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Hi Skool'z over D:

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yea, it's unofficially ended for me today. Finals are done, the prom came and gone ( I actually had TWO dates!: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v298/PGamma/prom/ ) and tuesday is the graduation ceremony.

Honestly, I didn't see it all coming. It feels like I still have a week left. I still felt that even as I was in school today. Them last period, I had environmental. After finishing my final, I was handed the Dahli Lama's (sp? I'm terribly sorry if I misspelled that) instructions to life, and as I read them, I started to feel really sad.

I mean, everyone in school is skipping the last few days since they're not necessary. People just want out. Meanwhile, I feel like I'm the only one savoring this moment, since I know full well I'll probably never see these people again. I'll see a few at UMass Lowell, but really, it's pretty much over.

It's like Louis Black says, "Time ****ing moves too fast."

I have a sence of unaccomplishment, really. I did all I could, yet I don't feel like I made an impact.

That's why I've decided to master the moonwalk, and be 'that kid who moonwalked across stage at graduation." I'll do it AFTER I get my diploma (incase I get tossed out. They seem very strict this year)

ANYWHO, yea, it's over. To all you juniors reading this, live your life to the fullest. Do everything (everything not stupid, that is) and meet everyone. I have met my entire class, and I'm glad to know each and every one of them, even though I have no set group of homies that I'm always with, and I've essentially become a social vagabond (am I an artsy guy? geek? smarty pants? jock? Yes to all.) but even still I'm glad for the experiences I've had.

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...could you get any cheesier, seriously? Seriously this is like cheesier than High School Musical... which was kind of decent. But seriously, all that stuff about living life to the fullest and what not, ugh.

Seriously this post is like livejournal material or something.

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...could you get any cheesier, seriously? Seriously this is like cheesier than High School Musical... which was kind of decent. But seriously, all that stuff about living life to the fullest and what not, ugh.

Seriously this post is like livejournal material or something.

Yeah, seriously.

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High school sucks man. I cannot stand high school here. A bunch of ____ing mallrats.

Seriously, when the most exciting thing you do is go to a movie you are lame. And everyone thinks they are hot ____.

I hate ____ing country bumpkin ass maryland.

I miss new york. :(

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Find new things to do.

I decided to make my birthday be fun this year, so we hung up those super mario blocks all around school, putting them in crazy obscure places, and almost got busted (the headmaster looked right at us as we hung one over a dangerous vent, stopped, and walked away. I have reason to believe he took it down, because the next day, the block and the money inside were gone)

Just do something stupid, and if you hang loose, you'll have fun.

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Why are you telling me? Trust me I experienced more in middle school than you probably will in a life time. Not to be insulting, but I am just pointing out the destinct differences between life in the city and life in a regular suburb.

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"To all you juniors reading this, live your life to the fullest. Do everything (everything not stupid, that is) and meet everyone."

Riiight. I'm going to be a senior next year.. hell I'm on break right now, and I can assure you I HATE my school. The kids are idiotic at best and "Of Mice and Men" (which I read in like.. 7th grade) took the class like a month to read because they can't pronounce ANYTHING. And my guidance counselor is almost a complete and utter imbecile. And they make the dumbest rules in the world, assign crap easy homework, and because of how slow the classes move I get easily bored. I have complete fun humping things in the courtyard and cracking jokes at lunch though.

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Honestly, I have a very small social group, but we're all GREAT friends. I prefer to keep things that way. Any other friends I have besides them are loose friends who I have the random chat with here and there during the school day. I'm pretty content though.

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School's over in late October for me.

I'm like PG. I don't have a set social group, but I do tend to hang around more with the nerdy kinda guys. (Not computer nerdy, more gaming nerdy and nerdy in general.)

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It's funny; I made this big deal about not keeping a real relationship that long (longest I've gone was maybe 2 or 3 months, then dumped her for personal reasons >_>), and as soon as school ends, this girl at work who I've had my eye on wants to go out. But she's younger than me, so I'll end up driving back to school anyways to hang with her and junk on weekends, so I'll still be seeing everyone :X

God/Allah/Buddha has a funny sence of humor.

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