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The official SFGHQ E3 2013 discussion thread

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Platinum's 2 games look really interesting. Bayonetta by default and that swarm game looks...neat for some reason.

Mario 3D Land looks freaking awesome. Naturally Nintendo is 20 steps ahead of Sega, but IMO this game is exactly what Sonic Lost World needed to be like. Don't really know what to say other than it looks amazing.

Smash Brothers naturally looks awesome, but Brawl looked the same way before it released. The only thing i really care about is an announcement that it will actually strive to be a decent game in the long run like Melee did. With Harada and the Tekken team helping with the game there is no reason why it shouldn't.

Oh yeah. KH3 has been announced for Xbox One. I assume either Square is trying to win back losses, or someone left a really pretty "cake" on Square's doorstep after yesterday's godtier announcement lineup for sony.

Edit: FFXV as well. Yeah, Square is allllllll about its bank these days. Oh well, It doesn't change a damn thing, still have no reason for an Xbone

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I might get both a PS4 and a Wii U, both consoles looks pretty cool.

(Microsoft can go kill themselves.)

And i'm actually excited for all of those new Wii U games!

Mario 3D World looks interesting, just like DK Country, MK8 and X.

(Am i the only one happy that the Villager from Animal Crossing is a new fighter?) Oh, and

Mario Vs. Sonic Vs. Megaman, a fanboy's dream come true!

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new MGS5 trailer this time.


And true to Kojima's word, it's chocked full of taboo, touchy subjects. Seriously brutal stuff in this game. At least, in the first torture scene, it's given a much darker tone than it was in MGS3. Don't even have words for the poor woman with the bag. The blood and gore in this game seems to favor realism over everything else, a noticable change even over MGS4. (in the cutscenes at least)

This new engine is amazing. I cannot wait to play this damn game.

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Yeah, I am for once super pumped for a Metal Gear game. Well, I mean I loved MGR but that was a crazy action game by Platinum. Otherwise I never really have been able to get into Metal Gear Solid (though I am trying to right now with MGS2 and 3).

But yeah, the engine looks slick. I really want to play it.

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I'm not sold on Super Mario 3D World. It looks like a 3D version of NSMB. It lacks the epicness of the Galaxy games and settles instead for a cuttie platformer. Also the cat power up seems lazy.

Mario's first HD game should have been epic. I was expecting an HD version of Peaches Castle with massive paintings and features that couldn't have been accomplished on the Wii hardware.This game looks like it plays more like a PS1 Crash Bandicoot game than a 3D Mario game.

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I'm not sold on Super Mario 3D World. It looks like a 3D version of NSMB. It lacks the epicness of the Galaxy games and settles instead for a cuttie platformer. Also the cat power up seems lazy.

Mario's first HD game should have been epic. I was expecting an HD version of Peaches Castle with massive paintings and features that couldn't have been accomplished on the Wii hardware.This game looks like it plays more like a PS1 Crash Bandicoot game than a 3D Mario game.

Can we hope the cat parkour and the three-game partnership with SEGA means there's something a'brewin' that we can to look forward to?

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The new Mario looks nice for bro-oping. Definitely giving it a try.

Bayonetta, Wonderful 101 and X were all awesome.

As for Smash... Fucking WII FIT TRAINER? Seriously? Also I still hate the names: SSB for 3DS/for Wii U. Lazy as fuck, why drop the subtitle, it's just stupid.


Wrapping up, I like the fact that Wii U is finally getting games. No Trauma Center U makes me sad though :[

Sony won on conferences hands down. The sheer amount of shots at MS and that used game video were hilarious.

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Another FFXV trailer, this time battle gameplay. I honestly didn't expect to see anymore from this game.

that dynamic animation is sexy as fuck. The very beginning was giving me some MGS4-type vibes..The part with Noctis actually parrying the Behemoth attacks was so sexy, as was the team-attack looking deal. I saw some glitches in a few places

Setting enemies on fire, teleporting, team attacks, face smashing on cars, climbing on objects...I hope moments like those are controllable in some large way. If so this game is looking to be super dynamic.

Oh man havent been his hype for a FF game in a while. I know it's 5 years away but it's looking so promising...oh man square why u make me love u again

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I just had to post this since it's E3 related...


Please don't kill me, i just had to share it.

Overall, i think this year's E3 was okay, just okay.

I still wonder how Microsoft will do, will they fail or succeed?

This console wars are sure to be interesting!

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so it almost looks like the wii u and 3ds versions will play slightly different, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it seem that the 3ds version plays a bit faster (melee style fast) than the wii U version? Of course there's some framerate issues on some of the segments, but overall it looks like it plays faster. Either way I can't wait to see what's in store for the growing roster.

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I wasn't too impressed by the demonstration gameplay because i couldn't stop being focused on noticing whether or not the game was a Brawl copy.

I didn't know this video existed though. Sakurai himself plays a match using Megaman. It certainly looks faster than brawl. But while the fall speed was annoying it was only a fraction of the bigger issue with brawl. Nobody will know until Sakurai addresses it personally, or someone privy to the subject playtests a build. Which probably wont happen anytime soon.

It's pretty sad. As much as I love smash in general, Brawl neutered the gameplay progression of the series so bad, i'm almost scared to get hype for it. I don't want to play tag in this one too. I don't want another smash where the training mode is useless.

Aside from that, the game looks amazing. I did much prefer the Super Metroid version of Samus, although that's probably just my other M hatred showing again. (Making her an obvious female in the suit...really completely defeats the point IMO)


they seem to have enough hitstun to actually impact the ground on this game at least. I remember early brawl plays, all my ground roll techs ended up just being air dodges because it immediately canceled the tumble lol

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I wasn't too impressed by the demonstration gameplay because i couldn't stop being focused on noticing whether or not the game was a Brawl copy.

I didn't know this video existed though. Sakurai himself plays a match using Megaman. It certainly looks faster than brawl. But while the fall speed was annoying it was only a fraction of the bigger issue with brawl. Nobody will know until Sakurai addresses it personally, or someone privy to the subject playtests a build. Which probably wont happen anytime soon.

It's pretty sad. As much as I love smash in general, Brawl neutered the gameplay progression of the series so bad, i'm almost scared to get hype for it. I don't want to play tag in this one too. I don't want another smash where the training mode is useless.

Aside from that, the game looks amazing. I did much prefer the Super Metroid version of Samus, although that's probably just my other M hatred showing again. (Making her an obvious female in the suit...really completely defeats the point IMO)


they seem to have enough hitstun to actually impact the ground on this game at least. I remember early brawl plays, all my ground roll techs ended up just being air dodges because it immediately canceled the tumble lol

Oh come on. Am I the only one who doesn't hate Brawl for not being a carbon-copy of Melee? It's not even like competitive play is impossible in Brawl, it's still totally possible. You say the game is slower? I've never noticed unless I was trying to notice. Point is you're being a bit too critical, you're looking for problems because for some unfathomable reason you want problems to be there.

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Not that I want to sound like I'm backing Tailssena (that's the last thing I want to do) but I thought Brawl played perfectly fine. Plus Melee doesn't have Dedede OR Sonic OR Lucario, my three main dudes in Brawl. Tripping was fucking dumb as shit though. It punished both competitive players and casual players equally. No one liked tripping. It's especially bad playing as Sonic and then tripping since his whole play style involves running really fast.

Wii Fit Trainer looks awesome. Can't wait to see what they add next. I'd like a reveal that matches the Sonic reveal last time but that won't happen. Also we should probably make a dedicated Smash Bros thread.

May I just say that Villager looks broken as fuck.

Does he? From the zero evidence you have to show that? Christ

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