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Pixar's Cars


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Review for it because I can't get enough of this movie. Seen it twice allready.

This movie was fantastic. I'd say that it's just below The Incredibles and Finding Nemo as the best Pixar flick. One of the best they've done so far. 2 hours, and really, I could have handled it going on longer.

There are two things I hate. Larry the Cable Guy, and Nascar. I can't stand them. And yet, both (well, not Nascar in particular, but it was racing) were great in this movie. First, the racing in it had me enthralled the whole time. The intro of the movie was loads of fun. Then there's Larry the Cable Guy. Put all your worries about him to the side. Besides a VERY breif moment of him saying "Git R Done" which goes by so quick you'll never notice, he does a FANTASTIC job as Mater. In fact, I heard so many "awwww!"s when it came to Mater that it was crazy. He's a VERY likable character even if he is voiced by Larry the Cable Guy.

Owen Wilson does such a good job as Lightning McQueen. Through a good chunk of the movie, Lightning is a rather selfish, asshole. And yet, Owen Wilson was able to STILL make him completely likable. Paul Newman, Cheech as Ramone, Tony Shalhoub, and Bonnie Hunt all are great in their roles too. Especially Paul Newman as Doc Hudson, and Tony Shalhoub as a car named Luigi. Also, Richard Petty voices "The King".

The animation is, as always with Pixar, fantastic. Finding Nemo improved on water. Monsters Inc. improved on fur. The Incredibles improved on humans. So what could a movie about cars possibly improve on? The level of detail that obviously went into researching Cars and racing and small towns in the middle of nowhere is absolutely amazing. Even though the cars have windows on them, and rear view mirrors and the like, you never really feel like "Hey. If there are no humans, why do they have windows?". Also, the biggest thing, pay attention the reflections on the cars. There are times where it's almost jaw dropping amazing.

Doc Hudson, Mater and Lightning are all memorable to me. Especially Mater. Seriously, regardless of what you think of Larry the Cable Guy, just throw all that aside, becuase he's great in this role. Much of the other characters aren't that memorable, but I must give a special mention to Luigi and Guido. They steal every scene they are in, and Guido has a scene at the end that pretty much had the theater cheering.

There are many many car puns. And a lot of them are in the surroundings themselves. Pay attention to the flies when you see them.

Also, stay around for the end credits. It's awesome.

The little animated short "One man band" was a HUGE step up from last years Jackalope short. Honestly, I think it woulda worked better if the two shorts had been switched, so One Man Band had been infront of the incredibles and blah blah. Anyway, you can definitally tell that The Incredibles was good to them for doing humans, because the facial expressions on them are amazing.

One more thing: There was a teaser for the NEXT Pixar movie too. Ratatouille (rat-a-too-ee I think) looks fun as well. There's something SLIGHTLY different about the animation that I can't quite put my finger on. But it looks good.




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It hurts to not see "Disney and Pixar Presents" anymore, but meh..

All of Pixar's movies are awsome. They are the only cartoons/CG movies that my dad will EVER watch.

All pixar needs to do now is make a Videogame team. (if it already hasnt happened.)

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It hurts to not see "Disney and Pixar Presents" anymore, but meh..

All of Pixar's movies are awsome. They are the only cartoons/CG movies that my dad will EVER watch.

All pixar needs to do now is make a Videogame team. (if it already hasnt happened.)

It is a Disney/Pixar movie, but I felt like not putting Disney since they really just distribute the movie.

And I may sound like a fanboy, but I don't care: Pixar can do not wrong IMO for their movies.

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"I've never been overly crazy about Pixar. A little too overrated for my taste. They're still cool though."

Oh really? Psh. Pixar isn't overrated at all, dude. See, to be overrated, what you produce has to be average, and everything Pixar's done since day one has been well above average. You want to see something overrated? Go see Ice Age 2 and then get back to me. There was so much insane and over-the-top hype, that I just had to go see what all the fuss was about, and I left out thinking "Wtf I will shoot someone in the arsehole for this."

