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3d art


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Oh.. I've no idea how that works.

But this and it's following steps looks like it can help. Especially for something like the starpost. As far the sign.. it may help for that too as the top spines wouldn't have to be cut off due to the texture not fitting- you could actually model the spine in. Hope that helps at all.

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These look really primitive, to be frank. The sign didn't give an impression of being 3D until I looked more closely at it... The starpost is sloppy, and so is the last pic...You still have a lot of room for improvement. This is coming from a non-3D modeler, anyway.

But I can tell you one thing for sure: you have a lot of unnecessary blank space in your pics.

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Actually Zal, it's pretty obvious to someone who is a modelor. You see, the base of the sign is a rectangular prism while the actual sign part is just a plane.

The last one is just a bunch of rectangular prisms pushed together to resemble... a platform more or less.

Ah, I just looked more closely at the third one and I can see it's 3D from there.

I still think it's basic though.

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... Dude.. no. The program has nothing to do with it. What the heck is up with people thinking that. You can have 3DSMax but if all you're doing is taking primitives stacking them ontop of each other and going "look! it's Robotnik" then there's no point. For serious. I mean.. if I go out right now and buy a $30 nib pen with like 40 catridges and 6 replacement nibs of various sizes, but I can't ink worth a damn then it doesn't really matter. Ugh.. I hate that logic.

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... Dude.. no. The program has nothing to do with it. What the heck is up with people thinking that. You can have 3DSMax but if all you're doing is taking primitives stacking them ontop of each other and going "look! it's Robotnik" then there's no point. For serious. I mean.. if I go out right now and buy a $30 nib pen with like 40 catridges and 6 replacement nibs of various sizes, but I can't ink worth a damn then it doesn't really matter. Ugh.. I hate that logic.

Using 3ds would actually help him a bit when it comes to the availability of tutorials though... and the built in tutorials are pretty good too.

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Umm.. that has little to do with the post I was responding to:

"I really think that any modeler program is better than what you are using, cause only the signpost looked decent... (This coming from a 3d modeler)"

I didn't quote him because he was right above me. But umm.. as far as tutorials.. yea.. more availability, sure... just has nothing to do with what I was talking about. And even without quoting him my post was basically saying "having a better program won't necessarily make you a better modeler just because you have said program." If you can't do anything in CnC, buying the pro edition of MMF2 doesn't mean you're going to start releasing top-notch stuff.

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And I was referring to the fact that you said "the program has nothing to do with it". That, is downright false. Some modeling programs are easier to learn on than others, and some are inherently more powerful. In this case, 3ds simply has a larger user base and a greater amount of tutorials to work from.

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