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SoaH City Message Board

Sonic Sigma (Demo coming November 25th)


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Remember my other project, Sonic Origins? Well, I canceled that due to another project that my friend Jassbec was doing that had almost the same story. So changed the story and the name to Sonic Genesis. Then my friends coaxed me to change the name to something more original and something that would fit more with the plot (further down). So I chose the name Sonic Sigma, and it just stuck! You'll be able to play the game at United's fangame parade in November.

Alex Bradley (Infinity Alex) - Project Co-Leader & Lead designer
DaHog - Project Co-Leader & Lead programmer
Hobbers - Spriter & Concept Artist
It has been 2 years since the events of Sonic 3&K. Little Planet has returned to Mobius once more. Sonic, Tails and Amy, believing Robotnik to be dead after Super Sonic watched the Death Egg Robot Mk III fall from space with him still inside, decide to take a vacation at Never Lake. Y’know, relax, have some downtime.
However, Robotnik is not dead at all. Quite the opposite, in fact! After escaping from the Death Egg Robo before it hit the ground, Robotnik flew back to the now low-flying Death Egg to start his next project. This would be the robot Sonic to end all robot Sonics! Metal Sonic’s speed combined with Silver Sonic’s defensive capabilities and Mecha Sonic’s power plus the DNA of Sonic himself! However, due to the Doctor’s crisis, the robot was being built at the center of the Death Egg so it could power it and stop it from falling into the ocean below. Now, Robotnik has acquired a familiar set of stones to power the Death Egg, turning it into the Time Egg, so his latest creation, CYBER SONIC, can be unleashed!
Watch out, Sonic! The Eggman’s coming for you!


Concepts n' stuff*-

First up on our concepts list is Cyber Sonic's design.


Alex's first Cyber Sonic design.


Hobbers's Cyber Sonic concept. Which is better?


Alex's concept for Never Forest Zone.

*subject to change.


And here's an extra special present:





Welp, that's all for now. Contact either me or Alex if you have any questions or comments.

Edited by DaHog
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cool!!! =D

oh, i want to save those pictures into my Collection! xD

(and yeah, i also want to draw dat art! xP )

good concept arts and Cyber Sonic! WOW! xD

Maybe if Metal Sonic comes out again (rise from his dea.....wait, he's a robot, right? xD )

so, Cyber Sonic was a main apperence/boss/enemy for this game, right? or it just Eggman, OR MAYBE.... another creature?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, I like them sprite work you have there. I don't know why, but I can't look away from the design, I don't know how to put it but it looks great. I'm not insulting it but the drawing with the cape he has is just making laugh. I don't see him as a villain but a hero, probably itz dah cape. I think it's great though. I hope I get to play this later when it's finished! And again, nice job on the artwork.

Edited by Living Punx
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  • 1 month later...

I played this game a fair bit, and despite some issues it's actually pretty good. My only real gripes were that Sonic was a bit slow and heavy, and the bottom route being covered completely by water.

Hopefully you go somewhere with this, if this is what you can just achieve in a few months I'd love to see what else you can come up with when given more time! :)

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