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Metroid: Other M


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I've always enjoyed the original side-scrolling Metroid series and thought each one got progressively better. I wasn't too fond of the prime series but have always thought of Metroid series as a rock, solid, awesome game franchise. But now they're trying to pull a "mario 64" on the series by making the side-scroller into a full 3d game.

I just got Metroid the Other M. I'm playing it, lovin it so far.They're really trying to flesh Samus out as a character rather than hot girl in an awesome suit.

I thought I'd make this thread for anyone else who got the game and wants to share their thoughts on the game.

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thing i hate about nintendo is that they flaunt some daft gimmick that most games have as the next best revolutionary thing.

i remember seeing the advert for it on TV last week and I wanted to throw my KFC at the telly.

some serious bloke going "you can see all the action from 2 DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS!"

I suppose Nintendo's current market would actually get wet over something like that.

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thing i hate about nintendo is that they flaunt some daft gimmick that most games have as the next best revolutionary thing.

i remember seeing the advert for it on TV last week and I wanted to throw my KFC at the telly.

some serious bloke going "you can see all the action from 2 DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS!"

I suppose Nintendo's current market would actually get wet over something like that.

That must be the British Nintendo's fault, cause the commercials we get here are pretty badass

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yeah if the advert was like that I wouldn't have raged.

the british one just shit talks about how amazing the game is because you can play it from 2 points of view.

ratchet and clank had that.

it's a shame that the wii pales in comparison (graphically at least) to the other consoles. I reckon with better graphical capabilities this Metroid would be truly amazing.

I'm not all about graphics, but I think that a game series like Metroid deserves the best :P

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There's no "The" in the title. Stop that. Right now >:V

Beat it a few days ago. It's gameplay is pretty flawed (first person mode is royally FUCKED. Level design is shallow. Power-ups are all repeats and given to you in a lazy fasion), the story's pretty bad (bad plot, bad dialog, boring characters), there's hardly any music, and the art direction lacks the detail and atmosphere that made Retro's worlds so dense and beautiful.

And...Samus...what have they done to you my darling? Why are you crying? What happened to the woman who destroyed planets, space stations, and several alien species on a daily basis? Why are you so pathetic? You even have an emotional breakdown when attacked by your old nemesis!

Really disappointing. There's fun to be had, sure, but when nearly every aspect of the game (controls, graphics, audio, story) has a glaring flaw, it really adds up. I didn't feel particularly fulfilled when I got 100% like the other Metroids. I was a big defender of the game for the past year, so I feel really let down here. I'd give it about a C-

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You'd think after killing Ridley twice (five times if you count the Prime games!) Samus wouldn't be afraid of him. I'll just say that if she acted the way she did during that fight as she did in Metroid 1, she would have been killed. She literally would not win that fight. And seeing how this game makes a big deal about canon, it's kind of a problem when your battle hardened warrior is literally whimpering.

I won't get started on Adam, but I'll just say that he makes you march through three long hallways filled with lava before he lets you have the Varia Suit. Samus is totally okay with this (make up your own joke here about women doing what you tell them to do.)

I'm very sad cause I'm hearing this game just doesn't capture the good metroid feeling that we've come to expect.

That's what happens when you start working on story and cutscenes BEFORE gameplay. It doesn't help when your director demands you to shoehorn controls to a very limited setup because he's a stubborn little bitch.

Reading some of the things in Iwata Asks raised a lot of "wait...he did what?!" moments.

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I just want to know what the allusion to maternal themes is all about, that's all. I don't like where the direction in gameplay this game took, and as stated by many, Samus waiting for permission to use things she's already equipped with is ridiculous.

This game would've been better as a reboot, I think.

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Aerosol: "mother" is a theme in the series. Samus has none, but she's the "mother" of the baby Metroid. Also Mother Brain. It comes up in Other M another time, but not till the very end. Also, the whole game, Samus says "THE BABY THE BABY THE BABY OH GOD THE BABY". So yea, maternity and shit.

@tentril: the manga (which is, surprisingly, canon) shows Samus's parents being killed, Samus being adopted by Chozo, etc. The original Prime and Zero Mission were all over the whole Chozo thing. Can't miss it.

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Well I knew about those allusions, but it was implied that a new character or such was going to be introduced that was going to explain the origin of something in Other M. I mean, they went out of their way to make everything about MOM (two, maybe three references to the word "mother" in the title alone?). If you're telling me that they really didn't expand on anything and turned Samus into a scared teenage mom with a suit of armor, I'm going to be pissed.

