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Continuum Shift. Who's getting it?


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Just got the game, now undergoing PSN's pathetically slow shitty update service for a 57MB patch.

I'll be sure to tell you guys what I think of it, but there isn't really much to tell since it's really just more of Calamity Trigger. I WILL say that from what i've been seeing, the game's comedic quality has taken an even bigger leap from CT, if that was even possible, complete with Pulp Fiction references (yeah, seriously), sexual innuendo and, apparently, pedophile jokes. (Blazblue does not fail to lampshade anything.)

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well i must say, im first impressed with the sheer amount of voice acting in this game. I mean, like everything, the entire tutorial is voiced. That'd be a horrible thing, but the voice acting is so good that it actually makes the game MORE fun, believe it or not. (Rachel's insults are the only reason i stayed in the beginner tutorial.) The Tutorial really does its job of getting newer players up to speed on 2D fighting games, as it takes absolutely everything very, very slow for beginners, and explains everything in detail.

Challenge mode just pisses me off. Not because it's bad, but because the seemingly easy combos are all very difficult to me because i just realized that i never use high-jump cancels. Ever. The simplest combo took me 30 minutes to complete because of my inability to do a simple 28 motion without screwing up my inputs.

Story Mode is very, very beefy with dialogue, but it's interesting and quite funny so i dont mind. It seems every storyline has 3 paths, including ones aptly named "gag reels" (and oh, are they retarded).

Network Mode....for the first 20 minutes of navagating Network Mode, i was completely distraught, because it seemed like they ruined everything. I could rarely get into rooms, no more choosing my Ranked opponents, ect ect. Upon actually getting into it though....it's been far improved. When joining a room with a battle in progress, the game actually records the entire match, so it starts you at the beginning of the current round being played, and fast-forwards you to the current. They also added quick-chat to the lobby, which is also neat.

Best part is though, while you're hosting your own room, it allows you to enter Practice mode while you wait for an opponent to enter, when after it displays a message on the screen telling you to go back to start the match.

Haven't touched Leigon mode yet, and i'll save score attack for later, because this game's AI pisses me off sometimes. Gallery is f**king chocked full of pictures, my god.

Edit: And OH MY GOD, im only playing the game on Very Hard mode, but Unlimited Hazama is mother fucking insane. Fuck ragna, this guy is just not fair anymore. The Unlimited Hazama from CS PC aint shit (kicked his ass on Hell first playthrough with ragna), but this one just eats your ass alive. Made even WORSE in story mode, for a reason i cant really tell for spoiler reasons. But i had to literally resort to using the same move over and over again. If you dont find ways to trick the AI you'll never fucking win.

Another fun note, I don't think rachel is nearly as pathetic as everyone says. I've played with her more than anyone else online, and i've won a good bit of matches against pretty decent opponents. None spectacular, though. However, her damage output IS quite low now, so if someone gets a good lead on you, they can literally just run from you the whole match because they know you'll never even the score in 30 seconds, let alone kill them unless you get lucky somehow with a Fatal Counter / 3-rod Distortion.

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K beat the whole game. Pretty satisfying!

Mu-12 is quite fun to play as, and I think i'll pick her up as a sub, or possibly even a main. That spot was going to be filled by Rachel, but using her has become such a chore that i dont feel it's nearly even worth it anymore. (Her damage is just too pathetic.)

She has good attacks, but is disastrously punishable, as her attacks have alot of cooldown if they're wiffed. Her Lasers are effing wonderful, a full charge on them break guard primers when blocked, and her Distortions do great damage.

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(Mu-12 is usuable everywhere except Story Mode and Arcade Mode, IIRC. Score Attack, Challenge, Legion, Network, ect ect shes a regular character, just like Makoto.)

Okay, I think im going to Main Mu-12 at this point. In all honesty, she's like the Rachel of CS. She has stupid crazy damage combos off counter hit (7.6k 50% meter), and can zone pretty damn well. With her Stein Gunners she can actually get a Counter Hit off of people while they're attacking you. On the flip side though, shes really slow and has the same life range as Lambda/Nu, so once someone gets on you, its really hard to get them off if her DP doesn't work. I've been killed in two combos by ragna.

As for how the characters seem to have changed, by experience losing/fighting them...

Jin, while he's no longer Mr. Blackbeat (having to wiggle out of freezing state getting you hit when any normal hitstun wouldn't) is still mother fucking annoying. Possibly more annoying than before, thanks to him sharing his j.5C with Hakumen, giving him more range than he even needs, IMO. At least i have more respect for his players, now. He has no issue cornering you anymore. His DP's are untouchable, almost all his drives are faster, and it SEEMS like 5D has invincibility now. (?????)

I've seen so many Hakumen, Bang, and Litchi players online its astounding. I never have met so many Hakumen players -- he used to be somewhat RARE to face online. Litchi and Bang NEVER needed the buffs they got, but now that they got em they're just a chore to fight now, and everyone seems to be learning them. Bang is annoying since he's so difficult to get away from and his blasted 5A goes through EVERYTHING in the game, and Litchi is annoying because every tiny little fucking hit she gets off you sets her up for a 20 hit combo and 5k damage. It really doesn't matter where you are. Its infuriating.

Tager also is someone who seems to be getting more play these days, although im not sure why -- he doesn't seem much different from CT to me aside from a few magnetic combo changes.

