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Who Watches the Watchmen?


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(Don't answer that question cause it's a quote from the book :D)

So it's been a while since I've seriously perused the forums, I just got done rereading the watchmen graphic novel and am fucking pumped for the movie, I was wondering if any of you guys have read it yet and if you're pumped for it too?

And for people going into the movie not knowing much, beware that it is a VERY story heavy movie, there is action in it, but don't go in expecting action cum shots every 2 seconds, there's a ton of character development and plot to touch on.

So discuss, watchmen!

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This was the first "graphic novel" i've ever read (Back in elementary school, when a friend had a copy from his brother), I always knew this would make a great movie and have been watching and waiting for it. Beyond psyched- chances are i'll be seeing this a few different times with a few different groups of people.

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I admit that I hadn't read the graphic novel until seeing the first trailer for the film.

When I did read it, my first thoughts were "Sweet tits! This is one of the greatest things I've ever read." My second thoughts were "My God! They're going to try and adapt this to film!?!"

However, if the diverse reviews of the film that have surfaced so far (ranging from TOTAL FLOP to BEST MOVIE EVER) tell me anything, its that Snyder has crafted a deep, nuanced film that everyone will have their own unique interpretation of.

Now I'm just plain psyched.

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Don't get me wrong. I'm a sucker for superhero and action movies, so I'm excited. But this "The Watchmen will be the greatest movie ever to grace the silver screen" sentiment that's been going around lately....I don't feel it. I get it, I just don't feel it.

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Oh my God...people keep going on and on about this like this movie is the second coming of Jesus.

Is this really going to be that good?

When you've been waiting for something to become a movie since you were a little kid, then maybe you'd be hyped too.


Did the Dark Knight get this much hype, or was it only until after the premiere that it started getting hyped up?

From what I see, The Dark Knight was/is hyped way more than this movie.


Bad news if you trust statistics...

I am not expecting the best movie ever created. That's not what get's me hyped for a movie like this. What get's me hyped is that it's actually being released and looks like it could stand up on its own.

Also- The full version of the movie won't be available until DVD (Or maybe played again in theatres in June), which is over 3hrs.

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Yea i dunno where the "second coming of jesus" thing is coming from, the graphic novel is fucking awesome but it's definitely going to be one of those movies where people that go into it expecting the worlds greatest action movie are going to be severely dissapointed, it's a kickass world and story they set up, but definitely no mega box o rox action movie.

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Just got back from seeing the movie, very very close to the comic, aside from a few creative liberties taken with the end of the comic vs. the movie, it didn't really detract from it though, pretty much every character was spot on with what i was animating them like in my head. I can't wait for the extended movie to come out, definitely will match up more with the comic, plus they might even make an alternate ending to mirror the comic.

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I just finished reading the original, and I have to ask: Why change the ending? The ending was the whole fucking point of the comic!

the ending change lead to the EXACT same outcome, just in a slightly different way, everything turned out the same. It's not that big of a deal.

And yes people, there is a hefty amount of blue cock and tits (unfortunately leaning more toward the cock side) in this movie, hee hee haw haw, it's like that in the book too. With that out of the way, let's leave that out of our reasons for disliking the movie when the innevitable i hate everything everyone else likes post comes along (I know exactly who is going to come in and say it too ;D, I'm just waiting for the post).

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Movie was awesome. A lot better than I thought it would be. Some pretty good performances as well (Surprising these days).

I was put off a little by some of the dialogue changes/scene consolidations (And yes I still miss the squid :P), but the movie as a whole surpassed it. Some very nice filmmaking here as well.

Can't wait for the definitive edition.

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And yes people, there is a hefty amount of blue cock and tits (unfortunately leaning more toward the cock side) in this movie, hee hee haw haw, it's like that in the book too.

It is, but the blue cock is noticable only in one scene IMO, in the others, it just wasn't that um... eye catching? (I'm talking about the comic)

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Was a pretty cool movie. I didn't think I'd get too much enjoyment out of it given that I never read the comics, but it was a pretty cool story... Makes me want to read the comics, though a friend advised against it now...

All he said was giant squid...

It had a nice balance of humor, exploding people, and what I'd consider a non cliche plot...

Well worth getting to the union square theatre 2 hours in advance to get decent seats (even still we were pretty far back on line...)...

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