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Catching up on 5 years of PC gaming, need suggestions


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So my friends bought me a new computer for Christmas, needless to say, this thing is pretty powerful. I haven't been able to competently game on a PC since about 07, so obviously I'm behind on things. What's some fun stuff I missed over the years?

Whoa, cool friends.

You should probably go ahead and describe some of the stuff you already have/really like so that the rest of these guys don't keep mentioning stuff you already have.

1. You like Elder Scrolls, so you might enjoy the Witcher. (You should be able to pick up the first one pretty cheaply)

2. You like Minecraft, so you might enjoy Terraria. (wait for a steam sale, this one can get as low as 3 bucks or so)

3. STALKER series is sort of a little similar to Fallout 3+. (wait for a steam sale, this you can generally buy most of the series for like 10 dollars)

4. You own the PS3 version, so I'm guessing you already have Portal 2 on PC, which is nice because that's where the mods and stuff naturally end up.

5. Starcraft 2 is pretty fun. To be honest I haven't played it nearly as much as Warcraft 3, but if the custom map scene has picked up (and not gone full entropy into nothing but DOTA clones), that's the kind of thing that really attracts me to those games. People tend to make all kinds of neat stuff with Blizzard's modding tools. (This is still pretty expensive, you might wait for the expansions/battle chest)

6. Titan Quest is a pretty cool Diablo clone if you like that sort of thing and are waiting for Diablo 3. (Should be dirt cheap through some channel)

7. Speaking of Diablo clones, there was a modestly interesting hybrid of Diablo and FPS/TPS action games on PC a while back called Hellgate London. The online component got shutdown though. (Should be way cheap if you can find it)

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GTA IV + Expansions

Sawnek Jenerachonz

Battlefield 3

Dead Island

Team Fortress 2


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Assassin's Creed 1

Assassin's Creed 2

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Saints Row: The Third

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Mass Effect 1

Mass Effect 2


L.A. Noire

Portal 1

Portal 2

Half-Life 2



Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham City

The Witcher

The Witcher II

Mirror's Edge


Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit



Tropico 4

Fallout 3

Fallout: New Vegas

Payday: The Heist

I guess that's good enough to keep you busy at least for the next semester.

(Also be ready for 2012 with Alan Wake for PC, Max Payne 3 and Mass Effect 3)

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Thanks for the suggestions, but some notes:

Chances are if the game has a PS3 version I have played it. This includes Skyrim, Mass Effect, Portal, and any other title that everyone else has heard of.

I'm also neck deep in the indie game scene, so that's pretty much covered. That is all.

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