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SoaH City Message Board

Sonic Worlds Delta 1.4.3 MMF2 is not installed?

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Hi everyone, I am trying to switch to Sonic Worlds Delta for my fangame. However, when I try loading Sonic Worlds Delta 1.4.3, it says I need a String Parser, Control X, and a Named Variable Object. I read in the readme that I need a bonus pack, so I downloaded both. The problem is, they can't find my MMF2 installation. I have tried reinstalling and updating it from the disk, still no luck. This is a legit version, so I'm not sure why it isn't working. Can someone help me?

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If you say you have a legit copy, then the problem may be because you're using a CF2.5 bonus pack on MMF2, or a MMF2 bonus pack on CF2.5.

Make sure you got the right one, MMF2 and CF2.5 are considered separate products.

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I would link to where I got it, but Clickteam appears to be down! I am positive I have Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer. Probabaly should've said Developer in the OP, but I didn't think it would matter... I don't have any more money to re-purchase MMF2, so I really hope there is a way to make my copy work!

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Why are you overcomplicating things? Buying another copy would be a waste.

Let's go over again. First of all, update your MMF2 to the latest build (if it updates OK, then the BP should work). Then, run the bonus pack. If it still doesn't want to recognize your installation, then something must be wrong in the system/MMF2 installation, or the serial number is blacklisted.

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Here's my question: why do you need MMF2 Developer to create a fangame? You really only need Standard, as Developer is more oriented torwards application development.

Also, why not upgrade to Fusion 2.5? Fill out an upgrade request and upgrade to Fusion 2.5 for very cheap. And, you can still keep your copy of MMF2 and use it alongside F2.5

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Odd. I was expecting the connection to fail because of a loopback setting or something along those lines. Clickteam works fine for me, and I doubt your ISP could be blocking it.

I know that the MMF2 initial installation checks with CT servers, but updates and bonus packs rely on hardcoded blacklists, as far as I know. Therefore, I don't think your issue could be related to your inability to connect to Clickteam.

I'd say to contact CT support, but since you can't access it, it might be a bit of a problem. Any other computer or connection available for your use might help.

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The HWA version of MMF2 was a separate build that requires a legit serial, and allowed for using direct graphics card access for hardware acceleration (hence the name). This build is defunct because the functionality has been rolled into the latest version of MMF2, so make sure you go to Help -> Check for Update and download the latest version (R257.12)

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Out of date extensions do cause that. Make sure you drag and drop the "Data" and "Extensions" folders inside "Dependencies" into your MMF2 installation folder (usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\Multimedia Fusion 2\) as these should be the latest versions of the extensions for MMF2.

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