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"I liked them when they used to be CARTOONS, this animated bull____ got old after the first Toy Story."

So now cartoons weren't animated? You learn something new everday!

Saying you hate 3D animation is like saying you hate 3D videogames. It's just stupid. How many of you like Aardman films? The Night Before Christmas? Corpse Bride? Heck, after that whole "Aardman lost their history to a fire thing" they ran to 3D. Is the fact that Flushed Away is going to be a CG film, much like cars with digital 3D models rather than physical clay ones going to make the movie any less enjoyable or lose any of the Aardman style? No. And if you say "yes," then you're just an idiot.

Now, on the other hand, I do hate the people who, like Disney (not Pixar, mind you) are all "omb screw 2D movies, we're doing only 3D because that's what sells" are stupid. In fact, I'd rather see more meshing of 2D and 3D a la Treasure Planet (which I haven't actually seen) or various anime films. 2D animation shouldn't be tossed aside in favor of 3D animation, the same way 2D games still exist in today's gaming industy, sometimes meshing the two (Sonic Rush, New Super Mario Bros). But really, to go around saying that 3D animation as a whole is stupid to the point where you do something as idiotic as relating the term "animation" to only 3D is just ignorant.

I'd love to see someone pull off the wide variety of facial expression and animation in 2D that is possible with 3D. Ugh.

Koray: Ftw? Steam Boy. That's like saying no one makes good 2D games anymore. The ability to make a great movie in 2D is ever-present. It's just that everyone's trying to cash in on 3D. It has absolutely nothing to do with 3D animation being better than 2D animation or being able to tell a better story simply because it's not in 2D. You can go and look at The Lion King and The Little Mermaid, and those are good, now classic, Disney movies. Granted, if they were released amidst all the stupid "omb 3D are better" that people believe in now they wouldn't do as well, but would that make those movies bad ones? I don't think so. Now if you're saying that no one makes good 2D movies anymore, because it's easier to blame poor sales on the fact that you haven't "moved on" to the "next hot thing", then yes, you'd be right.

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Hahaha. But can't the same thing be said about ANY kind of animation? And.. yea.. I see what you're saying. But then again- no, I don't. Look at the majority of 3D animation, man. What kind of ratings do they aim for? G? PG? Most 3D animators target a wide audience, but that has nothing to do with the potentional of 3D animation, or how lame it is. Again, that's just how people do it, because that's what selling. I can forgive Pixar for this, because that's how they started and that's what they do, the rest of them though should spread out a bit more. I mean.. if you took an awesome, dark story set on a futuristic, film-noire-meets-cyberpunk surrounding that was stylized (Final Fantasy: Spirits Within.. too much realism is just odd) and had a great story and awesome animation it'd be a good movie. Heck if you took any story idea that wasn't aimed at attracting 4 yr olds, not just my crazy idea of what's cool =P, and did it in 3D it wouldn't be a bad movie simply because it's in 3D. When you have tons of people "ooh-ing" and "aah-ing" like idiots at something as overrated as Ice Age 2, then of course all 3D films will go for that.

On an unrelated note: I'm totally excited about Flushed Away. Sure, it's 3D, but it looks like classic Aardman.. only non-flammable.

Edit: Maybe I just like animation too much. ::shrug::

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Yea, I know. And umm.. I highly doubt that whole "never" thing. At some point in time, they will. And umm.. tons of real-life movies get by without a "true range of emotions" all the time. Case and point being Keanu Reeves in the Matrix. He never really acts, he's just kinda there saying stuff and making faces like ">E" over and over again. And that's the same way it's been for decades with 2D animation, they've all been "cartoony". ::shrug::

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No matter the story, 3D movies are just too cartoony for me. Never will they be able to capture the true range of emotions and realism of an actual actor and movie.

Edit: Which is ironic since nowadays 90% of movies ar CG.

On that same token Koray, an actual actor will never be able to capture the true range of emotions and reality as someone actually undergoing such an experience in real life. All such things are about the art of observation and just how much of the emotion you can actually capture. To me, that's probably the biggest art of animation in the theatres.

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