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ila's Wii Fit Log


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You know, technically, exercise can never actually feel miserable. Your body wont ever let it. You see, when you exercise, you release endorphins which is basically liquid pleasure hormone. So when you're workin' your ass off, your brain is pretty much thanking you by jacking off every cell in your body.

Personal experience tells me that exercise can definitely feel miserable. Also, endorphins attach themselves primarily to the emotion controlling areas of the brain. They don't have any kind of relationship with your typical cell at all.

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The link with exercise and endorphins (often coined "Runner's High") has recently been shown as credible by some German study this year, although other people question whether the link is directly between the body, or the brain rewarding a challenge or even linked to another chemical similar to THC (which is in good old marijuana or chocolate yay!).

Meh what ever it is, the way I understand it, as you get used to exercising the body basically offsets the feeling of pain allowing you to be HARDER BETTER FASTER STRONGER (but not funky robots). When your body first does activities it's not used to it's always going to give you that "did I break something?" feeling the next day. But unless it's joint pain, it's generally a good thing (in the way that you've worked hard, and will improve over time).

I've been trying to think of advice to give... but uh... I think in the end it's highly personal. Everyone has their own goals, reasons and preferred methods. I've got mine and I'm quite happy with them. Whatever you do, just make sure it's not going to injure anything and don't put yourself down ;)

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When your body first does activities it's not used to it's always going to give you that "did I break something?" feeling the next day. But unless it's joint pain, it's generally a good thing.

"Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) describes a phenomenon of muscle pain and soreness that is felt 12-48 hours following exercise, particularly at the beginning of a new an exercise program, after a change in sports activities, or after a dramatic increase in the duration or intensity of exercise. This soreness is a normal response to unusual exertion and is part of an adaptation process that leads to greater stamina and strength as the muscles recover and build. The soreness is generally at its worst within the first 2 days following the activity and subsides over the next few days.

Delayed onset muscle soreness is quite common and quite annoying, particularly for those beginning an exercise program or adding new activities. A beginning exerciser who bikes 10 miles, followed by push-ups and sit-ups is likely to experience muscle pain and soreness in the next day or two."

DOMS is the biggest deterrent to most people when they start exercising and I've seen it happen way too much. One you get yourself into a good regimen, DOMS subsides, unless you up the intensity of your program, and you feel totally rad.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off like an ass in this thread

Yes, you are. Some shit doesn't work for certain people, so quit pushing your shit onto their shit. That's all we need is another unnecessary argument in a thread that really does not warrant an argument.

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Eh, people shouldn't feel too bad if they're a little overweight. Hell, I wish I could gain weight, but I can't. I'm only 100 lbs at 22 years of age. I eat like a freaking walrus and yet I can't gain a single pound.

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Guest Shadix

I have a few friends like that... I've always been a little jealous, since they can stuff their faces like fat bastard and not gain any weight. Sucks though since they can't really get any muscle tone either.

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Day 2 - May 23, 2008

BMI: 28.10 (Overweight)

Weight: 179 lb - honestly not sure whats up. the bathroom scale said the same thing. I'm going to chalk it up to extreme error or something.

Wii Fit Age: 29 (ugh)

Wii Fit Units: 24

Today's Balance Test: Left 52.5% - Right 47.5%

Trained longer today. Still alot of explanations, so not much time to train. Tomorrow will be better. Felt good all day at work today though, I should get up early more often.

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Tried this out today finally. My mom's so addicted that I might need to buy a new Wii(!). I mostly played the minigames, but even those give you a bit of a workout. I was really feeling it during Super Hula Hoop.

I couldn't get Tightrope to work; my character wouldn't stop jumping like a fucking jackrabbit, so there's a whole lot of 0's on the leaderboard from me not being able to leave the starting line.

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Double post because I'm a whore.

I started actually working out with the damn board now. I feel the burn with some exercises, but I wish unlocking shit made more sense. I'm made of noodles, so I'd rather just do Yoda to fix my posture.

Instead the game keeps throwing more power exercises at me, and I can't take some of them. Jackknife hurt a little more than it should have.

Luckily, my WiiFit age is exactly my real age (20), and my BMI is normal, so I'm not desperately trying to slim down.

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Don't want to get into the "excercise is/isn't miserable" argument if it's still going on. Just want to point out that even people who don't have much weight can sometimes still do a bit to be fit. I started working out last quarter, but finals killed it. Today, now that I'm back home, I went to the local gym for the first time with a friend.

Here are my stats as best I know them:

Weight: 118lbs

Height: 5'7

Body Fat %: (How would I go about figuring this out?)

Essentially, I just want to build muscle and, as some of you all do here- look better. Skinny isn't always better, as some would-be-attractive models can vouch for. Now that I don't have school until September 13th, I'm looking for muscle and definition. At the gym today I worked my arms and legs on an assortment of different machines for about an hour-and-a-half. This Wednesday, we plan to go back and do some more arms/legs, with the addition of ab/peck treatment. Following every session, we're downing a meal with a protein bar (usually around 18-20g a pop) and an Odwalla soy protein drink (~18g) to help rebuild muscle. If I can get the names of these I'll post them up Wednesday.

Edit: Looks like I'm similar to Azu here. I'm 19 at 118. :P

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118 pounds? what the hell scatta?

And there is some kind of machine that most Gym's have that you hold in your hand, and i guess it caculates the fat in your hand or how it reads your pulse, because it tells from you holding it your body fat precentage.

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MMm. Sore. But not as much as the guy I went with, who claims it was hell getting out of bed and requested that we do arms/legs on separate days from now on. I feel like since there are less machines that work the legs, we should do abs/pecks and legs at one the same days. Then everything related to arms on a different day.

So, it looks like tomorrow, we're going to get a bunch of protein bars (maybe 3 boxes- 6 to a box for a total of 9 for each of us which will last 3-4 weeks depending on how often we go) and some of the protein drinks. Then we'll hit up the gym, probably legs/abs/pecks, for about an hour and a half. Then grabbing food. He'll go to his afternoon class, and I'll take a break. Then later mom and I are hitting up a weight training class, which'll probably focus on upper body and lasts an hour. Meaning I'll be super tired and sleep like a baby that night.

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