I was in such a high velocity, I didn't had enough time to brake and the just simply fled off the edge of the track. The car started to fall, and it was so heavy, it fell at very intense speed. Man, it was like hell, was like I if I was trying to commit suicide and was going to die.

That's exactly how I felt when I looked at that pic.

...other than that, I think it is overhaul awesome.

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Jesus Christ, reading the comments I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was disturbed by this. The detail on the socks and gloves... the zipper especially, my god.

It's very well drawn though.

on an unrelated note:

For some reason, I thought Cyber Rat and cyborg_ar were the same person until right this very moment.

That explains a lot. Woops.

LMFAO, that's the best thing I've ever read

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Sorry for the offtopic, but... Wow...
Like, Cyber Rat and cyborg_ar are so much diferent person. They are so so so so so diferent from each other that I can't even see myself confusing the both of them. It's like comparing a very high quality wine, of very well know and expensive brand to a bottle of tequila. They are all alcohol, granted, but they taste ways aways diferent.

...back on topic, MIX is a very good painter, and general artist. It just felt a little, hmm... uncomfortable to look at that picture. Maybe because it's a diferent approach of art to picture Sonic. Maybe because it doesn't meet the general concept that people have about the character.

I would like to se more arts you made, though.

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