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Make the devil cry...a 4th time.


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So I picked up a copy of Devil May Cry 4 the other day. I'm not a huge fan of the series, 3 kicks my ass, but I haven't even really given it much of my time to say I've put forth the effort. 4 just looked too damn sexy to pass up.

This game is fucking awesome, first off, it's gorgeous. I honestly wish I had an HD TV to play this game on, cause damn it's beautiful.

So the game starts out in the city of Fortuna, a grand religious city where a group of Sparda worshippers make residence. First off, the game pulls a metal gear solid 2 on you and starts you off as a totally new character named Nero. Now I'm sure some of you are already put off by this, but Nero has badass written all over himself. The game kicks off in a church where some ceremony is going on, Dante rolls in and kills the main priest and everyone freaks out. Nero jumps in and buys everyone time to escape while he tries to lay the smack down on Dante.

They use the fight against Dante as a tutorial for the game, and during the fight (which is completely over the top!) they reveal something important about nero, one of his arms is the arm of a demon :o. Nero's playstyle is completely different from Dante's multiple skillsets, using Nero's ridiculous arm, you can pull enemies towards you, slam them into the ground, and other context sensitive manuevers depending on the enemy you're slaying.

Nero's weapons consist of a sword with a fucking small engine in it that you can rev up to heat the sword up 3 times. On the 360 you use the left trigger for this, and it's much like revving up a vehicle, you pull the trigger 3 times and you gain a charge, which you can gain up to 3 of. You can also insta-rev up a charge if you pull the trigger at the right moment during an attack. Nero also has a double barreled gun, which he can fire rapidly, but it's nothing as good as dante's pistols and ranged weaponry.

I haven't gotten the chance to switch over to Dante in the story yet, but from what I've read, he retains much of his fighting style from 3 (you can change fighting styles on the fly now with the d-pad with Dante), with a few new weapons as well.

The game is chock full of cutscenes throughout each mission, and serve to make Nero seem more and more badass each time, though Dante always seems to be the superior whenever they cross paths.

My only gripe with the cutscenes, is after all the effort to make the game look kickass, people still don't show any armor damage, or scuffs whenever they are massively stabbed anything like that. I watched Nero pull a demon sword out of him, blood squirting everywhere, and his clothes were immaculate afterwards.

I can't wait to switch over to Dante in the game, I hear the shift can be weird because of the complete change in fighting styles, but I think I can manage.

Anyone here a big DMC fan, or are looking forward to 4?

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Oh yea, totally forgot to mention that, it will come to PC eventually :D.

DW, I'm with you, I couldn't play 3 for the life of me, it was very demanding and it just overall hated me. I never gave it much time, though so that's expected.

This one, comboing with Nero..it just flows together, it's fucking awesome knocking someone away, shooting them a few times and then yanking them back mid combo and then going to town with your sword fully reved, it's just fucking satisfying.

Oh also forgot to mention this in my original write up, everytime you complete a mission you get proud souls which are used to purchase skills and abilities, each time you purchase a new skill or ability, the other skills in that category ramps up in price. You can always remove a purchased ability for the full cost refund, and all the other skills drop back down in price. So if you don't like what you purchased earlier, you can rework all your skills around mid level at a purchase point.

If you plan on playing through the harder difficulties (there's like 6 in total I believe), I suggest blasting through the game on easy first to start building up your Nero and Dante, cause your characters carry through all their upgrades on each difficulty level.

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Hmmm... I wonder if it isn't like Viewtiful Joe where the easy difficulty excludes you from carrying your upgrades with you to the next difficulty level while the normal mode lets you.

It does, I actually started out on normal and read how beneficial it is to start out on easy (plus I'd skimp out on a few achievements if I didn't go back). Pretty much when you go to the mission select screen it has the difficulty levels listed with the mission number next to it, you can highlight the difficiculty and pick the last mission you played on that difficulty.

Btw, all the bosses I've faced so far have been epic, they all look awesome, and this has been one of those games where I've been wow'ed at how cool some of these bosses look.

