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Spriters Needed for Important Job!

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Hello all! As you know, I'm Mr. Potatobadger. I need a few sprites for a VERY important job. Just know it's big, it's important, and credit will be given! I need one, or more than one person to tackle a few animations in the style of THIS Shadow Sprite sheet!




These are the animations needed:





Looking up!












This Single Frame!



This one too!



These MUST be of Shadow the Hedgehog IN THIS STYLE! If you would like to claim an animation, please make a post with the name of the animation you would like to do. I will check off the list on this post, and you may edit the sprite into your claim post whenever you like. ( Keep sprites 1:1 please) I would prefer it as soon as you conveniently can. If you want to do all of them, you can. If someone has already claimed an animation, DO NOT be afraid to give it a shot anyway. The more sprites, the more choices we have for the best one, and the more community involvement we get. And you get to practice your skills! If you feel you are not that great at spriting, give it a shot anyway; practice makes perfect. And who knows, you may be better than you though.


Have a good time, and thanks a bunch in advance.



Edited by Mr. Potatobadger
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  • 1 month later...

Which idle animation are you using? Just so I can make the 'Looking Up' frames transition correctly. I'll give the hanging animation a shot too.

EDIT: Just noticed the looking frames were done already. Whoops. I'd still like to know which idle you're using, though.


EDIT AGAIN: Finished! Here ya go :3


Edited by Hobbes
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  • 1 month later...

Obviously a work in progress, and based on what PotatoBadger just said I'm not even sure I have any reason to be doing this anymore, but here's my WIP so far:post-354-0-47221900-1413443130_thumb.png

Still missing some frames obviously (I'm pretty sure the source sprite posted in this topic is missing a couple) and some frames are incomplete, but the idea is that Shadow slowing brings his feet into the close together position seen in the frame where he's completely upside down and slowly loosens back down to how he is on the right-side up animation over the course of the animation... sort of like something you'd see in a horizontal bar routine at the olympics.

EDIT: I checked it myself and sure enough, there are only 6 frames to the animation. Huh. Well, anyway, I'm a lot closer to finished now and just need to do the shoes on two frames.


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Alright then... as I was.

I'm almost done with Shadow spinning on horizontal bars. Here's a preview before I do some final touchup:


Also as a bonus an alternative look up animation if the shifty eyes one is deemed less than ideal.


Alright, here's the final version of the sheet for now... only difference from the gif is some shading on the shoes. Feel free to touch up as needed, criticism and suggestions for how to improve it are welcome since I'd like to actively be improving on my spriting skills. Most of the pieces are from the original sheet, but a few I did have to work from the ground up and they are probably a good bit sloppier.


EDIT: Plus 3x on account of browsers blurring the shit out of images if you zoom them (is that something we can change here in css? I was looking into it and I'm not sure, but nearest neighbor scaling is superior for sprite stuff which is most of what we do here, so it's preferable if we can.


EDIT: Ah crap, stray pixel on frame 4... it's pretty obvious, so I'm not going to repost it.

EDIT: Forgot to color the arms black in one of the frames. Crap. I'll fix it tomorrow.





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