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Nintendo DS Xtra Large (wtf?)


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As long as it coexist along the other models I don't see where is the problem. The more models, the more variety. You don't have to have the latest model of the console, neither your old model will disintegrate when the new model comes out.

The best of having different models is that you can choose the one that best fits your preferences. Since when the variety has become a problem?

And even if some people dislike it, old people and people with vision issues has also the right of playing games. I think it is a good motivation for those people to get a DS.

And sereph, I can understand that you are angry at nintendo because of his politics but, saying that things doesn't make them true. I am along Pheonix Gamma. DS is filled of shit, true, but it has it's own exclusive jewels. Probably DS is the console with the best exclusive titles. Filled with rpgs (if you love rpgs, there is no possible way you can't aggree with this) of an average and above quality and with innovative titles that in other consoles would be a buig risk, so you will never see. Also it's the console with a strong retro taste. Probably among wii the only one with 2D sidescrollers, shoot'em ups, beat'em ups, arcade, graphic adventures, dungeon crawlers and other forgotten genres.

I'm sorry, but I am tired of watching people throwing bullshit to ds when it's probably the only console that has variety, quantity, quality, innovation and it's for everybody: it has great games of every genre, has enough quantity to never stop playing, it has great quality games for the specs of the console: just watch suikoden as an example, not talking about gameplay quality, games are innovative, much more since developmente costs are lower, so risks are lower too. Just look at scribblenauts, and it's for everybody, you can find games for 3 y/o kids and for 70 y/o grandpas. But also for every people of 16-36 y/o.

I think DS should be respected since it did what other consoles didn't: revive old genres and reach to everybody. Even yourself, that hates it, said that there are some titles you might like. This console is impressionant, even if you dislike the behaviour of nintendo.

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Clearing shit up for people...

I hope this DS has WPA/WPA2 support.
The DSi already does these, however due to how WFC was implemented it won't work in regular DS games, ever.
I'm still on the original DS, so if the XL has the proposed 3G capability then I just might consider making the purchase.
3G was considered, but ultimately left out due to making the system more expensive.
For the record, people, this version of the DSi was made for old people with bad eyesight. You don't have to buy it, for pete's sake.
THIS. Why else would the system be bundled with a marker-sized stylus and three DSiWare titles (two brain training games and a dictionary)? It's not marketed for us. However, IMHO, this would probably be the same screen size as the DS' successor.
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It seems to me that Nintendo is supplementing their plateauing sales with a ds that is designed more towards a market that their missing out on a little. This new ds is probably gonna be priced around the same as the dsi. I doubt its anything more than a little bit of plastic and a bigger screen.

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Oh yeah i downloaded Phantasy Star Portable as well, but i feel completely justified for that -- i pre-ordered PSU, bought the expansion disc when it came out, paid for months of PS2/PC subscription, bought the game on 360, bought the expansion on 360, and paid for 2 months of that as well. Fuck sega, i deserve a freebie. Espicially with the half-ass service Sega of America called themselves giving our servers, skipping updates and fucking up subscriptions. I paid them for service they rarely ever gave

But if it makes you feel any better, im going 100% legit and BUYING Phantasy Star Portable 2 when its released over here, as well as going OFW to play Infastructure. AND if it makes you feel better, i felt like a complete dick after beating Crisis Core and realizing i never paid Square Enix for the kickass game i just beat.

I don't mind if you download any number of pirated games Seraph, I just don't ever want to hear anyone saying they only pirate games. Fact is, people who pirate are pretty likely to spend more on gaming than anyone else (I know I must have spent over 2000 dollars on gaming related stuff in the last year), and that to me is probably the biggest reason that companies should just stop wasting their money trying to fight it and start living with it.

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