Lambda? More annoying than Nu, IMO. Her new 236 Dash moves are pretty formidable, one of them being almost unpunishable on block if you read her incorrectly. She seems to be amazing at taking Guard Primers, which means blocking against her the whole match is a big nono. Nu is now Unlimited Lambda, which is Unlimited Nu from CT with some of Lambda's new moves. Terrifying.

Havent played too many Tao or Arakune's, no decent Noels, and i haven't played a single Carl player online yet.

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Hey guys I got Continuum Shift, it is a big adjustment and I am so rusty. Learning Makoto (who I suck with) and trying to adapt to Taokaka's changes too. A lot of Tao's I find are just timing differences from my old combos.

Edit: Gamertag is Desertpunk 013, forgot to add that in. Just lemme know who you are on here if you add me unless it is totally obvious.

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Ragna's 5b is just an amazingly good poke, so yeah pretty much every combo is going to start with it since it has great range and can usually keep you at a safe distance. If you think Ragna's 5b is annoying, then im sure you'll damn near ragequit fighting Bang, Litchi or Valkenhayn.

Ragna scrubs spam Inferno or Hells Fang if anything. If you're continuously getting gimped by ragna's 5b, something is going terribly wrong with your defense. When I played on 360, i dont remember there being too many spammy characters online. CT had tons of Noel spammers (since her 2D was almost too fast to react to) and Ice Car scrubs (Block, punish, rinse repeat.), but thats about it.

My main gripe with CS is what it did to Bang, litchi, and nearly Hakumen as well. Hakumen needed the upgrades, but Bang nor Litchi needed any kind of upgrade to their playstyle and got way more than they needed. People who were already good with litchi came over to CS and became Godlike almost instantaneously, because she is overwhelmingly powerful now. Her playstyle revolved around getting you into a corner and never letting you out, but now her damage kills you before you even get the chance to. Bang was always damn annoying, but they also upped his combo damage as well. Hakumen is just so much easier to win with that he doesn't feel as cool to use anymore.

And then there's Rachel.

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Ragna's 5b is just an amazingly good poke, so yeah pretty much every combo is going to start with it since it has great range and can usually keep you at a safe distance. If you think Ragna's 5b is annoying, then im sure you'll damn near ragequit fighting Bang, Litchi or Valkenhayn.

lol you think im mad? psh.

psst get a 360 so I can show you how to play the game proper ;)

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lol you think im mad? psh.

psst get a 360 so I can show you how to play the game proper ;)

Lol no, i dont. It's just something i hear alot. When people complain about Inferno Divider or Ice Car, the simplest answer is to simply Block/ IB and punish. Of course, it gets alot harder to do that to GOOD players, since the reason they can spam the move is because they know when you're going to fall for it.

I bought CT on 360, but got CS for PS3 because 1) i dont care to pay to play Blazblue online (since thats all i really played over that summer) and 2) The Xbox D-pad is absolute fucking garbage. I'd love to play you on PS3, though.

Me and DW played a couple funny matches the other day. It was kind of on-off laggy, but nonetheless pretty fun.

And all I ever do when i use Tager and want to Emerald a foolish, eager rushdown character is rotate the control stick and constantly buffer the move. As long as you aren't jumping, it'll come out. But i suck with tager, so it only works every now and then.

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Lol no, i dont. It's just something i hear alot. When people complain about Inferno Divider or Ice Car, the simplest answer is to simply Block/ IB and punish. Of course, it gets alot harder to do that to GOOD players, since the reason they can spam the move is because they know when you're going to fall for it.

I don't fall for it, but that doesn't excuse it being a funny move. Makoto j.2C is a great reset and happens all the time. it's just how it is :P

I bought CT on 360, but got CS for PS3 because 1) i dont care to pay to play Blazblue online (since thats all i really played over that summer) and 2) The Xbox D-pad is absolute fucking garbage. I'd love to play you on PS3, though.

after buying an arcade stick, I've shunned pads forever. You shouldn't be using the D-pad for a fighter anyways when the 360 stick is right there and infinitely more accurate ( 360 D-Pad has the weirdest deadzone in the world ). I would love to play you as well, but I don't have a PS3 ( at the moment at least! )

And all I ever do when i use Tager and want to Emerald a foolish, eager rushdown character is rotate the control stick and constantly buffer the move. As long as you aren't jumping, it'll come out. But i suck with tager, so it only works every now and then.

Feint with 214B until they come up, hit them with 5B/5C then 3C. 22D then 360 while 22D is active.

Happy Ranked Match ownage.

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too poor for a stick, and i really don't see the point in getting one right now, really. The only motions i ever have issue with are HCB+F. Every now and then i fume when i fuckup DP motions or something, but i dont think a Stick will help with that as much as practice would.

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Played around with my friend today on his PS3. Aside from trying some Hakumen strategies with CS, I tried my like with Tsubaki. I like that she's intuitive. Kinda reminds me of when I tried picking up Melty Blood Actress Again. I'll consider subbing her or Valkenheyn...

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too poor for a stick, and i really don't see the point in getting one right now, really. The only motions i ever have issue with are HCB+F. Every now and then i fume when i fuckup DP motions or something, but i dont think a Stick will help with that as much as practice would.

In all honestly a stick will help you in 2 ways: Full movement control in one hand ( no hand-ache, no accidental tilting in 1 direction ), and Full normal control ( all buttons are totally logical and away from eachother but still accessible ).

Your pad movements will just take a few hours to transfer, then they are amplified twofold because of the joystick flexibility and ability to mash like a mofo for moves where it counts ( Makoto 214C~C ).

oh and DP's come out smooth as button a stick just saying. and so do 360's.

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