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Bryan Casings Concept Art

Aaron C-T

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I'm currently toying with the idea of writing a story, with the working title "Bleed", involving a college student by the name of Bryan Casings who leads an ordinary (read mediocre) life. He's not doing so hot in school, he's having trouble with his bandmates, and he's trying to deal with relationship problems he's having with Gabrielle. As if his life weren't hard enough, here comes the kicker: he's been turned into a vampire and is now motivated to deal vengeance to the one responsible for further screwing up his lousy life, and endangering the people he cares about.

So yea.. this is the first time I've ever actually started with a stick figure drawing, and then fleshed it out with squares, before defining everything with ovals. So far it seems to be helping as the pose is nowhere near as "dead" looking as they normally come out when I draw so I'm pretty happy with how this is coming along. However, I could use critique on this. In fact, I need it just so that I can know if my pose is right and whatnot. The basic idea is to have Bryan leaning against a brick wall with the fingers on the hand closest to us spread to show the claws extending from his fingers, the hand furtherst away would probably be in a fist. The foot on the left is supposed to be against the wall.

Thanks in advance.

Bryan Casings

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with the working title "Bleed"

Sounds emo.

Looks anime. Vampires... -_-

I'm not in a position to make a nice comment about any kind of story involving vampires. I do not like vampires and I don't like stories about vampires, so I will leave you with no further comments.

As for the pose, is he supposed to be warry and looking around as though he has been running from someone or is he supposed to be somewhat relaxed against the wall? If its the latter, there isn't enough contact. If its the former, I can't quite identify my hitch with it... but there is one.

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Rael: Oh I see what you mean.

DW: I guess I'll have to redo the pose, then? It started out as a different pose, and then I decided to have him against a wall. But umm.. he's supposed to look somewhat wary, but even if he were.. I can still see how he's not really against the wall.

Oh and thanks for giving me a fair chance, DW. xD If it helps anyway I plan to write it a similar way the to Pendragon series. I really will try to make this as original as possible.. and being that I'm not really one for vampire stories, movies, books or anything either (I've never seen Blade, or even an old Dracula movie) it should end up being a great deal different than any other vampire-related work. As far as the tentative title sounding emo.. well.. it's about a guy who's a vampire and must live off of the blood of others. Bleed just kinda made sense at the time that I thought up the idea.

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