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Pictar related

Don't start on easy, it's lame. And don't turn on the automatic noob mode, where's the fun in that? If I could beat DMC3 (not the SE, the vanilla hardcore DMC3) on all difficulty levels 'cept for the hardest then everyone can beat a DMC on normal with a little effort.

I see you got the 360 version. Can you change the controller config on it? Tried the demo at a friend's for shit and giggles and the button layout was horrible (compared to the ps layout pad anyways), especially in the triggers. Not that it's going to bother me (for obvious reasons lol), just curious.

Cutscenes in 3 were fucking legendary and over the top, speshul mention for Jester's appearances which actually got more than a laugh from me (plus the Arkham/Jester interaction after Vergil 2 is amazing). Also Lady's fucking hot and her appearance in 4 is more than welcome :>

SG: You need to beat DMC3. Go and do eet. Thank me later.

I'd have bought this already if stuff didn't happen and I hadn't suffered a financial hit. Can't fucking wait to pull out the eggmobile move with Pandora, but until then I'm stuck playing the demo over and over :P


And no I'm not using my special MGS4 fund for this. Reserved money is reserved.

DW: PC version is supposed to come out in April iirc.

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Haha, Sef I do plan on going back and destroying 3 after I kick 4's ass, now that I actually have a good idea at how the comboing system works I just need to decide on a style to use (they're all so cool >.< I just wish you could switch on the fly as in 4).

Also the controls are customizeable from what I've seen, all the abilities have a disclaimer above them that'll say "controls could vary if not using default settings". I'm thinking about mapping the gun button to the right trigger so that I can keep a blast charged while attacking with the sword and arm, that'll probably get me into the S combo ranks. Or maybe I can just map lock on to right trigger instead of bumper and then have the bumper be the gun button, that might work a lot better....hmmm.

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The lock on desperately needs to be remapped from what I played of the 360 version. I can't speak for everyone else but it hindered my efficiency at kicking ass.

As for styles, Trickster is the most user friendly. Swordmaster is also a good choice and although I don't favor it much using Gunslinger with the Artemis allows for some badass moves. Royal Guard is hard to master. Quicksilver and Doppelganger need to be unlocked so you're better off sticking with one of the starters and relying on that until you can beat the game easily.

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See with the devil arm, you can't hold down lock on all the time to do the enemy slam, you hold lock on to reel the enemy in, but it seems like you really don't need to lock on much to stay on an enemy. I've gotten used to tapping the button when needed, I use lock on more to evade enemy attacks and stuff.

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I've only played and beaten the first game right when it came out. I remember next to nothing about it, except that I was dissapointed that the second game wasn't called "Devils Never Cry" due to something he yelled at the end of the first game.

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Honestly spike, the series has evolved into a lot more. I've played a bit of the first one, none of the 2nd, and a bit of 3. There's a huge difference in gameplay from 1 and 3. It seems the focus is more on stringing together these insane combos with all kinds of weaponry and attacks.

I love it :D It's like a fighting game on crack.

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See with the devil arm, you can't hold down lock on all the time to do the enemy slam, you hold lock on to reel the enemy in, but it seems like you really don't need to lock on much to stay on an enemy. I've gotten used to tapping the button when needed, I use lock on more to evade enemy attacks and stuff.

Ah, I use the DA as a tool to gather enemies and keep the rank up, relying more on the Red Queen and JustExceeds for the actual damage. Of course this is subject to change when I get access to the full DA moveset in the final game.

I've only played and beaten the first game right when it came out. I remember next to nothing about it, except that I was dissapointed that the second game wasn't called "Devils Never Cry" due to something he yelled at the end of the first game.

DMC2 doesn't exist. It's just a fancy name for a limited edition of cd shaped cupholders.

Btw, the main theme song in DMC3 is called Devils Never Cry.

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I keep hearing 3 is still the pinnacle of awesome cutscenes in the series. Dante on that one's a cocky son of a bitch and it shows.

Mission 8 start: Temen-Ni-Gru dive. That's all you need to know. People planning to experience the game by themselves DO NOT CLICK the link, it's much more rewarding when you "earn" the cutscenes through normal play.

And you'll learn to love Jester :3

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