There's also an allusion to some other kind of Metroid. If there really is one, I suppose that'll be a nice consolation prize.

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The plot introduces a lot of things...then drops them right away and introduces something else, and nothing really gets concluded except for another subplot introduced in the last hour. The Deleter subplot is totally forgotten and never resolved, and they make that out to be the central conflict at one point. The next thing I knew, everyone was flying back home and I just thought "...wait. What about all that other stuff? Where are you going? Get back here! This isn't an ending!" I've never accidentally reached the end credits of a game before.

If you played Fusion, you know at least one of the characters isn't going to make it, so there's your backstory. Everything else is explained either in the manga or the other games. But even when that character dies, I didn't even realize it was happening. I'm not even sure if it's relevant since there are about five other things going on. Actually a lot of characters die and the game is just like "oops. Well that happened."

And of course there are Metroids. When the game isn't wasting time with bad writing, it's shoving every Metroid reference it possibly can at you. Power bombing a glass passage, shooting those ring lasers from Tourian...I think the only major thing that doesn't make a comeback in Kraid. The final boss is also a really nice surprise if you're super familiar with the series. (The main story's final boss, that is. After the credits there's a second mission for getting all the items and fighting one more throwback boss.) It just throws in every reference it can, which is awesome, but you need to put up with some janky gameplay and story to get to it.

Final final final verdict just to get the sand out of my vagina and let other people talk: It's got a lot of fun moments, but everything has a flaw. The controls are crummy, the locales lack atmosphere, the art direction looks worse than Prime 1, there are probably three whole music tracks, and the story's just bad. But it's still REALLY cool to see a Nintendo character pry open an alien's mouth, stick a gun in, and blow it's brains out, and it's the first time Nintendo actually gave a fuck about story outside of their clutsterfuck of a Zelda timeline, so it's worth at least trying.

Rent it. You might like it, you might hate it. It's pretty divisive so you might not want to gamble $50.

I think Games Radar's review covers it best (and it's got a sweet montage of Samus tearing everything to shreds):


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I really thought that the game would be badass but as I continued to play the story really doesn't do Samus any justice, like pheonix said. Samus is not the badass chick in a suit here. She's scared at enemies she's already beaten, alot.

First person would have been great if you could MOVE. In all, it's a good game, but it's not up to par with the rest of the Metroid series.

Oh well, we can always hope for a good metroid game on the 3ds??

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I'll admit the game looked kind of alright from previews...until I saw a bunch of random elements that didn't seem to mesh together. For me, I might have made this my proper entry into the franchise whenever I got a Wii but I guess I won't. I have always kind of wanted to try Metroid outside of Metroid Prime (which I didn't care for, sorry :( ) and I'm going to assume that Super Metroid and Fusion are the two most recommended or am I wrong?

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I agree. I've always felt like the Prime games were shallow in that they took the use of 3D for granted while trying to capture the Metroid atmosphere.

Not to mention, scanning things not related to your general well-being was the most annoying thing I'd ever experienced.

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The moment i found out Team Ninja was doing this game, i never expected much from it anyway.

Something about the initial previews of this game just screamed "cinematic over gameplay elements" to me. Samus never needed any extra attention, and if she did, Metroid Fusion is what they should have looked to. Im surprised she wasnt given a suitless costume with jiggle physics, to be honest.

Metroid games were always about 1) exploration and 2) atmosphere. Not entirely in that order, but you get the point. Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion nailed that shit on the head almost perfectly. This game sort of radiated that it wasn't going to be like either of them from the previews. Thats just me though.

Last thing i want to see in a metroid game is a mother fucking sci-fi drama. What the fuck were they thinking. The moment you start trying to do something with your franchise you know you shouldn't, you ruin your good characters. Im really starting to get pissed off by how visual games are starting to become. I never was phased by "GRAPHICS OVER GAMEPLAY" rants, but this whole "STORY OVER GAMEPLAY" bullshit really is starting to annoy me. You aren't going to write an Action-Adventure storyline that's going to make me cry or feel bad for anyone, guys.

Edit: The last game that actually made me feel bad during the ending was Twilight Princess, believe it or not. And Nintendo didn't have to try very hard at all with that storyline -- the game itself moved it better than cutscenes ever could.

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