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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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Hmm... This game has really shaped up... The fishboss reminds me of Gulpo... Boss designs haven't exactly been the most original.

I just realized that the blue orbs function has replaced the stars. That probably why the levels seem so empty now. I still don't like this new gameplay emphasis, without collecting something to destroy those retarded phoenix things the game seems ridiculously easy.

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The graphic quality on the new footage is better than before, and in some parts, specially the bosses, it's akin to Galaxy (It's not as consistent as in SMG, however).

Of course, the coral reef texture still gives me some sort of bad feeling, and some of the rocks could have more saturation and contrast, but right now I have to say I'm a little bit more worried about some things:

  1. The framerate seems to suffer on various parts. This can totally kill it.
  2. I haven't played the original, but from what I've been able to see, it feels different. The Saturn version gave the impression of a different world scale. Nights seemed smallish, and everything felt as if near him or something. This new nights just doesn't feel totally right.
  3. The camera changes direction abruptly all the time. This is annoying.

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Yeah, Debember 18th is less than ten days before Christmas, they couldn't get any more retarded with the release date.

Kinda reminds me how Sonic Riders was delayed until about 5-10 days after Christmas, but they still had all of those "Pick it up for the holidays!" commercials.

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Well, I've been waiting over a decade for this game, what's a few more days? So far, I'm liking what I'm seeing. The game seems to give more of a sense of flying than it's predecessor. I'm also glad to see that they're doing more with the Nitopians and the plaforming. Those were two elements of the original NiGHTS that I thought could have been used more. I'm kind of iffy about the whole "key" idea, but I can see how it may work out. Both the bosses look awesome, even though one is a reworked version of Puffy. The fish seems to have some significant differences from Gulwing, but we know Reala and Wiseman are going to make another appearance (Reala was in another trailer, while the official site says Wiseman is in it). Graphics wise, it looks stupendous. SEGA seems to be able to create decent graphics on the Wii (S&TSR looked awesome when it came out). My hope is that this game turns out to be fantastic, and maybe we won't have to wait another 11 years for a sequel to it.

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"On related news, the Original NiGHTS Into Dreams is getting remade for PS2."

Sometimes businesses just baffle me. You're going to bring the second NiGHTS to Wii, so the obvious follow-up is to introduce the original to the Wi- PS2. Oh, I see. Why not remake the original for all 3 platforms? If anyone should get it, it should be Wii. If it already is, I guess my point's null.

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"On related news, the Original NiGHTS Into Dreams is getting remade for PS2."

Sometimes businesses just baffle me. You're going to bring the second NiGHTS to Wii, so the obvious follow-up is to introduce the original to the Wi- PS2. Oh, I see. Why not remake the original for all 3 platforms? If anyone should get it, it should be Wii. If it already is, I guess my point's null.

I see it this way: if SEGA wants to turn NiGHTS into a franchise, they'll need to build on a good and popular first entry. Perhaps this may be the reason (or one of them) for the sequel's delay, although I don't know the latter's release date so it may come out after.

The quality of the original NiGHTS is unquestionable, but how many people have played it? It's Saturn only.

Releasing it on PS2 (which everyone and their mom has - or should have if you're into gaming) ensures most of the public has access to it. Graphics updated as they need to keep up with the times, this isn't a Sega Ages "revisit a classic" but a new chance for the audience to enjoy the IP.

Nothing stops them from porting it later to Wii, X360 and/or PS3. I'd gladly pay 20€ for a slighty better looking, HD version on XBLM/PSN.

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