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I need to construct a team, the ultimate team, we shall create my vision, Wrapped In Black.

Now, here are the roles to create the TIGER TEAM*

tentative title

To apply, just AIM me, you shall recieve plot details during the application.

Brains - Hol Tiger

Head Spriter -

Programmer -

Backgrounder -

Assitant Spriter -

Assitant Programmer

Engine's dude -

Voice Actor - Hol Tiger

Extra Voice Actors - ???

Musician -

best of luck team

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In that case,

Wrapped In Black is a fangame starring Eggman, you're goal is to convience the Sonic characters to aid you in defeating the four who betrayed him,

??? ??? ???, Black Doom, Metal Sonic, Eggman Nega, they all want revenge on Eggman and Sonic, and it's up to Eggman to save the world. ??? is an ultimate evil, whose name is unrevealed till the end, but he's been around in Sonic games ever since Sonic Adventure.

Featuring a multiple amount of characters, heres a list, and remeber that some characters are hard to unlock because they don't trust Eggman, and others are UBER HIDDEN CHARACTERS


Vector - hidden

Knuckles - 1st unlock

Sonic - really hard to unlock

Tails - hidden

Espio - hidden

Shadow - hidden

Cream - hidden

Amy - Hidden

Rouge - Hidden

these are some of the characters... I won't list them all to suprise you, but they'll be Super Versions, of almost every character, avalible in the middle of the stage.

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You've also got to realise this isn't the gaming industry. Teams that would work in the major corporations (EA, SEGA) won't work on an indie level. They go to work each day, don't have other agendas and whatnot. I'd suggest maybe becoming an all-round kind of game-creator. Or maybe submitting your game ideas for the public to use? Could call for a new category in the downloads section on the main site.

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