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Everything posted by Apricity

  1. Yeah the bodies thing happens all the time to me in Fallout 3.
  2. I don't see the point in purposefully JPEG artifacting it though, unless they used that noise photoshop filter. It does kinda look too messy though, purposeful or not. It should be more subtle.
  3. Awesome! I love the subtle pattern on the front of the shoes, reminds me of old cartoony games from the ps2 era for some reason.
  4. It's the colours you've picked, too much contrast. The rest of the sprite is fine that bit just irks me using a lighter shade would look better imo that's all I'm saying. Also I wouldn't mind beta testing if there's a spot, bene looking forward to this for a long time.
  5. Honestly it looks messy, especially on his lying down sprite. It's your call but I just think it looks weird.
  6. Yeah but there's no gradient or progression with the colour on that part of the head it goes from light straight to dark and looks messy and makes the sprite look inconsistent.
  7. I dislike the ring sprites and the ones for sonic. There needs to be more definition between the eye and the head in the second sprite and I don't like the outline around his head.
  8. If these threads get out of hand a stickied thread for new members might be a good idea but 3 or so threads isn't really hurting anyone right now.
  9. Baseball slide on lands and basic terrain and areas where she needs to go into a ball, she goes into a ball. I see no problem why that couldn't just work.
  10. I gave up waiting for World 3 for ages and I just looked and it's been out like half a year haha. Thanks for the reminder!
  11. You weren't using image_angle before? Christ. Yeah image_angle is definitely the way to go with something like this or just rotating cameras and backgorunds but the level stays still. Haha good luck, we've all been there you'll be fine. Tuck your shirt into your trousers.
  12. Well if you're offering, could you remake the whole of Sonic 3 & Knuckles with the sol emeralds, shadow and silver and hyper metal sonic please. On a serious note I like the Sky Sanctuary gimmick too, it's pointless but it's pretty.
  13. You just have to be commited to a style and a (loose) theme. If you have 5 vanilla, genesis styled sonic levels then suddenly one really weird experimental one then another 3 normal levels it will be out of place. Yet if you kept the experimental feel for the whole game it could work and wouldn't seem so disjointed. Like I said though, this being for the SWLC it's fine. All the levels are detached.
  14. It would be interesting and I don't see a problem with it. Maybe if it were included in a proper sonic game with progression then I could see a problem with it being out of place but in the level collab it'll be fine.
  15. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a cool day, hope the rest of it is cool:)
  16. You might want to add sometihng to the wooden floor to break it up a bit, looks slightly boring and bland right now. The background is nice but so stock and like many things I've seen before. The sky is boring it would benefit from a variety of clouds and more colours going upwards to keep it fomr just the block colour.
  17. It's 6 minutes 15 seconds or less. Btw there might be an alternative way to unlock her if you like the Facebook page and have a look around >_>
  18. I had the same problem Duckboy. There's a ledge that almost looks like part of the background that you have to land on it but mos tof the time you just fall through it.
  19. Didn't die once but finished with no petals left and just a blinking core so I assume that means I was hella' lucky. I'd love to review this but I'm afraid there's no way I could put into words how awesome this is without insulting somehow. As I said on the Facebook page Strife, top drawer. Top drawer.
  20. Shredded wheat bby. Bland and dry to match my sense of humour.
  21. I've been offered a couple of jobs but I haven't took any. Still an unemployed student.
  22. Is there any prize for winning it? Is it like this games "special stages"?
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